Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1234: Kill well

"Only you are worthy of letting me escape?"

Lin Fei still seemed calm and calm, and his complexion was indifferent. It is true that Lin Fei, a master of the half-emperor's strength, did not know how many beheaded, and now a mere intermediate level in the holy realm, he could not give Lin Fei much pressure. "Literature fans.ん.

"Try the effect of my six-point sword domain."

Lin Fei watched the Yuanli Tornado that was constantly blowing towards him about ten feet high, and said in his heart.


Lin Fei directly used the Sixth Sword Domain without any reservations.

Suddenly, the entire arena was densely covered with fierce sword aura and countless sword auras, intertwined to form a huge sword net, which almost enveloped the entire ring. This is Lin Fei’s sword. area!

The giant whirlwind with a height of more than ten feet that was bombarded by the purple-clothed youth, under Lin Fei's six-point sword domain, suddenly began to slow down a lot, and even its power was slowly being weakened.

Suddenly, the giant whirlwind that was more than ten feet high, under Lin Fei's six-point sword domain's constant tearing and abrasion, turned out to stop in place, and could no longer move towards Lin Fei to attack.

"Well, with the power of the six-point sword domain, I can leapfrog and fight against the frontal attack of an ordinary intermediate holy realm."

Lin Fei nodded in satisfaction.

Lin Fei knew that with the power of the six-point sword domain, if it was a warrior in the same realm, it was probably the result of a direct spike.

At this time, on the east side of the competition square, the luxurious grandstand floating high in the sky.

"Haha, it's interesting. A junior in the sub-sacred realm actually realized the six-point sword power. Yes, it seems that he is above the sword, and he is very talented. With his understanding, he will definitely be able to understand the sword in the future. Profound power.

I just don't know what rank he can enter in the end.

If I can enter the top ten, my Excalibur Villa can consider accepting him. "

In the stands, a middle-aged man surrounded by a terrifying sword light smiled and said, his gaze fell on the 98th ring in the arena below. Lin Fei seemed very interested in Lin Fei.

"Haha, Brother Xuanyuan, you don't care what ranking he gets. If you are interested in him, just recruit him directly to the Divine Sword Villa."

On the top of the head next to him, there was a man with faint silver radiance, and he smiled lightly.

"The problem is that when I came, the elders in the villa had instructed that only after entering the top ten can I be admitted to the Excalibur Villa. Alas, this kid has a high kendo comprehension, but his vitality level is too bad. At the elementary level of the sub-sacred realm, there should be no chance of entering the top ten. Forget it.

The middle-aged man covered with sword light shook his head and sighed slightly.

Above the 98th ring.

"Unexpectedly, you are so difficult to get involved."

The face of the purple-clothed youth was very ugly.

He was a dignified middle-level holy realm, and under the eyes of everyone, he had fought a sub-holy realm junior for so long.

"A lot of things you can't think of. Okay, let's end."

Lin Fei's expression was indifferent, and with a move of thought, the Domineering God Sword was already displayed.

A misty and concussive sword light shot past.

The purple-clothed youth suddenly felt a threat of death coming to his heart, and his face turned pale.

"Roar! Damn it!"

In horror, the purple-clothed youth moved and turned into a purple light, teleporting directly to the side.

call out!

With Lin Fei's thoughts moving, another haze with sword light slashed out, outflanked and attacked the purple-clothed youth.


Two sword lights swept the purple-clothed youth's body at the same time, and saw his body explode all of a sudden, turning into a cloud of blood.

"Look, a sub-sacred realm elementary, actually killed an intermediate holy realm! This is too exaggerated."

"Damn, this kid is too fierce, just now it seems that he also killed a sub-holy high-level in seconds, this guy is really terrifying."

"Yes, in my opinion, the main reason is that the swordsmanship this kid has used is too powerful. When the sword aura comes out, it is the end of a spike."


At this time, there were many spectators' eyes on the audience seats in all directions, all of them were attracted to the 98th ring, and began to talk about Lin Fei.

After all, a sub-holy realm elementary, leapfrogged and killed an intermediate holy realm, this kind of thing shocked many people.

By this time, Lin Fei had already left the ring and returned to the rest area, sitting next to Qing Luo.

Qing Luo smiled slightly to Lin Fei to show encouragement.

At this time, Xiao Yinyue was also here, and it was not her turn for this batch of competitions.

"The guy you just killed is also Liu Jin's person."

Xiao Yinyue asked Lin Fei.

"Yes, in this competition, the ranking of the contestants is probably already done by the General Marshal Liu Guangjue.

You Xiao family children and I, in this competition, all the opponents we encountered should have been arranged by Liu Jin in advance to deal with us specifically. "

Lin Fei nodded to Xiao Yinyue and replied.

"Good kill!

Those people deserve to die. "

Xiao Yinyue gritted her teeth and said, her beautiful eyes contained fierce murderous intent.

In the game, Lin Fei killed two Liu Jin's people in a row, which gave Xiao Yinyue a sense of joy.

"Huh! Damn, I never thought that Zhuge Yun was not even that little thief's opponent!"

In the other rest area, Liu Jin's expression was extremely ugly. He could not expect that Lin Fei killed two people in a row.

At this moment, his furious gaze cast on Lin Fei far away, wishing to rush to kill Lin Fei immediately.

To the east, floating above the luxurious grandstand high in the sky.

"Well, unexpectedly, this kid has mastered such a powerful sword technique.

The sword energy he displayed was actually composed of the combination of sword energy and divine consciousness.

The speed is so fast and the strength is strong, even the ordinary high-level holy realm, it will not be able to resist.

I almost missed it. It seems that this kid still has the hope of making the top ten. I hope he will play well. "

The representative of the Excalibur Villa seemed to be more and more interested in Lin Fei.

"It's true, this kid is a bit unexpected. Maybe he really has a chance to become a disciple of your Excalibur Villa."

The man next to him with wisps of silver on his head also nodded and said yes.

Obviously, Lin Fei's fight just now, these two people are in sight.

After a while, the second round, the first batch of matches, has all ended.

Then, the jade slips in the hands of those players who had not participated in the competition in the second round began to light up.

The jade slip in Xiao Yinyue's hand also lit up, and a number was projected from the jade slip, number 20.

"Be careful, I guess what you meet will be someone Liu Jin arranged in advance."

Lin Fei reminded Xiao Yinyue.

"I know, don't worry."

Xiao Yinyue smiled at Lin Fei, and then her delicate body flickered, and flickered towards the twentieth ring.

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