Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1213: snatch

However, he did not expect that after he reported his identity, the men and women in front of him chose to ignore him. "Ω text Δ" "Δ school fan. ㄟ.

At this moment, the killing intent in Chen Tiansheng's heart reached its extreme.

Moreover, just now, he saw with his own eyes that the golden glow of this location rose to the sky, razing a mountain to the ground instantly.

Needless to say, there must be an extremely powerful psychic magic weapon that fell here.

Chen Tiansheng determined that that powerful magic weapon must have fallen into the hands of the couple in front of them.

Regardless of that, he would not let the couple leave alive.


The spear behind him soared into the sky, and a series of terrifying gun shadows were born out of thin air, covering the entire space.

The densely packed gun shadows completely sealed off within ten miles.

Lin Fei and the Queen were also within this ten-mile range, and they suddenly felt that their body was tightly entangled by countless sharp shots.

It seemed that as long as they moved, these dense gun shadows around them would swarm up and tear their body to pieces.

Three-point gun domain!

The domain displayed by the warrior can block or even control a small area of ​​space.

This Chen Tiansheng realized the three-point gun domain.

And he is only about sixteen or seventeen years old.

Sixteen or seventeen years old, with the strength of a half-emperor, and realized the three-point gun domain.

Lin Fei could not help but secretly admire.

It seems that the Sovereign is 6, which is indeed much more advanced than Yuanwu Realm.

A young man can show such terrifying strength, which is something that Yuan Wu realm would never even dare to think of.


After Chen Tiansheng released the three-point gun domain, his gaze also seemed to have turned into two cold gun lights, and two words were lightly spit out in his mouth.


Within ten miles, all the gun shadows and gun lights strangled Lin Fei and the queen's body.

Chen Tiansheng didn't plan to use any powerful martial arts at all to deal with a holy realm and a holy realm elementary. He only needs to release a three-point gun power for a while, and he can easily strangle it.

"Huh, it's up to you!"

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and the fierce sword aura instantly appeared around his body, bombarding those gun shadows and gun lights, and all the gun shadows and gun lights were destroyed and disappeared.


The terrifying sword aura that filled the sky, like a school of swimming fish in the deep sea, rushed towards Chen Tiansheng with extreme speed.

"how is this possible!"

Chen Tiansheng only felt that terrible sword auras came violently. At this moment, deep in his heart, there was a sense of extreme danger.

Chen Tiansheng couldn't help but stepped on the ground and backed out five or six steps, his face extremely pale.

An ant who entered the Holy Realm actually broke his three-point shot, and created a terrible pressure on him, it seems that the other party can really hurt his life.


Lin Fei sent a sound transmission of divine consciousness to the queen, his figure flashed, and he appeared tens of thousands of meters away.

Lin Fei realized that there were ten figures in the distance, rushing towards this side, seeming to be Chen Tiansheng's comrade.

Therefore, Lin Fei does not intend to fight this Chen Tiansheng for the time being.

The queen's body style was not much slower than Lin Fei's, and her figure flickered, she had already followed Lin Fei.

The two moved around again and again, and they were already far away from Chen Tiansheng in an instant.

"Junior Brother Chen, what's going on.

When we saw you working with someone, we rushed over. "

Lin Fei and the queen had just left, and there were already a dozen people, all young people, coming to Chen Tiansheng's side.

Most of these dozen people are older than Chen Tiansheng.

The cultivation base is mostly holy realm, and two or three are half-emperor strengths.

"Junior Brother Chen, you are one of our immortal school's key disciples. At a young age, you were personally accepted as a direct disciple by the head. Your status is very honorable.

So, you have to be careful about everything. If something happens, we will not be able to confess to the head after returning. "

A young man about twenty-five years old spoke.

"Brother Wu is worried.

By the way, the men and women just now must have obtained a very powerful magic weapon, and sent two people to follow them secretly.

Let's grab other psychic magic weapons first, and when things are over here, we will go find this couple of dogs and men. "

Chen Tiansheng said.

Soon, there were two figures secretly following in the direction where Lin Fei and the queen had left.

Although Chen Tiansheng is still young, he has long been accepted as a direct disciple by the head of the Immortal School because of his enchanting aptitude, and his status in the school is very high. Although he calls these people seniors, these seniors still want Listen to his dispatch.

"Go, another psychic magic weapon rushed out over there, let's go over."

With a wave of his hand, Chen Tiansheng led the dozens of immortal disciples and rushed in one direction, where a brilliant glow was falling.

Huh hoo hoo...

At this time, in the ancient temple above the volcanic crater, inside the gate, there are still brilliant rays of light rushing out from time to time, flying out in all directions.

Countless martial artists, regardless of the strength of their cultivation base, even those masters in the emperor realm and the bitter sea realm, are desperately displaying their starting techniques to catch up with the rays of light.

You know, this is a magic weapon.

No warrior, or monster clan, could resist this temptation.

Of course, in order to compete for these psychic magic weapons, one after another tragic killings soon took place.

Within a radius of hundreds of miles, or even thousands of miles, there are warriors or demon races everywhere. They are fighting, shouting and screaming, people are constantly being killed, and blood is flowing.

No matter which direction or location, as long as there is a magic weapon that falls, there will be dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of people, or monsters, rushing up, and then a fierce battle for treasure.

The scene is very tragic.

Of course, in the end, only the real strong can kill all the other competitors and finally get the magic weapon of psychics.

Lin Fei and the queen, after leaving Chen Tiansheng's position far away, witnessed fierce fights with their own eyes.

All the warriors, all the demon races, are madly snatching the magic weapons that fly out of the palace.

Even emperor realm masters and bitter sea realm masters participated in it.

"Too tragic!

Forget it, let's go. With our strength, it is difficult to really **** and obtain those psychic magic weapons. ""

Lin Fei witnessed all this, thought about it carefully, and made a decisive decision.

Because, Lin Feixian, every psychic magic weapon, in the end, seems to have fallen into the hands of those bitter sea realm or emperor realm masters.

With the current strength of himself and the queen, it is impossible to get involved.


The queen also nodded and agreed with Lin Fei's idea.

Until now, she still didn't dare to look at Lin Fei directly, and there was still a faint red glow on her cheeks, but Lin Fei didn't notice it.

Just when Lin Fei and the Queen were about to leave.


There was a sound of breaking through the sky in the distant sky, and dozens of divine rainbows flew here.


Afterwards, it seemed that there were thousands of horses galloping. Behind dozens of divine rainbows, there were roars of wild beasts, and the monstrous and terrifying Yuanli was rolling.

Dozens of savage beasts came up in the clouds, and on the back of each savage beast, a mighty cavalry with a golden gun and mighty armor was carried. Although the number was small, there were bursts of thunder. It seems that hundreds of thousands of troops are coming together.

"No, the people from the Holy Land are here!

I'm afraid that we have been robbing so hard, and in the end, we still make wedding dresses for the Holy Land! "

Suddenly, someone whispered bitterness.

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