After Naruto spent more than a month to learn the Palm Immortal Technique, Naruto also let Xiao Li experience the joy of practicing all day for two months, except for Wednesdays. It's not that Xiao Li couldn't hold on, but Xiao Li was old enough to go to school. Xiao Li could only practice with Naruto in the morning and afternoon before school and after school. But at the end of the day before Xiao Li went to school, Naruto could still see a trace of relief on Xiao Li's face.

However, Naruto has not taught Xiao Li the practice of Qi. It is true that those four eyes do not allow him to be so open. If Danzo knew that Naruto had a way to greatly increase people's strength, then the third generation might not protect Naruto.


Naruto's current Qi has been twice as strong as the total amount of those ninjas who monitored him in the past two years of training.

It's time for Naruto to touch the trace of soul memory of his parents that remains in his body.

Naruto believes that they should have the ninjutsu of tampering with memory in their memory.

If that doesn't work, the ninjutsu of sealing memory used in Loulan is also possible.

However, this time, there is no need to completely awaken their backhand, because their soul is in Naruto's body.

As long as Naruto finds a soul breath different from his own and then uses Qi to read it, it will be fine.

(Similar to the mind-reading of the elder of Namek)

At night, Naruto sat cross-legged and meditated as usual, but this time he was not meditating to cultivate Qi but looking for a trace of soul fragments left in his body by his parents.

In fact, after so long, Naruto really knows what meditation is.

Naruto feels his own Qi in the body and finds that his body's Qi will circulate in the body according to a certain trajectory.

The so-called meditation practice is to try to control these Qi to accelerate towards his original path.

It cannot be reversed, otherwise the Qi will be chaotic, and you can only wait for your body to slowly adjust back and that will be the weakest time.

So"Qi" is simply to absorb and utilize the external energy of the food you eat with the cooperation of various organs of the body, and then a very small part of the absorbed energy will form"Qi" under the promotion of the entire body system and promote the stable operation of the body like hormones.

But this Qi will be very weak at the beginning.

If your mental strength is strong, you can still feel the existence of Qi when you meditate and empty your mind.

If your mental strength is not very strong, you can only work hard to exercise.

With constant exercise, the body will need more Qi for internal regulation, and the body will receive this signal to increase the amount of Qi produced.

As long as the Qi reaches a certain threshold, we will feel its presence during meditation.

After that, we can increase our own Qi by slowly controlling our Qi to increase our body's output of Qi.

The more a person can eat, the better his talent for Qi cultivation is.

Just as Naruto was meditating to feel the trace of his parents' soul fragments in his body, suddenly, Naruto's consciousness was drawn to a dark place, and there was a lot of water on his feet, just like a huge sewer. Naruto immediately realized that this was his own sealed space. Naruto was not afraid of such an environment, but laughed at himself,"I forgot that a trace of their soul fragments was sealed here."

Naruto walked forward slowly, and the lights on both sides of the aisle gradually lit up because of Naruto's progress, and the road ahead became clear. After Naruto walked for a while, a huge fence suddenly blocked Naruto's way, but it was dark inside the fence and nothing could be seen. Just when Naruto was wondering where the Nine-Tailed Fox had gone, a pair of giant claws suddenly attacked Naruto.

Naruto dodged urgently, and the giant claws were just a little bit away from hitting Naruto. At this time, Naruto really saw the Nine-Tailed Fox's appearance, with a fiery red fur and a pair of scarlet animal eyes. The most important thing was that the huge body of nearly 100 meters tall was extremely deterrent. However, it did not look as strong as Hu Hansan remembered, but a little thin.

Just after Naruto dodged, the Nine-Tailed Fox was still trying to stab Naruto with its claws while shouting,"Little devil, come here, I want to kill you. How dare you devour my chakra."

Naruto ignored the Nine-Tailed Fox's words and watched the Nine-Tailed Fox's operation quietly. After a while, the Nine-Tails found that it could not shake the sealed space after all and gave up. Instead, it questioned Naruto,"What strange ability have you cultivated, little brat? Why can you devour my chakra?"

Naruto calmly replied,"This is my secret. There is no need for me to explain it to you, and I have no obligation to ask you to answer. However, I want to make a deal with you, a deal in exchange for your freedom."

The Nine-Tails was dismissive of Naruto's words, and instead glared at Naruto fiercely and said,"What qualifications do you have to make a deal with me, you evil human brat."

Naruto was not intimidated by the Nine-Tails, but stared at him firmly and said," Because you don't have any choice, the existence of the sealed space ensures that I will not be hurt by you, but I can slowly eat away your chakra. You can bet on whether I can completely eat away your chakra. I can guarantee that as long as you refuse my request, it means that you will give up the chance to gain freedom and be eaten away by me to death. But I don't know if you will be resurrected in this way."

The Nine-Tails has never been threatened like this, especially by such a little kid.

He couldn't help but hold back a fire in his heart, and then punched the fence hard, gritting his teeth and said,"Tell me!

What deal?" Naruto saw that the Nine-Tails was so sensible, smiled and said,"It's very simple, let go���You must restrain your own chakra, and when I am affected by the illusion, you must increase the impact of chakra on the sealed space to help me get rid of the illusion.

I believe you can do this step, just like pulling me here this time, I don't believe that I can just come to this place without doing anything.

And I will release you when I become the strongest person in Konoha who has no second thoughts.


After listening to Naruto's words, Jiuwei was a little moved, but still fiercely questioned Naruto,"What do you use to guarantee that you will fulfill your promise."

Naruto shook his head and said,"I don't have anything to guarantee, but as a prisoner, I am quite similar to you. You should know that there are always people around me who monitor me. If you are trapped by the seal, then I am firmly in the hands of those high-level people in the village."

For Naruto's words, Jiuwei felt that there was no lie, and he was relieved for a while, and said coldly,"Then I will believe you humans for the last time! This is the last time I trust you humans." After saying that, he turned around and returned to the depths of the sealed space, but when he turned around, he gave Naruto a meaningful look.

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