Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3130: The people in Colossus are stupid


The people in the Colossal Image Domain who were almost desperate at this time were still in a state of distress that hadn't recovered.

Just now the scene of the doomsday like the collapse of the earth, even the Emperor Wu was frightened, let alone ordinary people in the Colossus?

It was calm, as if nothing happened.

The only thing that made everyone know that everything was not a dream before was the scorched earth that was deserted for hundreds of miles and turned into a dead place.

"Giant Spirit Emperor! Look at the good deeds of your giants!"

The strong men of the Snake People and the Giant Rock Clan exploded their lungs. This is the territory of their two tribes, hundreds of miles away, and their hearts are bleeding!

Not to mention, this time they have all fallen to Emperor Wu, if it weren't for the Giant Race to be the most powerful race in the Colossus Realm, they would have long been abusive.

"Huh! Giants must give a statement this time! Otherwise!"

A martial emperor of the snake-human clan uttered a word, and a light of astonishment radiated from his cold eyes.

Even though the Snake People are not powerful in the Colossal Region, they obviously won't be silent this time.

The Giant Rock Clan also snorted, "Too much bullying! This Colossus Domain is not the back garden of your Giant Clan!"

Some races in other colossal regions also frowned slightly at this moment.

Originally, the Colossus Region had been fighting and chaos, and there were many frictions among the various races. But on the surface, it is fairly stable, respecting the giants.

But this time, the powerhouses of the other races will not be silent.

"Giant Spirit Emperor, do we need an explanation for this matter?"

In the face of everyone's persecution, the giant spirit emperor also had misery.

Not to mention these people, even the ancient martial emperors of the giant clan are a little disgusted with his audacity this time.

No matter how strong their giants are and dominate the giants, if they really anger other races, their lives will not be easy.

"You need to explain?"

However, before the Giant Spirit Sovereign could think about how to speak, a cold, aloof voice sounded above everyone's heads.



Several martial emperors in the Colossal Region were shocked!

Being able to reach them so silently and without being noticed at all, what kind of existence does the comer exist?

Only the Giant Spirit Sovereign sighed secretly, he was also so terrified at the time, but now, looking at the other tribes' martial emperor's aggressiveness and menacing, the expression of horror suddenly became extremely frightened, suddenly showing a mocking color.

When everyone looked up, they just saw a beautiful human woman.


The Emperor Wu of the Snake Clan snorted angrily!

But the next moment, including him, the entire giant image domain, big and small, whether it is Emperor Wu or the king, all feel that the surrounding world has completely disappeared, and their whole bodies can't move!

Even their spirits were forcibly pulled out of the sea of ​​consciousness as if they were being alive.

This time, the many powerful people in the Colossal Domain were frightened!

"Meet your lord!"

The Giant Spirit Sovereign responded the fastest and bowed directly to salute.

Everyone was stunned when they saw it!

Even the other martial emperors of the giant clan were dumbfounded! The dignified emperor, such a humble appearance, have they ever seen it?

Only the Giant Spirit Emperor didn't have any dissatisfaction or anger in his heart, but rather anxious, with a look of anxiety.

"Giant Spirit Emperor! What are you doing!"

How proud of the giants! It is the absolute overlord in the colossal domain! What's more, the giant spirit emperor is still a peak middle emperor! In the entire colossal domain, he is stronger than him, but only two or three!

The Giant Spirit Emperor whispered to everyone, "It's rude in front of the adults! You are so bold!"

This drink made the other powerful people look at each other.

The Empress Jinghong was expressionless and frosty. The group of people in front of her was no doubt in her eyes. What she cares more about now is Li Ye who disappeared with the catastrophe just now.

As for whether these people are dead or alive, she wouldn't even think about it.

The giant spirit emperor's forehead sweat rolled down one by one, and said boldly, "I don't know if your lord is going well?"

He had clearly seen another human kid doing alchemy just now. Although he was not 100% sure, he had traveled to other places in the Lower Nine Regions and had naturally seen one or two.

Empress Jinghong did not answer, because even she did not know whether Li Ye succeeded.

But her silence deepened the hesitation in the giant spirit emperor's heart, and his face was even more worried.

The other martial emperors are not stupid!

The human women in front of them looked harmless, but they weren't noticed just by approaching them silently, and even a single look completely suppressed them all and couldn't move them. The fool knew how terrible it was.

Moreover, the giant spirit emperor also honored as an adult!

Of course, there are also eye-openers.

The Snake Emperor Wu Huang snorted, "Giant Spirit Emperor, you have lost the face of your giants and our Colossus Domain! A human being makes you so disregarding your self-esteem!"


The Emperor Wu of the Snake Clan said, but the look of the Giant Spirit Emperor changed drastically!

However, before everyone's expressions changed, the Snake Man Clan Wuhuang's voice that uttered wild words had not yet fallen, but the whole person was directly wiped out in the air, and in front of everyone, the flying ash was annihilated!

The Empress Jinghong is not an easy character, let alone a soft-hearted emperor!

At this moment, his eyes were cold, and the entire domain of the Colossus seemed to turn into a world of ice and snow in an instant!

"Diwei! Not good!"

At this time, everyone finally understood what existence they were facing!

One by one, his face paled in shock!

Emperor Wei!

"Great, my lord calm down!"

The giant spirit emperor resisted the fear and hurriedly shouted, he didn't expect it, and at the same time he was extremely grateful for the previous decision!


Emperor Wei!

There has never been a great emperor in their giant image domain!

Now, it appeared in front of them!

At this moment, the sky cracked directly, and then a figure stumbled and fell from it.

The Empress Jinghong's figure flashed and was directly caught. It was Li Ye, who was almost in a coma, and his whole person seemed to be burning. The terrible temperature, as soon as it appeared, immediately turned the Colossus Region from the ice and snow into **** lava!

Even after the Empress Jinghong touched the flame on Li Ye's body, she suddenly felt a sharp pain, but did not let go. It's just a little surprised in my heart, there is not much that can make her feel this kind of pain in this world.

Fortunately, Li Ye quickly stabilized, and the terrifying flame on his body gradually extinguished. Although he looked extremely weak and pale, revealing a kind of exhaustion, at least there was no danger.

"I almost died."

The source of chaos in his body was pressed down once again, and Li Ye was relieved as if he was fished out of the water.

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