Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3131: Eternal first! Twins!

Although the source of the chaos of the riot was once again suppressed, Li Ye at this moment had already exhausted all his energy.

If it weren't for the Empress Jinghong, she might even fall from the void.

"Where did you go?"

Before that, even the Empress Jinghong was not sure to retreat. Li Ye's current appearance obviously made her a little strange after solving the Dan Tribulation.

Before Li Ye disappeared, she only felt a strange and unparalleled atmosphere of ancient times. Although it disappeared in a flash, the place was definitely outside the Three Realms.

"A more special place, but it happens to be there, otherwise you won't be so lucky to refine the Twin Pill this time."

Twins! It is indeed something that God cannot tolerate!

Even if it can be refined, Heaven will completely destroy it!

Including the alchemist who refines twin pill, it is impossible to be spared.

But who would have thought that Li Ye had hidden his opponents!

Immortal City!

"Damn, after going back this time, the time that the Source of Chaos can be suppressed is getting shorter and shorter. It seems that it is not a last resort to return to the City of the Undead."

Although he is now the new master of the Immortal City, he is facing the end of his soul scattered at any time because of the source of chaos. Even if he was reluctantly suppressed, every time he returned to the world of the Undead City, or swallowed other forces with the source of chaos just now, he would wake up the source of chaos in his soul again.

Not every time he was as lucky as he was able to suppress it.

"We must find an opportunity to solve this time bomb."

Taking a deep breath, Li Ye is now almost equivalent to a useless person, in a short time, no different from a mortal.

His gaze fell on the martial emperors in the Colossal Region, and at the same time he noticed that the entire area of ​​hundreds of miles or even more vast land was turned into scorched earth.

"Are these all the costs of refining twin pill?"

How many creatures were sacrificed to create twin pill! Li Ye was a little confused. Although the twin pill was fortunate and changed his fate against the sky, the price was too great!

Although Li Ye looked extremely weak now, the Giant Spirit Emperor did not dare to underestimate it.

The terrifying changes in the world before, even turned the Colossus into hell!

Being able to survive that kind of scourge, the Giant Spirit Emperor couldn't even imagine what Li Ye was.

Suddenly, Li Ye threw something casually, and instantly fell in front of the Giant Spirit Emperor.

It was a dark red pill, exuding an astonishing temperature, even Emperor Wu felt as if it was about to be burned into ashes.

"My lord, what are you?"

"This is regarded as your reward for guarding for more than a year."

Li Ye smiled slightly and said, although there is a guardian of the Empress Jinghong, no one in the entire Lower Nine Regions can bother him. But it didn't mean that he didn't know what had happened recently. The pill he threw at this moment was just some of the residue left when refining the twin pill, and he directly refined it into the pill.

Don't underestimate these residues, this is the residue left after refining Twin Life Pill, the essence inside is enough to benefit a Martial Emperor.

The Giant Spirit Emperor hesitated slightly and swallowed the pill directly into his abdomen.

"Giant Spirit Emperor! Are you crazy!?"

Several other martial emperors of the giant clan were shocked, but unfortunately they were too late to stop them.

As for Li Ye and Empress Jinghong, they have disappeared in front of them.

But just a few short months later, an extremely sensational event happened in the Colossus!

The giants gave birth to an upper emperor! It has become the second upper emperor of the giant clan!

In an instant, it changed the power pattern of the entire Colossus! After all, before this, there were only two upper emperors in the entire Colossus! One of them is the oldest patriarch of the Giants, and the other one has long been missing.

In this way, the giants directly added a high-ranking emperor, so that the entire Colossus domain completely ended the war in less than a thousand years, and all the tribes surrendered! The giants have truly become the absolute masters of the Colossus.

And all of this was just a seemingly crazy gamble by the Giant Spirit Emperor back then!



In Shenshengzhou, after returning from the Colossal Region, Li Ye slept for a whole month before finally regaining his vitality.

The cost this time was even greater than he had imagined.

But when he thought of Twin Pills, Li Ye felt that it was all worthwhile.

This is a ruin that has been abandoned for countless years, and the remnants of the once glorious palace can be seen everywhere.

"Spirit veins withered, it seems that this place was once the birthplace of a powerful sect."

Feeling the almost empty and lifeless darkness under the mountains, Li Ye shook his head slightly.

After waking up, he found himself here.

The Empress Jinghong appeared directly from the void, but compared to what she was in front of the world, she did not look so terrible in front of Li Ye.

"The wound on your body has not healed."

Seeing Li Ye coming out, Empress Jinghong frowned.

"If I sleep again, my whole body will get rusty, and my injury will not get better in a short time."

The soul was once again hit hard, and anyone who was changed would be crippled if he died.

But he was different. His primordial spirit could repair and heal slowly, but because most primordial spirits were imprisoned by the source of chaos, the speed of this self-repair was much slower.

According to his own estimation, it will take at least three to five months to recover 70% to 80%.

"Your soul..."

"I know, but no one can solve this problem for the time being."

Obviously during the month when he was in a coma, the Empress Jinghong also noticed his problem.

However, the source of chaos is such a devastating thing, not to mention the Empress Jinghong, even if it is the Great Emperor Hengtian, the Great Emperor Danwu cannot solve it.

Depressing helplessly, Li Ye smiled, "Fortunately, the lifelong effort of Emperor Danwu has allowed me to refine it."


I only saw one pill lying directly in Li Ye's palm. Unlike other pill, the entire twin pill showed two colors strangely.

On one side it is extremely dark, while on the other it is pure as white jade.

Of course, Li Ye didn't know whether the real twin pill should be like this. After all, in the world, no one had successfully refined it for millions of years!

He was the first person to refine the Twin Birth Pill.

"This is the twin pill?"

A trace of complexity flashed in the eyes of the Empress Jinghong.

"It's like a fake replacement, the young man is not deceived!"

This was made by him at the risk of being almost chopped to death by Pill Tribulation and burned to death by the Source of Chaos. Naturally, there can be no fakes.

Moreover, so many waters of life, a golden fairy, this price is enough to make an emperor's Taoism feel distressed for tens of thousands of years! Among them, the water of life and the golden fairy are impossible to own even for the emperor.

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