Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2722: Small dragon

The dragon's tail was cut off, the inner core of the forehead was dug away, and the three-legged flying dragon finally drank hatred on this mountain.

That hundreds of feet of body directly fell to the ground.

A dignified generation of Demon Sovereign, who lived for half a million years, ended up like this.

From beginning to end, the ghost beast was lying on the ground shaking.

For it, the three-legged flying dragon is one of the most terrifying existences in Yinglongshan. On weekdays, it would not dare to approach this mountain at all. After all, the monsters and beasts also eat the weak and the strong, and the strong swallow the weak to cultivate.

But now in its eyes, humans are more terrifying than monsters!

That's a three-legged dragon!

Just like that?

"Don't worry, you don't have dragon blood in your body, I won't kill you."

Seeing the fear of the ghost beast, Li Ye smiled, looking a little hideous. Especially in his hands, holding the inner alchemy of the three-legged dragon!

"Yes, the breath is very pure. Although the bloodline is weaker, the cultivation base can make up for it. With this, it should be almost the same."

It took so much effort for this thing.

Li Ye directly placed the inner alchemy of the three-legged flying dragon in front of the Devil Dragon Egg, and suddenly a strange scene appeared!

The **** inner alchemy slowly withered and shriveled under the naked eye. If you look closely, you can see that the **** gas is being swallowed by the dragon egg, and as the blood flow passes, the original fist size In the blink of an eye, Neidan turned into a piece of dried meat, and the original vigor on it had long since disappeared.

He threw the inner alchemy away, and Li Ye looked at the Devil Dragon Egg. Compared with before, there was not much change.

But Li Ye smiled with satisfaction!

"Devil Dragon, your child is about to be born, and I will live up to the blood and the dragon **** I left behind!"

Sure enough, as his voice just fell, there were more and more cracks on the surface of the magic dragon egg in his hand, even densely packed!


Suddenly the Devil Dragon Egg broke a hole, and at the same time a small fleshy claw protruded from it.

Immediately afterwards, the entire eggshell was completely cracked, and in the eggshell, a thing about the size of a palm and full of pink flesh was curled into a ball with closed eyes.

As if it was the first time that he felt the outside air, Wei Wei was a little uncomfortable, and opened his mouth and made a slight whine.

"the host."

Wangcai approached, looking at the little magic dragon and couldn't help but slobber.

"Fuck off, you can't eat this thing! The big guy over there is enough for you!"

Wangcai, a foodie, can eat anything! Especially the ancient mark of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Wolf in the body, it will not be suppressed by Longwei at all!

After all, you really have to count, although the demon dragon is a divine beast, but the sky-swallowing devil wolf is in the legend, but even the sky is daring to swallow it! Not to mention the beasts and the like, in front of it is food!

Although a little disappointed, Wangcai also knew that his master would not allow him to eat the little magic dragon, so he could only helplessly get to the corpse of the three-legged flying dragon with a mouthful of blood!

In the next moment, the corpse of hundreds of feet was swallowed by her in one bite!

Good teeth, good appetite.

Even if Li Ye saw this picture, he couldn't help but sigh every time.

After a full hiccup, Wangcai was satisfied and made a very human action, patted his stomach.

If Li Ye killed the three-legged dragon just now and scared the ghost beast to death, then Wangcai swallowed the body of the three-legged dragon at the moment, making it tremble with fright.

Especially, after Wangcai swallowed the three-legged flying dragon, his eyes still lingered on it with unkind intentions, and it made the ghost beast regret it. Why didn't he have eyes to provoke those humans!

This is good, humans have not eaten it, but they may become other people's food at any time.

After the little Devil Dragon was born, he opened his eyes not long afterwards, and slid into Li Ye's chest, revealing only a small head.

Obviously it is very familiar with Li Ye's breath, because Li Ye has the blood of the Devil Dragon, so for the Little Devil Dragon, Li Ye is directly regarded as his mother.

"It is worthy of the blood of a sacred beast, and it was born in the world-wide realm."

Li Ye had to sigh with emotion when he patted the head of Little Devil Dragon.

He cultivated from a mere mortal and went through hardships and dangers step by step, and only then has he cultivated like this. However, the little Devil Dragon was born, and he didn't do anything.

This shows the inherent advantages of the beast.

After hatching the Devil Dragon Egg, Li Ye's next step was naturally to go to the land that was rumored to have been born in auspiciousness.

With the ghost beast leading the way, almost no beast approached without eyes.

Even to the back, even Li Ye felt a few powerful breaths nearby, but they didn't appear.

He soon understood.

"You little thing, you only knew how to play majestic when you were born."

It turned out that the breath of the little magic dragon was not controlled at all. Especially the looming Dragon Power, enough to deter most monsters.

Those under one hundred thousand years old saw the ghost beast and ran away. It was stronger than the ghost beast, but smelled the aura of the little magic dragon, and immediately fled away.

This is not Li Ye's half-hearted dragon. Although the little Devil Dragon was just born, the pure and incomparable dragon breath is definitely something that scares most monsters.


As if understanding what Li Ye meant, the little magic dragon shook his head slightly triumphantly.

But Li Ye still threw it into the inheritance space.

Just kidding, although the little magic dragon can stun some monsters, it is just the weakest moment in its life. Once you encounter a powerful monster, such as the previous three-legged flying dragon, it will definitely become a delicacy in their eyes!

Or a strong human being, a cub of a devil dragon, it is a treasure that is comparable to or even more precious than the innate treasure!

It's him if he sees him, he will also **** him.



With a roar, the disciples of the Sanying Building where Li Ye was previously looked green.

Behind them, an old man had a gloomy face. On the side, Elder Liao was a bit resentful!

"Elder, that kid seems to have left!"

"Nonsense! I asked where I went!"

Several Sanyinglou disciples were originally left to monitor Li Ye's movements, but they didn't even know why, and lay down in a daze. After being slapped and awakened by a slap, the two elders of the Zongmen appeared in front of him.

"This, this..."

"Trash! What use do you keep!"

With a few screams, these Sanyinglou disciples suddenly lost their breath, and their bodies were randomly thrown aside.

"I don't believe it, they can't go far!"

Elder Liao's eyes were gloomy. He was thrown out of the restaurant by Li Yeyi's chopsticks, and he lost face. He would never swallow it! And this time he is not here alone! Right beside him, the old man didn't say a word, but even if he saw it, he had to wait carefully!

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