Valhalla Saga

Chapter 37 - The Conqueror

World Water Wigdrasil shared its beginning with the world.

The roots of the world's water, Wigdrasil, were both the beginning and the end of the world.

It was the beginning because the world began, and it was the end of the world because it was located in the deepest part of the world.

Taeho recalled the class he had with Heda every night at the encampment.

When I heard about the world, I also heard about the roots of the World Water Wigdrasil.

The materialized world water of Wigdrasil was only part of the true Wigdrasil. But its size was truly enormous, penetrating the namesake Nibbleheim, the heir Midgard and the new Asgard.

Wigdrasil is larger and thicker as it goes down, and the bottom part of Wigdrasil's roots was truly an unknown world.

I couldn't find my way there, always covered in thick fog. No matter how big it was, it seemed like all it needed to do was climb up a tree, but it never did. Ordinary humans or fairies thought they were going up, going down, or vice versa.

Mimir's Spring, Odin's Secret Place, was no exaggeration even in the midst of such fog. Because of this, no one has access to Mimir's fountain but Odin's invitees.

‘But it's okay to reach Mimir's Spring. A god with a strong divinity can find his own path. ’

But even further down, the story changed. The fog has severed the Wigdrasil root itself from all other worlds.

At the time of the class, Taeho could not understand what the discontinuation meant. So I just accepted it as a severed bridge.

It was not a very wrong idea. Rather, it was closer to the right answer. Taejo was able to clearly understand the meaning of discontinuation when he came down directly to the roots.

I couldn't feel Idun. The connection with her is completely severed. Perhaps Ithun thought he was dead.

Taeho tried to stay calm.

After all, Tae Ho himself is alive now. And Odin, king of the gods, was before his eyes, though he had become a piece of wood. I was able to overcome this situation somehow.

“How long has it been? ”

“I don't know exactly. It's been, like, three or four days. ”

Odin answers Taeho's question immediately. It wasn't good news. Three to four days were too long. I felt terrible just imagining what would happen in the meantime.

The first thing that came to mind was the comfort of Adenaha, Merlin and Ragnar. What happened to the three of you? Could he have escaped from the wolves of the world?

Taejo's reflexively pulled out the Summoning Stone and injected it with magical power, but it didn't work. Adenmaha has not been summoned.

‘It's not because Adenmaha is dead. ’

Even the connection with Idun was severed. Even if it is a summoning stone, it will not summon Aden Maha.

So it was fine. Nothing would have happened to Adenmaha.

Taeho, who repeated himself several times, looked back at Odin. Many words came to mind, but nothing but a breath.

It wasn't just out of concern for Odin's rudeness.

Loki has already told me what Odin has planned.

So now I didn't have to ask about the third plan. Taking into account why the plan failed was more of a loss than a gain.

“Is there a way up? ”

Because of this, Tae Ho asked the most important thing at this moment. Odin closes his eyes deeply one time and replies with a tiring voice.

“It's not missing. It's just really hard. ”

Even though the ominous premises were followed, Taeho decided to settle for it. That meant there was a way back to Asgard. It was never impossible.

Of course, going back was not an act. Asgard must be at war with the giants of Jotunheim.

The situation was even worse.

The gods of Asgard are most likely thinking Odin is dead.

If you attack with an army, you'll be dead as soon as the Commander-in-Chief opens up.

With the addition of the World Wolf Fenrir here, it was no exaggeration to say the crisis of the Flashlight.

‘Let's calm down, let's calm down. ’

Taeho takes a deep breath again. The only difficulty is getting out of here. As it was said to go faster, now was the time to rule my mind.

“You're calm.”

Odin smirks bitterly, then pulls out his next words in a crumpled stance.

“Before we discuss how to get out of here, warrior Idun, I just want to thank you for a moment. ”

Odin forcefully raises his messy body and puts his fist in his chest. He knocked twice and said, facing Taejo directly.

“You saved my life. I've succeeded in beating a desperate fate. As king of the gods, I give my deepest thanks. ”

Odin was still king of the gods, though he was a mess. Odin's sincere gratitude for Taejo, the warrior of Valhalla, was never to be passed along.

“I just did what I had to do as a warrior of Idun. ”

Taeho responded in a reflexive manner. I blamed the movie or novel for always answering my mouth, but when I got to the same place, I couldn't say anything more than that.

Odin chuckles. Taeho realized one thing.

Odin was Valhalla's warrior before he was king of the gods. Although many masks were overlapped, its essence would not be much different from that of a mediocre Valhalla warrior.

“If you return, and if you win, I promise you a great reward. I'll do whatever you want. ”

Odin takes his words seriously, as if they weren't merely words of gratitude. Somehow he had the same eyes as Ragnar.

“Thank you."

Taeho gave a formal answer again. Then there was someone who dragged the tongue and kicked the horse.

‘You're not speculating. Yeah, you should be cold when you say yes. Ask Freya to marry me. ’

“Kuulin! ”

Taeho answered with a voice that resounded in his head. It's because it's so good to see you.

As Taeho quickly pulled out Gaebulg, Kuulin continued.

"Why, are you so pleased? You're relieved to hear my voice, right? ’

Taeho nods. It was really welcoming and confident.

I was responding calmly, but to be honest, it was hard. It was a level of impersonation that barely kept the peace.

However, I was relieved to hear Kuulin's voice. I felt like I could do it all the same.

Because of this, Taeho vomited once for relief and responded to Kuulin's first words.

"Then why Freya? She's prettier. It would be better if it was Idun. ’

‘I don't know what to make at this time. ’

He said as if he was tired of Kuhoolin's words.

Of course they were both jokes.

And joking meant that he had recovered that much.

“The Prince of Light? ”

Odin looks at Taejo and asks gaybug. At that moment, Kujulin appeared immortalized next to Tahoe, just like he was at Skazaha's residence. It was Odin's magic.

“It's been a long time. Odin, king of the gods. ”

Kuulin bows lightly and shows an example. Odin nods.

“I've heard stories, but it's been a long time since I've seen one. Would it be rude to say that you look better now than you did in the Great War? ”

“No, you're right. I think I'm better now. ”

Kuulin was literally obsessed with revenge in the Great War.

It's different now. I've recovered my mental relaxation as I did in Erin, the Prince of Light.

‘Furthermore, there is a teacher. ’

Skazaha, who had lost his life in the Great War, is now in Idun's garrison. The fact alone was enough to satisfy Kuulin.

Odin glances at the Ku Hoorin, then turns his gaze toward Taeho.

“Let's get back to business. As I said before, there is a way out of here. even though it's very difficult to do that. ”

After a short pause, Odin closes his eyes and listens to the sounds around him. Not long ago, I heard a roar that shook the sky from afar.

“Do you know who owns that roar? ”

“Maybe it's not the Nightingale Needhog. ”

Odin nods, thinking back to his class with Heda.

“Yes, that's right. Black Poison Dragon Needhog, crouched at the roots of the World Water Wigdrasil · · This area is his nest. ”

The roar continues a few more times, then it breaks off. Odin narrows his eyes.

“He's been looking for us. He is the only master of this land, so it is no wonder he wants to find and kill uninvited guests who showed up without his permission. But we can't just avoid him. Because he's our only way out of here. ”

“Are you saying the same thing about taking Needhog upstairs? ”

Odin shakes his head as Kuulin looks suspicious.

“Similar but different. Since the beginning of the world, Nidhog has been confined to the roots for a long time. He can't get out of here on his own. ”

It was more about permission than it was about loss, but the important thing was that Nidhog could not leave his roots.

“But there are possible beings. The only one who can freely travel back and forth between the roots and branches of the World Water Wigdrasil. ”

“Massu Latatosk · · · · · · · · · ·. ”

Taeho reflexively said.

This was also the lesson I learned from Heda.

Three horseshoes in the World Water Wigdrasil.

A Black Poison Dragon Needhog that feeds on roots.

A giant white eagle, Hresbelg, sits at the very edge of the highest branch, the beginning of every gale.

A squirrel latatosk that freely travels back and forth and forth between Needhog and Hresbelg, who cannot even meet each other.

“Yes, only him. And we need the help of Nidhog, the master of this area, to catch him. ”

Odin only talked about how to get out of here. After that, it was enough to discuss later.

After hearing Odin's explanation, Kuulin's expression worries him for a moment and then asks Odin again.

“Odin, the dragon must be Nidhog. ”

“Yes. He is an ancient constellation, one of the highest of the constellations. ”

In Odin's reply, Kuulin immediately looks back at Taejo. Taeho also nodded his head because he knew what Kuulin was thinking about Nidhog.

Master of the Dragon, the Saga of Taejo.

Of course, the opponent is Needhog, an ancient horse's head. I didn't know how much Saga of Tae Ho would work.

But there was still a possibility that it was a polyp. It was a light of hope.

After checking Taeho's smile, Ku Hoolin looks back at Odin and asks, more serious than before.

“Then Odin, I will ask you again. It's very important. ”

“Something, Prince of Light. ”

Odin also responded with a serious face. Taejo swallowed a dry saliva in a solemn atmosphere.

Finally, Kuulin opens his mouth and asks.

“Is Needhog a female or a male? ”

“Huh · · · What? ”

Odin blinks and bites again, and Taejo turns blank.


“Why, did I say something wrong? It's important.”

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