Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1211: Psychic

The demon girl with wings on her back rushed to the gate of the ancient hall and immediately reached out and pushed towards the two closed bronze gates. . .


However, it was unexpected that the overwhelming Monster Race words and symbols rushed out, the light flashed, and she flew out on the spot.

Big demon as strong as her turned five or six somersaults in a row.

The rest of the strong men took a breath, and were afraid to take out their magic weapons one after another, rushing forward, wanting to open the door of the ancient temple.

In this ancient temple, there are countless ancient monster clan characters and symbols circling through the whole body. These characters and symbols have mysterious power and emit bursts of divine light, which are inaccessible.


All the human powerhouses, and the big demon, started to attack.

All kinds of magic weapons rammed against the gate of the ancient temple at the same time, rumbling.

The majestic Yuanli coerced, mighty, terrifying demon atmosphere, covering the sky and the sun.

The entire sky and the entire land are shaking violently and turbulently.

In the sky, the void shattered, and a series of silky black and secluded spaces continued to appear.

On the earth, countless peaks have turned into dust, and shocking ground cracks continue to appear.

Lin Fei and the queen, although they are located, are very far away from the ancient temple.

However, it can still be felt that there is a terrible energy coercion between heaven and earth, which is crushed far away.

Lin Fei couldn't help being astonished. The human powerhouses and the big demon who were attacking the ancient temple were indeed terrifyingly powerful.

Under the combined bombardment of the strong humans and the strong monsters, an hour later.

Finally, the door of the ancient temple was shaken, and a gap was opened amidst the rumbling sound.

Suddenly, an ancient breath rushed out, and a powerful demon power rushed out like a vast sea, blasting all the strong outside on the spot.

All the strong, their faces changed drastically.

However, no one is willing to stay.

next moment.

After stabilizing the body, the human powerhouse and the big demon rushed towards the gate of the ancient temple.

However, the two doors only opened a small gap, and everyone wanted to rush in immediately.

Because, everyone knows that the first one to rush in, maybe, the opportunity that can be obtained is also the greatest.

Boom boom boom...

Finally, under the circumstances of not giving way to each other, the strong human and the strong monster race, in order to compete for who entered the ancient temple first, a fierce battle broke out before the ancient temple gate.

The brilliance flickered, and all kinds of magic weapons shed light, constantly fighting.

call out!

In the end, it was still the demon girl with wings on her back. She had the fastest and the most flexible body. She took time out, but rushed into the gate of the ancient temple first.

The rest of the strong, when they saw someone rushing in, they couldn't even care about fighting.

They all stopped immediately, one by one, rushing in from the gate of the ancient temple.


At this moment, all of a sudden, the muffled noise before came out of the ancient temple again.

Moreover, it seems more violent and powerful than before.


A big demon with a body like a bull, with a lion head, and covered with blue scales, staggered out of the gate of the ancient temple.

I saw him spurting blood, and on the huge body, there were a series of scars that were deeply visible and shocking.


Under the anger of this great demon, he raised up to the sky and roared, and once again rushed in from inside the gate of the ancient hall.


A strong human being also shook his body from within the gate, then withdrew, his chest cracked and blood spattered.

He quickly took out the pill, gritted his teeth, and rushed in again.

The entire ancient temple, as these powerful men broke in, began to shake violently, and from time to time there was a loud rumbling noise that passed from it.

Moreover, from time to time, there are severely injured strong men who are thrown out of the ancient temple.

Obviously, there are many dangers in that ancient temple, and many organs and powerful formations must be arranged. Even these powerful and powerful men have been injured one after another.

At this moment.

There are more and more people like Lin Fei watching from afar.

There are densely packed figures in all directions, including human warriors and monster races. The number is so large that they can be enclosed within a hundred miles.

Moreover, after the first dozen powerful men broke into the ancient temple.

Also from time to time, there are other strong men who rushed to the scene one after another, and without hesitation, they also rushed into the ancient temple.

In a short while, more and more powerhouses entered the ancient temple.

"His sister, otherwise I would also fish in troubled waters, and then break into the ancient temple to see if I can gain anything."

Lin Fei said.

"Boy, I advise you not to be impulsive.

Anyone who dared to break into the ancient temple just now was at least the strength of the Divine Bridge Realm, with your poor strength.

If you break in, don't say whether you can cope with the organs and formations inside. It's just those strong men who can kill you dozens of times with a single encounter. "

Emperor Yan quickly stopped.

Lin Fei thought about it too, after all, it was too risky and had to give up.

Chi Chi Chi...

Just when Lin Fei felt a little depressed.


At the gate of the ancient temple, there were rays of glow flying out, rushing in all directions.

"Oh my God, under the chasing of those strong inside, there is a magic weapon for psychics, and he escaped by himself!"

Among the onlookers around, I didn't know who shouted.

The magic weapon of psychic!

Suddenly, everyone's eyes became hot instantly.

"Hurry up!"

Almost all the people, and all the demons, rose up into the sky, started to move, and reached out their powerful hands or demonic hands, grabbed them into the sky, and intercepted the rays of light flying out of the ancient temple.

However, those psychic magic weapons are obviously not so easy to capture.

Not only is it extremely fast, but it also seems to be spiritual, and the trajectory of escape is very tricky.

Some rushed to the sky, and some rushed into the mountains and old forests.

Even some powerful psychic magic weapons will automatically launch terrible attacks, blasting some weak warriors or monsters to pieces on the spot.


Lin Fei and the queen just wanted to expand their physical skills and joined the action of snatching the magic weapon of the spirits.

However, unexpectedly, there was a glow of light that rushed towards the mountain where Lin Fei was.

"There are magic weapons rushing over so far away."

Lin Fei was overjoyed, the figure that originally wanted to fly, immediately stood still, waiting for the arrival of the glow.


The glow finally rushed to the mountain peak.



That glow of light suddenly burst out a bright light that eclipsed the sun, moon and stars.

It's too dazzling, like the sun is bursting!

Lin Fei and the queen couldn't open their eyes, their eyes were stabbed in pain.

Then, this light group emitted terrifying energy fluctuations, vast and unpredictable, like a meteorite hitting the ground, violently hitting Lin Fei and the queen's position.

The whole mountain was shaking violently.

"It's miserable, run away!"

Lin Fei was so frightened.

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