Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1233: The game continues

After beheading the black-clothed youth, Lin Fei returned to the rest area. "ΩΩ Literature" fan. .

"what happened?"

When Lin Fei came back just now, Xiao Yinyue's expression was very ugly, and above that clear and beautiful, there was a terrible anger at this moment.

"In our Xiao family, two more children were severely injured. They are now fainted, and they don't know their life or death."

Xiao Yinyue gritted her teeth and said, the space around her delicate body also seemed to be densely covered with cold air, and the temperature was much lower.

"Well, these Seagod Waters, you can take them to the Xiao family's children who were injured just now. It might be useful."

Lin Fei thought for a while, took out a bottle of Sea God Water from the space ring and handed it to Xiao Yinyue.

"The legendary sea **** water!"

Xiao Yinyue took the jade bottle and opened it to take a look. After a daze, he was overjoyed.

It turned out that the treasure of Sea God Water, even in the 6th, is a rare healing medicine.

"Thank you. With the Sea God Water, it is estimated that their injuries will be fine soon."

Xiao Yinyue took the Sea God Water and left in a hurry, apparently in a hurry to take it for the injured Xiao family's child.

The game continues.

In this martial arts competition, a total of 3,000 young martial artists participated.

In the first round, the competition is divided into batches, with half eliminated.

Finally, about two hours later, all the young fighters participated in the competition, and each round of the competition officially ended.

call out!

I saw a figure flashing, and the old **** appeared directly above the playing field.

"Dear players, the first round of the game has officially ended.

There are now 1,500 players left to participate in the second round.

The second round of the game is still divided into batches.

Okay, the second round of the game begins now. "

The old **** said, and then disappeared.

Then, the jade slips of many players began to light up.


Lin Fei's jade slip in his hand was also lit up at this moment, and a number was projected from the jade slip, number ninety-eight.

"Oh, this round, it was my turn to play at the beginning."

Lin Fei smiled slightly.

At the same time, Lin Feixian, the jade slips of the two Xiao family children nearby, also lit up.

"Forget it, as ordered by the patriarch, I just abandon the game."

The two Xiao family children said at the same time.

Lin Fei asked, and then realized that after the first round of the game, Prime Minister Xiao Zhongnian had already quietly passed down a word that all the Xiao family children who entered the Holy Realm and had the strength of the sub-sacred realm had all withdrawn from the competition.

Only the children of the Xiao family who were above the Holy Realm strength were allowed to participate in the competition.

"Yes, the prime minister's decision is correct."

Lin Fei nodded.

Judging from the strength of the players currently participating in the competition, if you want to be in the top 30, at least you need to have the strength above the holy realm.

It is basically impossible for young martial artists to enter the holy realm and the strength of the sub-sacred realm to enter the top 30.

The decision of Prime Minister Xiao Zhongnian was indeed very correct.

Of these children of the Xiao family, only three were above the Saint Realm strength, including Xiao Yinyue.

"Be careful."

Qing Luo cast a caring look at Lin Fei.

Lin Fei nodded, moved her body, and shot towards the 98th ring.

A short time to breathe, the figure fell on the ring.

On the ring, there was already a tall young man in purple clothes standing there, looking at Lin Fei coldly.

This purple-clothed young man, around the age of 23 or 4, has an intermediate-level cultivation base in the holy realm. The purple-red rusty gold costume on his body is spotless, and his whole body's vitality fluctuates like a frenzy. The huge torrents of vitality released from him are The ring circled around, scraping the ground out of crack roads.

"Well, the strength of the elementary sub-sacred realm can actually kill the advanced sub-sacred realm in a second. I can see that your sword training is good, and it seems that you have cultivated a clever swordsmanship.

It's really good.

However, to me, you are still an ant, although a slightly stronger ant.

It is easy for me to kill you. "

The purple-clothed youth said in a cold voice, there is a taste of Lin Fei's comments.

"Liu Jin asked you to kill me again.

Why the people Liu Jin invited like to talk nonsense so much.

baffling. "

Lin Fei was expressionless.

"Hehe, kid, okay, since you can't wait and want to die so, then I will fulfill you.

I want to kill you, it's easy, look at it, I only need to use a little bit of force to crush you! "

Lin Fei's words also caused the anger in the purple-clothed youth's heart to rise suddenly, and with a cold smile, the flow of vitality around his body suddenly became violent.

Boom boom boom...

On the arena, the Yangtze River-like Yuanli flow swept everywhere, making the entire arena seem to be shaking, flying sand and rocks, giving people an illusion of darkness.

But Lin Fei still stood in place, just like a flat boat in the stormy sea, which could be destroyed at any moment.


Lin Fei's figure retreated for several steps, a little swayed, and finally managed to stand still.

It has to be said that the power of the Yuanli pressure exerted by a mid-level Holy Realm is indeed not small. Lin Fei felt the flow of Yuanli oppressed against him, and had to work hard to resist it with luck.

Although, the Sun Golden Sutra is a very powerful masculine technique.

However, Lin Fei's current vitality realm was the primary level of the sub-sacred realm. It would be a little insufficient to fight against this purple-clothed youth sacred realm intermediate only with the strength of his power.

"Well, I didn't expect you to be able to persist to this point!"

The purple-clothed youth did not expect that, under the constant pressure of his mid-level sacred power, Lin Fei only took a few steps backwards without any harm at all, and his face grew gloomy.

He just said that only a slight release of the power of the force is enough to crush Lin Fei.

The result now is undoubtedly hitting him in the face.

"Well, it seems that I still underestimated you."

The purple-clothed youth slowly exhaled.

next moment.

"Then try the taste of my Absolute Wind Art!"

The purple-clothed youth shouted violently.


Groups of fierce energies on the ring instantly merged to form a giant cyclone with a height of more than ten feet and a width of several feet, like a tornado, blasting towards Lin Fei.

Obviously, this is a very clever vitality martial art.

Lin Fei moved his body and directly displayed the posture of Laimo Escape, teleporting away from its original position.


The gigantic whirlwind with a height of more than ten feet, followed like a shadow, locked Lin Fei's figure, and pursued it closely.

"Haha, kid, you can't escape."

The purple-clothed youth laughed wildly.

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