Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1250: Earth painting

High in the sky, several figures broke through the clouds and rolled forward. Wen   Δ learning Ω fan. .

After leaving the capital of Yue State, the old man took Lin Fei and the three people and flew all the way to the north.

Most of the day later, the front is boundless mountains, rolling rugged mountains, endless, and from time to time, there are stern roars of monsters and monsters teleporting out from the dense forest.

In the vast mountains, after flying for a while.

The old man's figure suddenly stopped, his figure suspended in mid-air, and slowly turned around, looking into the void behind him.


They really care about me, a sick old man.

Well, in this case, I can't let them down. "

The old man's always calm and unwavering gaze, at this moment, showed a bit fierce look, even with a vague murderous intent, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Then, the old man's figure moved, and he had already landed on the ground below. After landing on the ground, his figure was like a horse, rolling and galloping between the mountains.

Moreover, the route he drove was not a straight line, but a crisscross, back and forth, as if using his feet as a pen, the earth as a canvas, and drew a very complex pattern between the mountains.

What made Lin Fei even more surprised was that when the old man sprinted on the ground, his feet seemed to burst with dazzling light, and any route he traveled would leave a bright white band of light that lasted for a long time.


Lin Fei was surprised and curious, faintly feeling that this old man seemed to have arranged a very mysterious formation in the mountains below.

The old man’s method of arranging the formation is very peculiar. It turned out to be using his feet. Any ground that his feet have stepped on will leave the formation pattern, which criss-crosses the ground, until the end , It forms a complete formation.

Such an arrangement method is unbelievable, and Lin Fei couldn't even think about it before.

The old man's speed was very fast, and in a moment, within a radius of two to three kilometers, he almost drove back and forth.

Rows of bright white light bands are dazzling and extremely dazzling. They criss-cross between the mountains. Looking down from the mid-air, you can see a mysterious and subtle pattern.

"The formation!"

Finally, the old man stood still, spit out two words gently, and then his right foot slammed the ground.


Lin Fei, who was in mid-air, immediately felt a very slight and peculiar rhythmic movement from the ground below.

Then, all the white bands of light in the mountains disappeared, and the whole land became calm, as if nothing had happened.

When the old man moved, he was already standing on a mountain.

"You all come down."

Said the old man.

Lin Fei took Qingluo's hand, and Jin Jing, all three of them landed beside the old man.

"The three of you, stay on this mountain in a while, and don't walk around no matter what happens."

The old man urged.

Then, he sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and rested, and ignored the three Lin Fei.

Seeing this, Lin Fei was too embarrassed to ask, so he had to stay with Qing Luo.

The Jin Jing looked at the distant sky from time to time, and his face was faintly indignant.

After about a stick of incense.

The old man's eyes suddenly opened, and he shot sharply, looking at a certain space in the sky.

"Since it's here, show up, is it interesting to hide your head and show your tail."

The old man said coldly.

a long time.

In the surrounding void, there were huge clouds and mists that were tumbling, and for a moment, dark clouds covered the sky and sun, as if the end of the world had come.

"Sick old man, hand over things.

I don't have to do it and hurt my peace. "

In the void to the east, there was no human figure, but there was a voice that came out slowly.

"Yes, your Cangyan Holy Land has been destroyed for more than 1,500 years, and you still occupy that treasure. This is a waste.

It's better to hand it over, and your days will be peaceful, and you won't have to live this life of being hunted down. "

There was also a voice in the void to the west.

"Sick old man, the Cangyan Holy Land is dead, so why bother to support it.

You want to rebuild the Cangyan Holy Land, it's just wishful thinking, all the big sects in the Eastern Region will not sit idly by.

I advise you, let this heart die. "

There was also a voice in the void in the north.

"Sick old man, in a word, hand it over.

Then, you go to live some peaceful days, stop tossing about and do these meaningless things. "

There was also a voice in the void in the south.

There must be voices in every direction, but there is no figure in sight, only boundless clouds and mists are rolling in the sky.

"Hahaha, why, dare to come and find my sick old man, but all of them hide their heads and show their tails, and dare not show their real body, are you afraid that my sick old man will come to the door for revenge afterwards?

Stop talking nonsense, you people who are plotting wrongdoing and intending to inflict on my Cangyan Holy Land treasure, you all deserve to die.

Do it. "

The sick old man suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, and the rumbling laughter passed out in all directions, filling the whole world.

Then, a majestic and mighty and terrifying breath suddenly rose from the sick old man to the sky, the thick and powerful flow of power entangled by dragons and snakes, like a long river flowing through the sky, rushing up, majestic, as if forever. .

Lin Fei stood by, couldn't help but admire and admire.

This sick old man, even though he looked like an ordinary old man, could not even be seen by anyone.

However, once the breath came out, it was so terrifying.

"Emperor Yan, can you tell, what kind of strength this old man is?"

Lin Fei asked Yandi in the sea of ​​knowledge.

"I can't see it, but, anyway, the strength of this old man is much stronger than the Nanhai Shenni who took your two last married wives."

Emperor Yan shook his head, he could not see the realm of the old man.

"Hmph, since you are obsessed with understanding, then die!"

In the void on the east side, a cold snort came out, sounding steady in the sky.


The purple air was misty, like a vast ocean surging from the east of the void, the sky was full, covering the sky and the sun, majestic, and oppressed people's souls trembling.

In an instant, the purple cloud mist turned into a purple giant, reaching a height of thousands of meters, stepping down with one foot, stepping on the mountain where the old man and Lin Fei were located, holding the heaven and earth's power, as if God was shooting.

Lin Fei was stunned to see this scene, with such a momentum.

With such a kick, it is estimated that the entire land will be completely destroyed.

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