Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1222: State Capital of Vietnam

Lin Fei and Qing Luo followed Xiao Yinyue into this luxurious mansion. "Wen ΔΩ school fan. .

The area of ​​this mansion is very wide, there are many buildings, garden verandas, rockery ponds, everything.

After a while, Lin Fei and the two followed Xiao Yinyue to a study room.

I saw a middle-aged man dressed as a scholar in the study.

This middle-aged man exudes a kind of high-position incumbent's aura, his eyes are not angry and pretentious.

"Yue'er, where have you been for most of the day?

I am sending people to look for you everywhere.

We have to set off immediately and rush back to our country. "

As soon as the middle-aged man saw Xiao Yinyue, he started to ask, his tone was slightly dissatisfied.

"Father, are we in a hurry to go back so soon?

Don't you plan to explore the cave house of Xuanlongxian? "

Xiao Yinyue was taken aback.

It turned out that this middle-aged man was Xiao Shimi, Xiao Yinyue's father.

"Oh, now the three holy places and the people of the three great families have sealed the Black Wind Beast Realm.

With my strength, there is no way to get involved, let's forget it, those holy places, and the people of the family, it is better for us to be less provoked.

Moreover, I just received a message from your grandfather that the situation in the capital is unstable, and the prince seems to be planning something.

I must rush back immediately to help your grandpa. "

Xiao Shimi said.

"So that's it." Xiao Yinyue only understood.

"Who are they!"

Xiao Shimi's gaze suddenly glared at Lin Fei and Qing Luo.

Lin Fei and Qingluo suddenly felt that as Xiao Shimi’s gaze came over, there was a kind of terrifying pressure, and they rushed over, firmly controlling themselves. The meridians also stagnate in an instant and are difficult to run.

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked.

This Xiao Shimi's strength is too terrifying, just a stare can cause such pressure.

"Father, don't embarrass them!

He was the one who saved me in the Black Wind Beast Realm. "

Xiao Yinyue pointed at Lin Fei and said anxiously.

"Hehe, you are Yue'er's lifesaver.

I was reckless. "

After hearing Xiao Yinyue's words, Xiao Shimi smiled and cast a grateful look at Lin Fei.

Suddenly, Lin Fei and Qing Luo felt the terrible pressure on their bodies and disappeared instantly.


The two of them exhale again and again as if a large mountain had suddenly been removed from their bodies.

"Master Xiao is serious."

Lin Fei hurriedly saluted, and Qing Luo followed Lin Fei's ceremony.

Lin Fei knew that this Xiao Shimi must also be in the Yue Kingdom and had a large official position, so he simply called him Lord Xiao.

The strength of Xiao Shimi in front of him was too terrifying.

Both Lin Fei knew in their hearts that if the other party wanted to kill themselves, it was probably the result of a spike.

"Well, in that case, you two, please come back to your country with me.

I will be responsible for protecting your safety. "

Xiao Shimi said to Lin Fei and Qingluo, with a kind of tone.

Before that, Xiao Yinyue had already told Xiao Shimi in detail about what happened in the Black Wind Beast Realm.

Therefore, Xiao Shimi knew that Lin Fei was the savior of his daughter, and his attitude towards Lin Fei was quite polite.

"Okay, then I will trouble Master Xiao."

Lin Fei's attitude towards Xiao Shimi was also quite satisfactory.

After all, the opponent's strength is so terrible, and it is quite good to be able to talk to oneself in such a kind manner.

"Okay, immediately pass the order on and set off for the capital of China!"

Xiao Shimi's voice, like a rolling thunder, was transmitted throughout the entire mansion.

Immediately, everyone in the entire mansion was busy packing things up.

After a stick of incense, there were already more than two hundred people gathered in front of the gate of Fuyi, all of whom were from the Xiao family.

After all the people gathered at the gate, Xiao Shimi's figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone like a ghost.

I saw him wave his sleeve into the sky.

A sharp bird's song sounded high in the sky, piercing the golden cracked stone.

Then, a huge big eagle fell from the sky and stopped in front of Xiao Shimi.

This big eagle is a hundred meters high and has a huge mouth and claws. It is very powerful, and it has the strength of the bitter sea!

The monstrous demon power rolled and tumbling on it, very terrifying.

Except for Xiao Shimi, everyone was looking at this big eagle with awe. It was a monster in the sea of ​​suffering!

"Go all up."

Xiao Shimi's figure moved, and it was already on the back of the great eagle.

The rest of the Xiao family also jumped up one after another.

Lin Fei and Qing Luo followed everyone else and jumped onto the big eagle's back.

The figure of this big eagle is very large, and the back is very wide, enough to hold thousands of people.

More than two hundred people are standing on it now, it seems very sparse.

"Brother Diao, let's go."

Xiao Shimi spoke to the big eagle under him in a tone of the same generation.

The big eagle nodded slightly.


After all the people came up, the big eagle slammed its wings and produced a powerful air current. Its huge figure instantly disappeared in Qingfeng Town, and it appeared in Qingfeng in just one breath. In the space more than 80,000 meters away from Fengzhen.

Lin Fei couldn't help but admire this degree.

Moreover, this big eagle appears to be very relaxed, obviously not flying at full strength, this is not its fastest speed.

Just when Xiao Shimi left Qingfeng Town with the people of the Xiao family.

Above Qingfeng Town, in another luxurious mansion.

"Huh, Tian'er's death is indeed a good thing done by the Xiao family!"

In the large living room, a middle-aged black-clothed man with a huge figure and a fleshy face, in a rage, stretched out his hand suddenly and patted the coffee table in front of him. The coffee table banged, turned into nothingness, and disappeared directly, even dust. There is no half of it left.

"Father, why don't we kill the door now and avenge my brother!"

Liu Jin was standing next to him at this time and said to the middle-aged man in black.

It turned out that this middle-aged man in black was Liu Jin's father.

"No, Xiao Shimi's strength is not worse than mine. I still don't have the confidence to defeat him.

Go to the door now, he will definitely not admit it.

We are now returning to our capital.

I have received a call from your grandfather today. The eldest prince has already decided. Once the martial arts competition is over, he will immediately start the action he has planned for a long time.

Hmph, when the plan of the eldest prince is successfully implemented, the entire Xiao family will be left to us. "

The middle-aged man in black said.

"Father, did the prince really decide to act!"

Liu Jin couldn't help being overjoyed.

"Well, from now on, it's not allowed to discuss this matter anymore, in case there is an ear next door.

If it leaks out, our Liu family will be over, understand! "

The middle-aged man in black glared at Liu Jin.

Liu Jin was shocked and nodded quickly in agreement, not daring to ask any more.

At this time, the man with the big eagle carrying the Xiao family was about to fly.

After a long time.

At the end of the line of sight, above the horizon, there appeared an endless stretch of buildings, it was a huge city state!

The city wall is made of diamond rock. It is extremely majestic, like a black mountain, lying on the horizon, giving people a strong sense of oppression, like a heavenly palace descending on the earth, rare birds screaming in the sky, and even vaguely with glow Shining all the way.

The capital of Vietnam!

"The scale is really huge, and the Holy Venerable is six. It really deserves to be a much higher world than the Yuanwu Realm. Every aspect, even the countries of these countries, is by no means any holy country in the Yuanwu Realm. Comparable."

Lin Fei was stunned, and the capital of Yue country before him was full of great city atmosphere.

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