Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1225: Walk under the moon

"Emperor Yan, clear your mind. "『Ω』Literature'Mystery. *.'

Lin Fei said to Yan Di angrily in the sea of ​​knowledge.

"Cut, kid, I really don't know whether you are pretending to be pure or incompetent in that respect."

Emperor Yan curled his lips.

Lin Fei stopped paying attention to Emperor Yan, his eyes fell on the beautiful shadow at the door.

Wearing a long gown of the moon and white house, against the moonlight outside, it smells like a real illusion. The skin is as smooth as jade, smooth as suet jade, and the skin that can be broken by blows is very attractive. It is reflected in the moonlight. Below, while showing all the **** and charming, but also faintly covered with a layer of holy light.

The exquisite and curvy body, the exquisite face that was like a meticulously sculpted face, combined with the inherently seductive temperament of the Evil Shadow Clan, is extremely attractive.

At this moment, standing on top of this spoiled body at the door, it contains three-point sexy, three-point seductive, and three-point noble and dignified.

For a while, Lin Fei looked a little fascinated.

"Qingluo, you are so beautiful!"

Lin Fei sighed involuntarily.

"What are you looking at!"

Seeing Lin Fei staring at her body, Qing Luo couldn't help but shrank from the door. Her character was always a little unwilling to let go.

"Ahem, nothing..."

Lin Fei also woke up and said awkwardly.

"Go out with me, okay?"

Qing Luo whispered.

During this period of time, since Qing Luo accidentally revealed his thoughts to Lin Fei, he began to become a little sentimental, showing the taste of a little woman.

If she had been the queen of the evil shadow clan before, she had acted dignified and decently.

It was like this kind of thing about inviting a young man out for a walk in the moonlight in the middle of the night, this kind of warm and charming thing, she had never even dared to think about it before, absolutely could not do it.

"Qing Luo has indeed changed a lot."

Lin Fei said secretly in his heart.

Of course, Lin Fei naturally knew that it was her own reasons why she had changed so much.

Looking at this moment, under the moonlight, Qing Luo, who appeared slightly sentimental, suddenly felt a trace of pity in Lin Fei's heart.

Ever since she came out of that Little Profound Realm, she has been following herself, no matter what the situation, she always stayed with her.

Especially in the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom, when he was hunted down by more than a dozen sects and families, Qing Luo gave Lin Fei a lot of help.


Lin Fei nodded, and accompanied Qing Luo out of the room, in the courtyard.

This courtyard is relatively wide, with small rockery ponds, grasslands, and many exotic flowers and grasses. In the grasslands, there are crisscross gravel roads.

Lin Fei accompanied Qingluo, walking quietly on those pebble roads, with Qingluo body fragrance coming from the tip of his nose from time to time.

This is a virgin fragrance, very nice.

"The moonlight tonight is beautiful."

Qing Luo said suddenly.

"Indeed, but you are more beautiful."

Lin Fei smiled.

"Boy, this sentence is level.

I believe it now. You are actually pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. You are actually a master pick-up girl, but you usually pretend to be pure in front of me. "

At this time, Emperor Yan's voice sounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness, which did not match the occasion, and instantly destroyed a lot of Lin Fei's good mood.

"If you keep silent, I will not treat you as dumb!"

When Lin Fei was in the sea of ​​knowledge, Emperor Chongyan shouted.

"When did you learn to be glib."

Qing Luomei glared at Lin Fei.

"What I'm saying is true."

Lin Fei said with a smile.

Although Qingluo's mouth was hard, but Lin Fei praised him, always stunned, and could not help cheering up on his face.

In particular, she seems to have deep roots in Lin Fei. She may not care so much about other people's praise, but Lin Fei's praise made her happy.

"Qing Luo."

Suddenly, Lin Fei made a very bold move.

Gently stretched out his right hand to embrace Qing Luo's slender waist.

After starting, it is soft, warm and slippery, and feels very good.

"what are you doing!"

Qingluo almost jumped up like a frightened rabbit.

She obviously didn't expect Lin Fei to make such a move suddenly.

"Why, am I not allowed to do this?"

Lin Fei did not let go, but hugged a little tighter.

After Qing Luo was surprised, his face flushed, but in his heart, it suddenly became infinitely happy.

She stopped struggling, but lowered her head shyly. Then, her delicate body was not controlled at all, and she leaned gently on Lin Fei's body, trembling slightly because of being too nervous.

Lin Fei was full of warm fragrance and was also a little intoxicated.

"You..., you all understand..."

Qingluo droops down, her pink neck is flushed, her breathing is slightly heavy, and the "shuang feng" on her chest is constantly undulating, her body trembling slightly, and she gently asks Lin Fei.

"Of course, you showed so obvious, if I still don't understand, wouldn't it be a fool."

Lin Fei smiled.

"Do you think I am a very casual and frivolous woman, do you?"

Qing Luo was a little worried.

After all, this time, from beginning to end, she really revealed it on the initiative.

"No, on the contrary, I think you are cute."

Lin Fei said with a smile.

At this moment, Qing Luo was nestled in Lin Fei's arms. Under this brilliant moonlight, the layer of paper between her and Lin Fei was finally completely pierced.

During this period of time, her sentimental feelings and feelings about gains and losses have finally been wiped out. Instead, she has been filled with joy and endless expectations.

Lin Fei lowered his head and looked at Qing Luo in his arms. On that exquisite and perfect face, a smile finally bloomed, and he was very happy.

"Damn, I didn't make a mistake.

Thanks to you kid, you still pretend to be pure in front of me.

Analyzing from your sweet words and actions just now, it is clear that you are a master pick-up girl.

I was almost fooled by you before.

How's it going, kid, I'm in a good mood finally holding the beauty.

According to my previous character, once I succeeded, I would push it down decisively. How is it, boy, the atmosphere tonight is good, don't hesitate anymore. "

Emperor Yan was guided by Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

Lin Fei was speechless. It seems that Emperor Yan must have been an unscrupulous guy before, and it is estimated that many innocent women have been overthrown.

"Okay, it's getting late. Go back and rest."

At this moment, Qing Luo suddenly broke free from Lin Fei's arms, stretched out his slender hand, gently tidyed up the sideburn show, and said.

"Oh, so fast, don't you watch the moonlight for a while?"

Lin Feidao.

"Is it not enough for me?"

The queen smiled slyly.

"Well, during this period of time, you should spend more time on your cultivation and prepare for the martial arts competition.

This sage is 6th, not Yuanwu Realm.

In the Yuan Wu Realm, your strength may already be the highest peak in the entire Yuan Wu Realm.

However, in the Holy Master VI, your strength is still very weak.

I am Qingluo, I hope that my man can continue to grow stronger, and in this Holy Master VI, he can really shield me from wind and rain. "

Qing Luo looked at Lin Fei and said, with a bit of expectation in those beautiful eyes.

"Don't worry, Qingluo, your man will not let you down."

In Lin Fei's eyes, there was a firm light gleaming.

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