Valhalla Saga

Chapter 36 - Odin # 2


Woold, the eldest of the three yellow sisters, raises his head.

A symbol of the past, she grasps the end of the thread of destiny that has been broken into several strands.

Verdandy makes a new thread by pulling the strands of thread from the wool.

She who symbolizes the present could not occupy the future. The future derived from one event was not the same, just as the thread of destiny was cut into several strands.

The rest of the school in Vanaheim alone touches the air. She made fun of the thread of fate that had not yet been made, and understood why she had met the warrior of Idun for a moment.

Even though she was a symbol of the future, she didn't know the exact future. And it was rather a blessing. There's nothing more hopeless than a fixed future.

The school teases fingers again. I recalled the past once again to explore the future possibilities.

The reason why Idun's army reached the thread of destiny that holds the fate of the world.

It was now. At this moment, the warriors of Idun greatly intervened in the fate of the world.

What will be the result? What the future will be.

The school held hands together. I put the name of Idun's warrior in my mouth.


It was a miracle made by coincidence and inevitability stacked up.

The moment the jaws of the wolves of the world tried to swallow Odin, the magic of Rocky's space leap touched the remote island rising above the sea of death.

It was inevitable that the space jump magic occurred right near Odin. It is because Loki has designated Odin as his fierce guide to space leap.

But the space leap just before Odin's bite, and the aftermath of space leap, it was all coincidence that the world shook a little and revealed a gap in the jaws of the world wolves.

“The warrior of Idun! ”

Odin shouts. Tahoe hears it. I instinctively realized who was behind my back.

The jaws of the world wolves were approaching from heaven and earth. It was an invisible jaw and tooth, but the eyes of the dragon saw it.

Loki and Merlin were unable to move immediately after finishing the great magic of the long distance space leap. At the end of the space jump that had caught up in space late, Athena bounced off the ground and was rolling pretty far away with three people.

Taeho was the only one. Kuulin shouts quickly. Taeho didn't know what he specifically said. However, I fully understood the meaning of the words.

Stab him!

[Enhanced Saga]

The Eye of the Dragon sees all.

You see a gap. The rift created by the world shaken by space leap magic, revealed by it, was a short-lived weakness of the World Wolf.

[Saga: King of Camelot]

[Saga: Idun's Warrior]

Taejo unleashes his power on Caliban at once. I didn't have time to gradually concentrate my strength. It was fine if it almost exploded.

Camelot's glory rises in Caliban. Taejo stabbed the Caliban along with the dragon's eye. You pierce the air and release the glow of Camelot glowing with the golden power of Idun.

It was so short a time. The number of days before the upper and lower jaws that were touching the sky and the earth met each other stabbed the upper jaws of the world wolves.

The world shakes again. The jaw of the world wolf flutters.

Taejo roars and once more explodes his power. The god of Idun, who rides the Caliban, explodes from the wolf's upper jaw. I let him go.

A silent shock shook the sky and earth on the island. While the upper jaw disappeared, the lower jaw, which rose by itself, was naturally broken.


Taejo vomits in pain. You feel like your right arm is going to break because you used your power so suddenly.

Idun's spirit wrapped around his right arm. Idun's desperate voice reaches Taejo.

‘Tae Ho, my warrior Tae Ho. ’

Taeho sighs and looks forward. I couldn't afford to respond to Idun's voice. Kuulin shouts again.

"Never twice! Hurry up! '

It was a miracle I missed the strike. And everyone in this room knew that.

Everyone showed their own movements.

Ragnar grabs the Viking Sword and leaps toward the wolves of the world.

The Magic King vomited old age and simultaneously activated ten different kinds of magic.

Merlin looks away from the aftermath of the space jump. Even though I was old and tired, I opened my lips reflectively to recite a new spell.

Loki regained consciousness. And he once again fell into deep despair.

It is because the moment the jaws of the wolves of the world were broken, they met eyes that moved faster than anyone else.

The World Wolf Fenrir.

There was no reason in his eyes. It was only madness and anger.

Loki knows why Fenrir is such a jerk. The one who wished to be destroyed was not because of his natural nature.

The Fire.

A gathering of those who hope for the end of the world. Those who lead them all. The real reason why Loki himself infiltrated the giant's niche basket at the end of the Great War!

Fenrir sees Loki. His son was not looking at his father. The only emotion in his eyes was the cruelty of a predator dealing with a prey.

The wolf was bigger than anyone else on the island. Even the magic king, who was over a dozen meters away, could not reach his head against the shoulders of the wolves of the world.

Nevertheless, the World Wolf was faster than anyone else here. By the time Ragnar took leap, the World Wolf had already crossed the space.

Loki hurries his hand forward. You have no idea how to create magic, and you just unleash powerful magic.

The World Wolves did not stop. Rather, Loki hurls himself towards the magical power that emanates. You grind the magic with a stronger dash.

Saga: The one who conceived the disaster

Another saga was triggered by the World Wolf. It was not his own saga.

A scream echoes from the back of the world wolf, reminiscent of Queen Banshee's cry.

Loki despaired again. It was because I could see at a glance what the image of the black flame rising on the back of the world wolf.

Giant Angra.

Loki himself once made love to a giant who conceived a disaster called the World Wolf Fenrir and the space snake Jormungandra.

Her scream becomes a deadly blade that ravages the mind of Loki and everyone else. The greater the number of killers on the battlefield, the more powerful the curse.

Ragnar, who was leaping, falls. Greater warriors vomit pain, and the magic king uses seven of the magic he triggered to offset the aftermath. It was a curse more powerful than Angra.

Taeho was the least affected. The duration of his time on the battlefield was short and he did everything he could to protect Taeho.

With a tremendous amount of divine power poured out, Yidu grips his chest and settles down. She no longer speaks Taeho's name.

Taeho looks forward. The world wolf, who had broken through Rocky's magic, was closing the streets at a terrifying speed. With a blink of an eye, his teeth seem to be attacking him.

Taejo moves. He reaches out and grabs Odin, who is powerless, and blows away. It was a really quick car. The moment he blew away, Taeho heard the world wolf shatter the air.

Wake up! We stick to the plan! ’

Kuulin's fate holds Taejo back. Instead of swinging the sword back towards the world wolf, Taeho opened the air in a row. From the time I prepared for the space jump, it was exactly as I had planned with Loki.

Escape with Odin.

Rescue the king of the gods.


Loki shouts, his eyes, nose, mouth and ears spilling blood from every hole of his body, exploding magical power at once, catching the world wolf with an invisible force. Merlin's summoned pegs pierce through all parts of the world's wolf body and secure it to the ground.

But only for a moment. Taejo craves the Caliban and picks up what he received from the school by mocking Odin's other hand. In an emergency, it was the escape stone you gave me, saying you could save lives once.

When used, leap into space.

Taeho empowers his hands. You attempt to trigger magic by breaking a stone with a rune inscription the size of a thumb.

Idun sighed and looked at Taejo. Loki and Merlin, who were holding the wolves of the world, scream almost simultaneously.

The wolf of the world blew away. I moved with more terrifying power than Thor, the strongest of the gods, and all the stakes were pulled out. In the aftermath, the World Wolf was also unharmed, but he didn't care. Like Imir's blood, the power of the curse radiates a young, dark red blood and opens its mouth to Tacho and Odin.

[Saga: World Wolf Chin]

The upper jaw touched the sky and the lower jaw touched the ground. It would engulf the world, putting everything around it between itself. I've secured the room.

The magic of space jumping did not work. At the same time, the upper and lower jaws moved to meet each other. The wolf of the world once again tries to swallow Taejo and Odin with my mouth.

Taejo breathes more magical power into the escape stone. And that's when Odin made his move.


The moment he shouted, Gunnar, who was stuck in the eyeball of the world wolf, turned fiercely. I inflicted a new pain on the world wolf.

Odin did not stop there. I desperately wanted to resist fate. And it wasn't just for Odin himself.

Rescues Idun's warrior. I don't make dogs in places like this.

Odin's power was infinitely weakened in front of the natural world wolf destined for him. But Odin was the king of the gods. He was a god of war and a magical god. With all your wisdom and skill, you have created one magic. This time Odin himself stepped forward and blocked the World Wolf's jaw.


Loki screams.

The invisible wolf teeth pierce Odin. At the same time, the World Wolves rush toward Tahoe and Odin, screaming in agony and fury.

You see Angra screaming again. Athenmaha, who finally got up from afar, cries out in tears.

“My Lord!"

There is no answer. A mouth like the World Wolf Abyss has swallowed up Taeho and Odin.


Idun couldn't say anything with his dejected face. She already sat down, and she collapsed helplessly.

I couldn't feel Taeho.

I couldn't feel Taejo.

Idun trembles. I moaned again, and soon I burst into tears like a child.


The Magic King smiles. Odin's movements are completely lost in Midgard. The world wolf fulfilled the prophecy.

Odin said he would end the war with his head.

The Magic King agreed with Odin. He wasn't wrong in the least.

An army is like a man who can't function properly without his head.

The Magic King looked straight ahead. You see Asgardian warriors and Loki looking desperate.

Now is the time to do as Odin says.

Finish the war with Asgard, who lost his head.

Different magic rises from the magic king's hands.


Ulde and Verdandy were both past and present. That's why the two of them knew what was happening on an island alone on the sea of death.

The wool has prepared a new thread. It leads to many strands, but in the end it is only despair.


Mir's head opens its mouth, left alone in Mir's well.

He said out loud, knowing that no one was listening.

“Odin, king of the foolish and wise gods, will be a dog on the day the wolf awakens. ”

The wolf of the world awakens and confronts Odin, king of the gods. Fate finally caught up with Odin.

But Mimir's head is not finished. Mimir's head continued to speak.

“The possibility is 12,790 out of 100,000. ”

The likelihood changed significantly. And now there's a new change again. Mimir's head doesn't stop.

“With Odin avoiding the fate of being a dog, he will not stop fighting his fate. ”

With Odin like that. Fight against destiny with Odin.

“The warrior of Idun. ”

Mimir's head stops speaking. I listen to the sound coming from afar.


The symbolic school of the future was different from the older sisters. She sees one hope lurking among the desperate.

The school hurriedly left Vanaheim.

I needed a new fate.


Taeho closes his eyes. No, I was already wrapped up.

I didn't feel the power of Idun. I've lost contact with her.

It was the first time since I entered Valhalla. Taeho was able to recover from his fatigue. I quickly opened my eyes as if I was waking up from a nightmare.

“Are you awake?”

Odin was the master of the weary voice. He was torn apart by the teeth of the world wolf, and his body was like a piece of cloth.

But he didn't die. He was clearly alive and faced Taejo with his only eyes.

“I was lucky. No, it's the result of a desperate struggle. ”

The escape stone the school gave me finally triggered. But the magic that was supposed to have sent Thao and Odin to a safe place in Midgard was influenced by the jaws of the wolves of the world and the magic that Odin wrought.

Taeho raises himself up, chewing on the pain all over his body. I looked around and saw it for the first time.

A large tree roots protrude from the ground without a chin. Taeho himself and Odin were placed in a fissure basket of such roots.

“Where is · · · here? ”

He barely squeezes his voice and asks, but Odin waits for a moment instead of answering straight away. I heard a voice telling me where this place was on his behalf.

The sound reminiscent of thunder shook the sky covered with fog.

Sounds familiar to Odin. But it was also the first time he had heard it from such a close distance.

Taeho lets out a sigh. And I understood that this was not just another monster, but a dragon's roar.

Taeho looks back at Odin, recalling the story he told you before. Odin nods slightly.

“This is the end of the world. ”

Home to the deepest and deepest roots of the world's water wicdrasil, this is where the world's water wicdrasil began.

Taeho understood why he was disconnected from Idun. I remembered who the owner of that roar was.

The evil Dragon Needhog at the root of the World Water Wigdrasil.

His roar shook the sky once more.

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