Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1223: Performance contest

Before the big eagle carried everyone to the capital city, it did not stop at the slightest. With its wings, a huge wind blew directly into the city from the sky above the city. "Omega Wen" learning fan. ㄟ.

The area of ​​the city is very wide, and the rolling buildings are vast and boundless, extending to the end of the sky, and the end is not visible by the naked eye.

After a while, the big eagle finally landed in front of a huge arched gate, which was a hundred meters high, and two bronze gates covered with copper nails were tightly closed.

The huge plaque above the bronze gate is engraved with three characters: The Prime Minister's Mansion.

Dozens of mighty men, all dressed up in blue, stood guard in front of the gate.

Everyone jumped off the back of the big eagle, Xiao Shimi's sleeves flicked, and the big eagle turned into a stream of light and was drawn into his sleeves.

Entering the Prime Minister's Mansion, it seems to be a space of its own, with five steps on the first floor, ten steps and one pavilion, and brilliant outlook. Each building seems to explain what style and luxury are.

After entering the prime minister's mansion, Xiao Shimi asked Xiao Yinyue to take Lin Fei and the two to find a place to stay.

Xiao Yinyue took Lin Fei and Qing Luo through the prime minister's residence for about a stick of incense, and came to a courtyard in a quiet residential area.

In the courtyard, there is a magnificent and elegant two-story wooden attic. The courtyard is planted with exotic flowers and plants, and the fragrance of flowers floats in the air. It is also an extremely elegant residence.

Lin Fei and Qing Luo were also quite satisfied with this elegant courtyard, so they each found a room in the two-story attic.

"By the way, in ten days, our country of Vietnam will hold a martial arts competition. I wonder if you have any interest in participating?"

Xiao Yinyue asked suddenly.

"A martial arts contest! Boy, I suggest you participate."

Lin Fei hasn't answered yet, Yan Di's voice is already resounding in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Oh, why?"

Lin Fei was taken aback, and asked Yan Emperor in the sea of ​​knowledge.

"There is a habit in our Eastern Regions. Every country holds a martial arts competition every ten years.

All young people under the age of 25 are eligible to participate.

Whenever a country holds a martial arts competition, all the martial arts in the Eastern Region, including the three holy sites, will send representatives to watch the competition.

Once the existing seedlings are particularly excellent, they will stretch out the olive branch and find ways to recruit the beginners.

After all, for any sect, a steady stream of high-quality disciples is needed, and constant supplements are needed to ensure the sect’s longevity.

At the same time, for those young generations who are eager to join the martial arts, the performance martial arts competition is also an opportunity to leap into the dragon.

As long as they perform well in the martial arts competition, they will have the opportunity to be featured by those powerful martial arts, especially enchanting talents, and even have the opportunity to join the three holy sites.

Boy, you just came to the Sovereign University 6, I suggest you also participate in the martial arts competition, with your strength, you should have the opportunity to enter a martial arts.

In the world of warriors, a single-handed casual repair is always inferior to having a school to rely on.

Especially your current strength is still very weak, first join a martial arts, on the martial arts platform, first enhance your own strength. "

Emperor Yan explained to Lin Fei in detail.

Lin Fei thought for a while, and felt that Emperor Yan made sense.

Joining a sect, with the sect as your home, you can truly integrate into the world of warriors of the Supreme Master 6.

So Lin Fei decided to give it a try and participate in this Yue Guo martial arts competition.

At the same time, Lin Fei immediately sent Qingluo's Divine Sense Voice Transmission to ask Qingluo's meaning.

"I won't participate. What I cultivate is evil forces. The human sect is not suitable for me. So I don't need to join any human sect."

Qing Luo also replied to Lin Fei with the sound of divine consciousness.

Lin Fei thought, too, Qing Luo is the queen of the evil shadow clan, and the power system cultivated by the evil shadow clan is evil. The human sect is cultivated with vitality energy, which is really not suitable for her.

"I wonder if there are any requirements for participating in this martial arts competition?"

Lin Fei asked Xiao Yinyue in a loud voice.

"This is very simple. As long as you are under 25, you can register directly.

Well, in the name of the Prime Minister's Mansion, I will help you sign up.

With your strength, you will definitely be able to achieve good results in the martial arts competition.

At that time, we can also help our prime minister's house and earn some face. "

Xiao Yinyue said to Lin Fei.

"Okay, I will trouble Miss Xiao. By the way, you don't need to sign up for Qingluo. She doesn't participate, I can participate by myself."

Lin Fei said with a smile.

Xiao Yinyue was taken aback for a moment, but did not ask carefully, nodded, and then left the courtyard.

Lin Fei and Qing Luo also went back to their rooms to rest.

Lin Fei's room.

"Emperor Yan, where is the place of life and death you mentioned? Now that you have come to the place of the Lord 6, when will we find time to go to the place of life and death to help you find the saint lotus of reincarnation.

This way you can reshape your body earlier. "

Lin Fei asked Yandi.

Lin Fei brought the remnant soul of Emperor Yan to Sovereign Six. One of the purposes was to find the legendary saint lotus of reincarnation in Sovereign Six, a place called the place of life and death, to help Emperor Yan rebuild.

However, until now, Lin Fei did not know the specific location of the place of life and death.

"Boy, I am grateful for you to have this heart.

However, with your current strength, it is impossible to enter the land of life and death.

The place of life and death is in the Eastern Region, which is a forbidden place for life with a fierce reputation.

It is said that at least one must have the strength above the **** bridge realm to dare to enter.

The strength cannot reach the Divine Bridge Realm, and it is absolutely dead or not to enter the land of life and death. "

Emperor Yan sighed.

"The place of life and death requires strength above the Divine Bridge Realm to be able to enter!

It won't be so exaggerated. "

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"Yes, so, I told you before that it is very difficult for me to reshape my body.

Forget it, you don't have to think about it for now, just think about how to improve your strength.

When your strength reaches the Divine Bridge Realm, then consider entering the place of life and death and help me find the saint lotus of reincarnation.

Alas, I lost and became a remnant soul for more than a thousand years, so I don't have to be in a hurry. "

Emperor Yan was a bit sad.

Lin Fei is only the strength of entering the Holy Realm, and the strength of the Divine Bridge Realm is still a thousand miles away. It is indeed not anxious.

"Emperor Yan, don't worry, don't worry, you can rest assured that one day, I will reach the strength of the Divine Bridge Realm.

Moreover, this day will not be too late. "

Lin Fei's gaze revealed a bit of confidence.

"Hahaha, of course I can rest assured, the reason why I fell in love with you kid and put my hopes on you was because I fell in love with your enchanting talent.

Okay, let's not say this for now.

In these ten days, you should prepare well.

Strive to achieve a good result in the martial arts competition, maybe you will have a chance to enter the three holy places. "

Yandi said.


Lin Feidao.

Next, Lin Fei began to practice in the room.

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