Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1224: Sub-Holy Land Elementary

The capital of Vietnam. 』』ΔLiterature fan. .

In the city, there is a huge luxury mansion with arched eaves and carved jade columns.

In a small and elegant living room.

An old man with a rickety body, but with terrifying eyes in his eyes, sat on a grandmaster's chair.

This old man is the Grand Marshal of Vietnam, Liu Guangjue!

"Grandpa, things are already very clear.

The younger brother Liu Tian was killed by the Xiao family.

Moreover, the murderer now hides in the prime minister's mansion.

Grandpa, my brother Liu Tian, ​​died so miserably, we must avenge him. "

A white-clothed young man covered in white clothes and a sky full of white clothes said to Liu Guangjue that it was Liu Jin.

In addition, in the small living room, there is a middle-aged black-clothed man with a big figure and a fleshy face, who is Liu Jin's father.

The three grandfather and grandson are all in this small living room.

"Have you seen it clearly, it's this person."

Liu Guangjue waved his hand and shot out a light curtain. Above the light curtain, there was a very clear figure, it was Lin Fei.

"Yes, it's him, Grandpa, I was in Qingfeng Town and saw that **** Xiao Yinyue walking with this murderer with my own eyes."

As soon as Liu Jin saw Lin Fei's figure, his eyes burst into flames, extremely resentful.

"Huh, the Xiao family is so bold that they dare to touch my grandson of Liu Guangjue.

Hey, I will settle this account with the Xiao family.

However, now the plan of the eldest prince is the most critical time.

At this kind of conjunctival eye, if you conflict with the Xiao family, you might be stunned and noticed, but then it will be bad.

So, let's bear it for now.

After the plan of the eldest prince is successfully implemented, there will be a small family, and it is not for us to decide! "

Liu Guangjue's face was gloomy and uncertain, after thinking for a moment, he said slowly.

"Grandpa, in fact, we can do it in the martial arts competition ten days from now, and help my brother out of the enemy."

Liu Jin said suddenly.

"Oh, what do you mean?"

Liu Guangjue's face moved and looked at Liu Jin.

"Back to Grandpa, I used to send out a few confidants to sneak into the prime minister's mansion.

Today, I received a return from my confidant, that the **** Xiao Yinyue, the murderer who had helped kill his brother, signed up for the performance martial arts competition, and signed up in the name of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

The murderer who killed his brother was named Lin Fei.

We might as well, win over some powerful young contestants in the martial arts competition, and kill Lin Fei in the competition to avenge his brother.

Moreover, I will personally participate in the martial arts competition at that time. If I can meet that **** during the competition, I will naturally take revenge for my brother and smash him into pieces! "

Liu Jin gritted his teeth and said.

"Okay, just follow your method.

The schedule of this year's martial arts competition will be solely in charge of Huang Gonggong in the palace.

I have always had a good relationship with Huang Gonggong. When that happens, I will greet Huang Gonggong in advance, and let Huang Gonggong do some tricks secretly during the schedule arrangement.

In this way, we can guarantee that Lin Fei will run into the hands of the people we arranged in advance.

Also, it's better to play bigger this time.

At some price, we will pull more talented young players so that they will all target the Xiao family in the game. All the children of the Xiao family will be brutally beaten if they encounter them, and they will be killed or injured.

Humph, I want the children of the Xiao family to lose face in this year's martial arts competition! "

Liu Guangjue said coldly.

"Grandpa, you let Grandpa Huang arrange for me to meet Lin Fei during the race. I want to avenge my brother myself."

In Liu Jin's eyes, a sharp meaning flashed.

"Well, it's okay, when Lin Fei killed your brother, a trace of my spiritual consciousness was also there, and I saw it very clearly.

This Lin Fei, the realm of vitality is just entering the holy realm, and what he relies on is only a clever swordsmanship.

At that time, I will give you some magic weapons to protect you. As long as his swordsmanship can't hurt you, you want to kill him, it's easy. "

Liu Guangjue groaned.

"Thank you, Grandpa."

Then Liu Jin was overjoyed.

Lin Fei's room.

Sitting cross-legged, Lin Fei was silently running the Sun's Golden Sutra.

Since arriving at the Sovereign Master 6, Lin Fei has faintly felt that there is a sign of breakthrough in his vitality realm.

Especially a few days ago, under the chasing of the brutal beast cavalry in that heavenly holy land, dangers were everywhere. With the feeling between life and death, under pressure, Lin Fei's vitality realm breakthrough sign became more obvious. .

Two days later.

Lin Fei was meditating and cultivating. Suddenly, the meridians in his body began to convey a tingling sensation.

"It's about to break through!"

Lin Fei's heart moved.

"However, it doesn't seem to be good to break through here.

It seemed that Xiao Yinyue had to help me find a suitable place to break through. "

Lin Fei showed a wry smile on his face.

Because if you break through here, it will attract thunder, and the power of thunder will definitely destroy this courtyard and even a nearby area.

After all, I am here as a guest, and I can't destroy other people's houses.

"Hahaha, kid, you have to break through.

Don't worry at all, just make a breakthrough here, and that's it.

You don’t know that the rules of heaven and earth in the Sovereign Master 6 are very different from the rules of heaven and earth in Yuanwu Realm.

In the Yuan Wu realm, the martial artist's cultivation base reaches above the holy state, and when it breaks through, it may attract thunder.

However, in the Sovereign Dimension 6, only when the cultivation base reaches above the Divine Bridge Realm and breaks through, it is possible to attract Thunder Tribulation. "

Emperor Yan said with a smile while Lin Fei knew the sea.

"Oh, since there is such a magical thing!"

Lin Fei was surprised.

Unexpectedly, in the Sovereign Sixth, it is necessary to reach the strength of the Divine Bridge Realm and above, when it breaks, it is possible to trigger thunder.

It seems that the level of the world is different, and the rules of heaven and earth are also different.

The Yuanwu Realm is a small world, while the Holy Master 6 is a big world, and it may be different in many places.

"Well, this way, you don't have to worry about it."

After listening to Emperor Yan's words, Lin Fei was also relieved.

Lin Fei took out a small jade bottle of Jingyuan real water, poured it into his mouth, and then began to perform his work, breaking through the realm with an impact.

With the operation of the tactics, the aura in the surrounding heaven and earth began to sense, and it quickly gathered towards the room where Lin Fei was.

"Hey, this guy seems to be breaking through."

In the next room, Qing Luo, who was meditating, also suddenly noticed this phenomenon, opened his eyes and his face was surprised.

One day later, at night, the sky was full of stars.


In the room, a powerful shock wave of elemental force spread suddenly and was extremely powerful. If it weren't for Lin Fei's deliberate control, it is estimated that the entire wooden building would definitely turn into fly ash in an instant.

Sub-Holy Land Junior!

Lin Fei squeezed his fist lightly and felt the strength of the vitality in his body.

"Hehe, congratulations, you made a breakthrough."

A delicate and charming shadow appeared at the door, and it was Qingluo.

"Hey, boy, you have a show. At midnight, there will be a beautiful woman coming to the door."

In Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, Yan Di's teasing voice immediately sounded.

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