Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2723: Someone is the first to get there?

"Old blood, that kid probably heard the wind and ran away one step ahead of time."

Elder Liao carried a trace of resentment, but this time he invited a strong man from the Sanying Building!

This old man in front of me!

Old blood, no one knew his real name, or anyone who knew his name had died in his hands.

In the entire Sanying Building, except for the owner of the Sanying Building, no one can invite him!

This time, if it wasn't a matter of great importance, the owner of Sanying Building would not invite such a big man out.

"Hmph, you can't go far! Didn't you say that this person was probably here to test Yinglongshan's situation? In that case, it is not difficult to find him."

"What does blood old mean?"

"Go to Yinglong Mountain!"

Ying Longshan, although Sanying Tower has risen in recent years, it has gradually become the most influential sect in the vicinity. But there are still a few sects and aristocratic families, and they don't buy it.

Now, Sanying Tower has controlled Yinglong Mountain, which has also angered several surrounding forces.

However, Sanying Building was very smart, and some small sects and casual cultivators were completely eliminated from Yinglong Mountain, but they did not stop those powerful forces.

It's not that they don't want to, but for the time being with the strength of the Sanying Tower, without the support of the Baili Mo Family, they dare not do too much.


The appearance of Elder Liao and his party shocked the disciples guarding the main road to Yinglong Mountain!

You know, the internal hierarchy of Sanying Building is strict, and the survival of the fittest, even the disciples of Sanying Building do not have a good life on weekdays. Once you offend a person at the first level of elders, you can't live or die.

Not to mention the famous violent elder Liao in the sect.

"Can any suspicious person enter Yinglong Mountain?"

"Elder Back, no."


Elder Liao's eyes were cold! Suddenly grabbed a disciple's neck, "Really not?"

Several disciples were so frightened that they didn't dare to gasp, another disciple said quickly, "Elder, there really isn't, it's just..."

"What is it?"

"Before, someone holding a token from Nan Yu's family entered Yinglong Mountain."

The Nanyu family is a powerful family in the vicinity.

Although it is somewhat weaker than the current Sanying Building, it also has a very ancient history, once becoming the most powerful force in this area.

Although it is no longer the same as before, the camel is still bigger than a horse.

"People from Nan Yu's family?!"

Elder Liao's eyes flashed coldly when he heard this, and he threw the person aside, and said respectfully to the old man on the side, "Look at the old man, blood?"

"Nan Yu's family? Hey, it seems that the old undead of Nan Yu's family can't sit still, but this time, even Nan Yu's family, don't want to take anything from here."

Sanying Building has been in constant friction with Nan Yu's family for nearly a thousand years.

It was originally only a small and weak Sanying Building. Because of the patron of the Baili Mo Family, Zhan Xun naturally had constant friction with some nearby old-brand forces.

"Hmph, Nan Yu's family has been forbearing for hundreds of years. It seems that this time it is indeed uncontrollable. Old blood, do you want us?"

Elder Liao Weiwei made a murderous gesture, but Old Xue shook his head, "Look at the situation first. Although Nan Yu's family has fallen, the deadly camel is bigger than the horse. Find the person you mentioned first, if It's really from Nan Yu's family, it won't be too late to start!"

When Elder Liao and the others chased into Yinglong Mountain, Li Ye was already under the lead of the ghost beast and came to the vicinity where everyone had heard of auspicious signs.

At this time, many traces can be seen in this area.

"A lot of people have been here."

Those traces are not monsters, but more like human cultivators left.

Soon, he had the aura of a disciple in Sanying Building.

Li Yeke is no stranger to the disciples of Sanying Building. In the restaurant before, he had already mastered the unique aura that the disciples of the Sanying Tower practiced, and he could sense it from a distance.

But what surprised him was that when he got there, he saw several corpses. From the clothes, he could see that they were under the door of Sanying Building.

"It seems that many people are interested in this place."

Sanying Tower wanted to monopolize the treasure, but did not have the strength to deter the tigers and wolves around.

From the bodies of several Sanyinglou disciples, it can be seen that they were killed before they even reacted.

"At least it was also from Emperor Wu."

The corpse still had warmth, but it was a pity that the soul had already collapsed.

After searching for a long time, Li Ye finally found a corpse with a trace of breath and soul fragments still remaining.

"Tell me, who made the move?"

Directly drew the fragment of the soul that was almost about to collapse from the corpse. Perhaps the soul was collapsed too much. At this time, a phantom shadow appeared and his eyes were dull, looming, as if it could dissipate at any time.

Shaking his head, Li Ye directly intruded into the depths of the opponent's soul. Although the consequence of doing so was to speed up the collapse of the soul, it also allowed him to see some fragmented pictures in it.

Those are the last memories of this Sanyinglou disciple in his lifetime.


Although they were only fragmentary memories, they were enough to let Li Ye know what happened.

The person who shot was very careful and didn't even reveal his identity.

But from the traces of the shot, it can be judged that the person who shot is not weak! It is by no means as simple as an ordinary emperor, it may even be an upper emperor!

A high-ranking emperor actually killed several ordinary disciples in the Sanying Building, which in itself was rather strange! Unless the other party is deliberately hiding his identity, and it comes with some ulterior motive.

"This way of shooting is a bit familiar."

Slightly frowned, but it was a pity that the other party was too cunning, and Li Ye could only shook his head.

The disciples in Sanying Building around here have all been killed.

Even Li Ye saw the corpses of several monsters.

"It seems that Sanying Building has some means of slavery, and the rumors are true."

Looking at the corpses of the monster beasts, Li Ye was not curious.

Although the law of slavery is not on the stage, it does not mean that it has been lost. Obviously Sanying Tower should have obtained a copy of the slave beast method from where, but it is not complete, and the technique is very rough.

Someone killed all the disciples and strong men who stayed here in the Sanying Building. Among them, Li Ye also saw two Wuhuang strong men in the Sanying Building.

The two obviously resisted before they died, but there was a touch of horror on their faces!

"A palm shattered my heart."

Examined two Wu Huang corpses, even the weakest Wu Huang, so simple to be shattered by the palm of his heart, the strength of the person who shot it can be imagined! After all, it is not so easy to kill a martial emperor.

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