Naruto had a sumptuous dinner at Uchiha Sasuke's house and went home to rest happily.

The next morning, Naruto came to the Hokage's office after drawing natural energy for his friends as usual.

When the consultants saw Naruto coming, they also stood up and saluted:"Hokage! ×6"

Jiraiya also used honorifics at this time. Although Jiraiya was Naruto's master, he would give Naruto face on important occasions.

Naruto nodded and motioned them to sit down, then sat in the main seat and said to Jiraiya:"Summon the scroll toad from Myoboku Mountain! It's time to use the seal key."

Jiraiya naturally recognized Naruto's strength, and he did not hesitate to use the summoning technique to summon a strange toad.

The scroll toad has a black back but an orange belly. The most peculiar thing is that the middle of this toad is like a spring connected.

This strange toad immediately attracted Naruto's curiosity. Naruto slowly walked to the scroll toad and looked around.

The scroll toad saw that Naruto was a sunny little kid and did not stop Naruto's curious observation, but just asked Jiraiya beside him:"Why are you looking for me this time?"

"Naruto is already very strong, it's time to return the key!"Jiraiya said to the scroll toad with his hands in his hands.

""Sennin Fukasaku has told me the situation, so where is Naruto now?" The scroll toad looked around, looking for Naruto.

"Am I so inconspicuous?"Naruto patted the belly of the scroll toad and said helplessly, but by feeling it, Naruto was sure that the spring in the middle was not

"Sorry! Shenren Fukasaku said that you are very powerful and have a strong aura. I didn't expect you to be such a cute kid."Scroll Toad touched the back of his head embarrassedly.

"But Naruto, your temperament does change a lot when you're fighting or when you're emotionally excited! Could it be because of the Mangekyō Sharingan?"Jiraiya was also a little curious. Naruto was usually like an innocent and well-behaved child, but once he was fighting or angry, he was like a different person. The change was too fast for people to adapt to.

"No! I absorbed too much of the Nine-Tails' energy and developed my own abilities, which can further affect the people around me with my emotions."Naruto didn't hide anything about this. Anyway, you can't defend yourself. If you are not mentally prepared, you will be hit.

"Back to the point, you just show me the key, you don't need to help me unlock it. I can't stand this kind of stimulation."Naruto doesn't want to perform a feat of swallowing a toad alive

""Okay!" After the scroll toad finished speaking, it stretched out its body, and a large scroll appeared. Then the scroll slowly displayed the key to the Bagua seal left by Minato Namikaze in front of everyone.

Naruto carefully looked at the types of seal runes required and the structure of the seal runes. After he completely memorized the key, he said to the scroll toad:"Okay, you can put it away."

"Well, is there anything else? If not, I will go back."The scroll toad slowly put away the scroll and asked Jiraiya

"No more, you can go back and rest."Jirai did not keep the scroll for long and the toad lifted the summoning technique.

"So Naruto, are you going to start taking the Nine-Tails' power now?"Jiraiya looked at Naruto curiously.

"No! I just abide by the agreement I made with the Nine-Tails. He provided me with chakra to help me practice, and I gave the Nine-Tails freedom when I became the strongest in Konoha."Naruto shook his head and solemnly said the oath he made with the Nine-Tails.

"But the tailed beasts are meant to balance the power between the ninja villages. If this happens, we will have one less trump card in Konoha."After Jiraiya became a consultant, he actually managed Konoha and lost his heroic temperament. For the current situation of Konoha, if Naruto really released the Nine-Tails, then other ninja villages would definitely attack.

"This is the agreement between me and the Nine-Tails, and no one can change it."Naruto said firmly, without giving in.

"And they won't attack so quickly!" Naruto changed the subject and looked meaningfully in the direction of the Land of Fire.

Naruto activated the Flying Thunder God Array and brought all the consultants to the forest behind the Konoha Shadow Rock, then looked at them solemnly and said:"I will discuss some conditions with the Nine-Tails later, you will be witnesses and go back to inform the Konoha Village ninjas!"

"Yes!" Although they were consultants, they were more likely to follow Naruto's arrangements.

Naruto first took out a scroll and then unsealed a hand inlaid with several three-magatama Sharingan from it. Just as everyone was wondering what this was, Naruto stretched out his hand to his left eye and dug out his left eye.

This scared Jiraiya, how could he release the Nine-Tails and dig out his eyes! When Uchiha Fugaku was about to rush up to ask, he stopped Jiraiya.

"Lord Jiraiya, don't be nervous. Lord Hokage should use our clan's secret technique Izanagi to avoid risks when releasing the Nine-Tails, so don't be nervous." Uchiha Fugaku saw what Naruto was thinking through Naruto's behavior. For someone like Uchiha Fugaku who knew the secret technique of Izanagi, Naruto's thoughts were easy to guess. Jiraiya had no image of this ninjutsu in his mind, and seemed extremely confused, and the others were also confused.

Uchiha Fugaku had to come out to popularize science:"This is the top secret technique of my Uchiha clan. By sacrificing a three-magatama Sharingan, things that happened in a short period of time can be rewritten into a situation that is beneficial to oneself. In this way, even if Lord Hokage peels off the Nine-Tails, he can rewrite the situation that is unfavorable to himself after the Nine-Tails leaves the body."

Everyone finally knew the reason why Naruto dared to do this. They thought���It is to separate a part of the Nine-Tails and take it out!

While Uchiha Fugaku was explaining the science, Naruto had already taken out a three-magatama Sharingan from Danzo's severed hand and installed it on his left eye.

Naruto's mind sank into the sealed space, looking at the Nine-Tails in the sealed space and smiled:"Are you ready to go out! Nine-Tails?"

"I can't wait! And my name is Kurama, remember that, kid."The Nine-Tails laughed and said excitedly.

Naruto flew to the center of the sealed gate, imitated the key of the Eight Diagrams Seal on the scroll toad to remove the seal in his body, and Naruto also separated the chakra and a trace of soul left by his parents from the seal.

As the seal was lifted, the keyhole of the gate in the middle of the sealed gate slowly opened. During this period, Naruto once again sealed the part of his parents' chakra in his body.

As the seal was completely opened, the scarlet Nine-Tails' chakra poured out of Naruto's body at an extremely fast speed, and Naruto's mind returned to his body and began to use Izanagi.

As the Nine-Tails' chakra poured out wantonly, the animals in the forest panicked and flew away from Naruto's location in all directions. Some animals that were closer to Naruto were foaming at the mouth and passed out due to the pressure of the Nine-Tails' breath.

The advisory group also stepped back and moved away from Naruto after feeling the Nine-Tails' breath coming towards them. Their brows could not help but frown, and Uchiha Fugaku even opened his Mangekyō Sharingan.

A minute later, the huge Nine-Tails appeared in front of Naruto, and the tails behind the Nine-Tails were waving wantonly and accompanied by a loud roar. Naruto's face was pale and tired. Naruto felt as if he had lost too much blood, his whole body was weak and his mind was dazed, and his cells felt like they were being torn apart.

However, as Naruto moved his mind, the weak Naruto gradually became illusory and a ruddy-faced Naruto reappeared in front of the Nine-Tails.

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