Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1212: An ancient tripod

Lin Fei and the queen wanted to use their physical skills to avoid them. Wen Δ learning fan. .

But the light was so fast that it came to the sky above the mountain all at once.

Moreover, the energy it carries is really terrifying, and the overwhelming energy coercion descends from the sky, and all of a sudden, everything on the entire mountain is crushed.

Lin Fei and the Queen were surprised to find that their bodies could not move at all.

Not to mention escaping.

Lin Fei suddenly thought of the city on his body. Under this situation, he had to fight for it.

Therefore, immediately communicated with the transmission power of the city on his body, and wanted to transmit himself and the queen into the city.

However, what surprised Lin Fei was that the city's transmission power did not work.

It turned out that the surrounding space was completely suppressed by the endless and terrifying energy coercion.

It cannot be transmitted at all.

That's it!

Lin Fei felt a little desperate in his heart, and sighed helplessly.

The queen also fell into despair instantly.

Suddenly, the queen made a move that surprised Lin Fei.

I saw the queen hugged Lin Fei.

"Before you die, hug me."

Even in this situation, the queen's face still glows with red clouds, and her cheeks emit astonishing heat like a high fever.

Lin Fei only felt the fragrant breeze, feeling the tenderness that was tightly entwining him, and his heart moved suddenly.


Lin Fei thought of something between the sparks and the fire.

Great Flame Stele!

At this moment, between life and death, Lin Fei suddenly remembered the big flame stone stele in his dantian.

This big flame stone stele has really taken root since it took the initiative to enter Lin Fei's dantian and stayed inside.

Under normal circumstances, Lin Fei cannot communicate with it, nor can it drive it.

However, after trying several times before, when Lin Fei was facing a critical moment of life and death, this great flame stone stele suddenly reacted and rescued Lin Fei twice.

Now, Lin Fei was facing a critical moment of life and death, and suddenly thought of it again.

Therefore, Lin Fei's divine consciousness immediately tried to communicate with the big flame stone stele in the dantian, and conveyed to it the idea of ​​asking for help.

call out!

What surprised Lin Fei was that the big flame stone stele moved suddenly.

Then, an incredible degree, instantly appeared on top of Lin Fei's head, bursting with monstrous golden light, blazing dazzling, like a red sun, violently hitting the group of rays of light.


Soon, the great flame stone stele and the group of bright rays of light collided together, and a terrifying energy shock wave, like an undulating wave, spread from the place of impact to all directions.

Lin Fei only felt that the mountain at his feet collapsed and disintegrated in an instant, and the whole mountain was directly blasted to pieces and turned into powder. The mountain of several hundred meters high was razed to the ground in less than a second.

Lin Fei didn't suffer the slightest loss because he was enveloped by the golden light scattered from the big flame stone stele.

And the queen, because she was still holding Lin Fei tightly, was not hurt either.

In this way, because the mountain peaks underneath had exploded and turned into flat ground, both Lin Fei and the queen were suspended in the air.

Moreover, still in a hug position.

Then, both of them were surprised and happy, and there was a kind of ecstasy in their hearts.


The queen found that she was still holding Lin Fei tightly at her waist. This posture was so sweet and ambiguous.

The queen has always had a dignified and serious character. The reason for the crazy behavior of holding Lin Fei just now was because she thought she was bound to die, and completely let go of all her scruples.

Now, the crisis is over.

"Ah! What are you doing!"

Like a frightened rabbit, the queen ran away from Lin Fei, her chest "shuang feng" violently ups and downs, her face was red and burning, and the scorpion was drooping, almost buried in her chest, where she dared to raise her head. Look at Lin Fei.

Doesn't it seem to be my business?

Lin Fei was stunned.

at this time.


Two flaming streamers rushed into Lin Fei's Dantian instantly.

Lin Fei was taken aback.

Hastily looked at the pubic area inwardly.

I saw that the big flame stone stele had already returned to the pubic area.

At the same time, Lin Fei was surprised to find that there was something more in his dantian.

An ancient tripod with three legs and two ears. The style is simple and simple. The top of the tripod is engraved with various patterns, including sun, moon and stars, mountains and rivers, flowers, birds and trees, humans and various other races.

The size of this ancient tripod seems to be only the size of an adult's fist, and it exudes a sense of age-old mulberry.

This ancient tripod and the great flame stone stele were in Lin Fei's dantian, one left and the other right, facing each other far away, as if they were fighting a ceremony in a chamber.

this is?

Lin Fei couldn't help being very surprised.

I don't understand how an ancient tripod suddenly appeared in my dantian.

Just when Lin Fei felt strange.

call out……

A figure shot over here from a distance, extremely fast, and in a moment, it came to Lin Fei.

This was a young man in yellow clothes, about sixteen or seventeen years old, with a purple spear slanted on his back, with a terrifying spear intent, and an aura that pierced the sky.

On his body, the high-level half-emperor's vitality fluctuations spread.

The sorrowful eyes of the yellow boy fell on Lin Fei and the queen.

"At this position just now, there is a ray of light rising into the sky, and there must be a psychic magic weapon here.

I guess it should fall into your hands.

Okay, hand it over. The magic weapon is not a cat or a dog. It deserves to be possessed.

Be interesting, lest you lose your life for these extraneous things. "

The yellow boy said coldly.

His attitude seemed lofty and arrogant, and he even looked directly at Lin Fei and the queen.

"Let's go."

Lin Fei didn't plan to take care of this yellow shirt boy, senior half emperor's strength, and there was no deterrent to Lin Fei.

If it had been before, with Lin Fei's character, he would have killed it with a single sword.

However, in this environment, there are too many warriors in the surrounding area, and there are many powerful masters.

Lin Fei was afraid in case this yellow-clothed boy was not alone, but had a companion.

So it didn't hurt people immediately.


A holy realm, a holy realm junior, the ant's inferior strength, dare to disobey my Chen Tiansheng's words.

Could it be that you don’t know who I am?

I am Chen Tiansheng from the fairy school.

Well, I don't have much patience.

The last chance, hand it over immediately, I can spare you not to die. "

The yellow-clothed boy, Chen Tiansheng with his hands on his back, said coldly.


Lin Fei and the Queen flew up at the same time and flew away.

"Okay, very good, very few people dare to treat me with this attitude Chen Tiansheng.

In this case, you guys and dogs, die! "

Chen Tiansheng's eyes showed extremely cold eyes, with strong murderous intent.

Originally, because there were a large number of warriors around him, he didn't intend to kill people in public and seize the magic weapon of psychics.

After all, if you do this, it will be heard in full view, and it will affect his reputation somewhat.

He was going to let Lin Fei automatically consciously hand it over with his own prestige.

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