After finishing the conversation with the Nine-Tails, Naruto stopped wasting time and spread his own Qi to cover the sealed space. Under Naruto's search, the soul fragments of Minato and his wife were soon found by Naruto. Naruto did not drag them out, but quietly read their memories. Naruto was very ambitious. He looked down on this short-term relationship. What Naruto wanted was permanent companionship in reality, and he also worked hard to practice for this. After Naruto read the memory, he exited the sealed space and began to sort out the ninjutsu training materials he had just obtained. After Naruto's rough sorting, Naruto found that there was indeed a ninjutsu that modified memory, but the difficulty of training was a bit high. It was one of the most difficult ninjutsu in the Uzumaki clan. This ninjutsu required extremely high mental strength and chakra control. However, mental strength was not a problem for Naruto, and the control of chakra could be assisted by Qi.

In order to avoid the eyes of the third generation, Naruto also hid in the sealed space to practice this ninjutsu.

After practicing in the sealed space several times, Naruto completely fell in love with this holy place for training, where your chakra consumption is almost zero.

Actually, Naruto doesn't have a lot of chakra now.

The sealed space has drained about 80% of Naruto's chakra.

Naruto's current chakra is only at the level of an elite Chunin.

Naruto's only strong Qi is now.

And here, Naruto doesn't have to worry about the amount of chakra and can quickly improve Naruto's training progress.

The only drawback is that this place can only help you practice to a small success at most, ensuring that you can use it, but the speed will not be too fast.

But Naruto said that this is enough.

After spending more than two months, on the last night, Naruto finally practiced this ninjutsu completely, but he was still not very proficient. After successfully practicing, Naruto couldn't help but sigh,"The Lian Zhang Senjutsu, a ninjutsu that everyone says is difficult, I practiced it proficiently in one month, and this ninjutsu still took me more than two months to use it under such good conditions. It is indeed one of the most difficult ninjutsu of the Uzumaki clan."

Naruto couldn't help but smile at this time, and then left the bed at an astonishing speed. Before the four people who were watching nearby could react, Naruto split his shadow clone and knocked them out. This shadow clone was given to Naruto by the Third Hokage when Naruto finished practicing the Palm Immortal Technique.

Because Naruto's life was too dull, they also changed from keeping a close eye on him to sneaking around, especially at night.

They usually assigned one person to take turns on duty to keep an eye on him, and the others were just slacking off.

After all, no one would steal a Jinchūriki, and the only one who would steal it, the Uchiha clan, had long been closely watched.

Other villages would not steal a Jinchūriki.

Once it was stolen, it would be a complete war to decide the winner, and the Jinchūriki would have to be returned in the end, unless you had the ability to fight four people alone.

Although these Anbu were not very strong, they had handled a lot of secret work in the Anbu, and they gradually understood these twists and turns, especially those who were not very strong.

People who were old and slippery were just like them.

After Naruto knocked them out, Naruto modified their memories one by one in their minds, changing the object of their submission to Naruto, the orphan of the Fourth Hokage, and they were the most loyal subordinates that the Fourth Hokage had secretly cultivated.

When they woke up, the four of them saluted Naruto and bowed to him. Naruto was very satisfied with this. In the following days, once the shift changed, Naruto would run behind them at an extremely fast speed and cooperate with his shadow clone to knock them out and modify their memories.

For a team of one jonin and three elite chunins or chunins, it was not too easy for Naruto to deal with them. Especially these teams have developed the habit of sneaking around. As long as it is the turn of the jonin to attack when they are resting, it will be a sure thing.

Because of this, Naruto was able to teach Xiao Li the method of practicing Qi and asked Xiao Li not to pass it on.

Xiao Li also readily agreed.

Xiao Li seemed to have a talent for practicing Qi, and his training speed was almost half of Naruto's before he started.

You should know that the reason why Naruto is so fast is that his body also regards the Nine-Tails as food, forcibly tearing open the most vulnerable corner of the seal left by Minato and then slowly devouring the Nine-Tails' chakra.

Otherwise, it is impossible for Naruto to have the energy to defeat a team led by a jonin before he is less than 6 years old.

There are also factors of their carelessness and Naruto's sneak attack, unless Naruto has the physique of a Saiyan.

However! Xiao Li's training speed is quite fast, but his endurance is not good. The energy in Xiao Li's body cannot support his long-term training, and Xiao Li will soon be hungry. Fortunately,

Naruto has foresight. Naruto bought a lot of fruit tree seedlings and crop seeds from the Yamanaka clan early and planted them in the secret base. Although the fruit trees have not reached the fruit-bearing year, watermelons, corn and potatoes are just ripe.

So Xiao Li and Naruto always have a simple meal in the wild before going home. If they are lucky, they will encounter wild game nearby to add to the meal. Because Naruto had been fishing in the river without restraint before, there were not many big fish in a long section of water near Naruto's secret base, only a lot of small fish in the river.

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