Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1251: War


In the sky, the big purple foot was about to fall, and within a radius of thousands of miles, birds and beasts fled, and the original dense forests fell down, as if they were experiencing a terrible typhoon. Literature "" fans. .


Suddenly, in the direction of the north, a flaming thunder light appeared. It was black lightning, from the high altitude in the north, it fell to the mountain peak where the old man and Lin Fei were.

The vast voice was like thunder, shaking the mountains and rivers, Lin Fei, Qingluo and the Jin Jing couldn’t help covering their ears. The penetrating power of this thunder sound was too strong and it shook the people below. The earth sieve chaff generally fluctuates violently.

Pieces of black lightning danced in the high air, pressing down downwards, the sky and the earth were dark, and the black light was surging.

call out!

Just south of the void, golden light flashed, a golden spear that was so big as to make people surprised, and the bright golden light, like a golden dragon, penetrated out of the void, with monstrous power, invincible. , Projected toward the mountain where the old man was.

Just to the west, there was a sound of carvings piercing the golden cracked stone, and a huge and terrifying silver eagle rushed out of the tossing clouds.

This big silver eagle is shining with silver light, as if cast from silver. Its wings alone can grow up to a thousand meters, covering the entire sky, just like the wings of a hanging cloud, with two huge silver claws shining with the forest. The cold luster stretched out from the air, and also grabbed the mountain where the old man was.

All of a sudden, the characters hiding in the void around them all shot one after another, and every shot was a lore. They were powerful and merciless.

Lin Fei, Qingluo, and Jin Jing are all pale, they only feel like a leafless duckweed in the stormy sea, not only the body, but also the soul is shaking. It seems that the next moment, I will be annihilated at any time.

Because, in the high altitude, the attacks that came down were too terrifying, so terrible that people couldn't produce any resistance at all.


The old man snorted and stood up abruptly. He stamped his foot on the ground. A group of bright and hot white light exploded under his feet, circles of dazzling white light, like rolling waves, along the ground, Spread out in all directions.

Suddenly, within a few thousand miles of the entire land, thousands of white light clusters burst into the sky in an instant.

Thousands of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of thick circular beams of light, like bright fireworks, instantly cover the entire sky, and the entire world is flaming, transparent and bright, and delicate.

These circular beams of light reach the sky and connect the sky and the earth. They are magnificent and shock the surrounding fields. It is like a mountain torrent, like a vast sea hitting the sky, rumbling, and the whole sky and the earth seem to be completely collapsed.

The big purple foot that was trampled down high in the east was bombarded and torn by countless thick beams of light. A few of them couldn't breathe before they began to slowly disintegrate, and then the entire purple giant collapsed and collapsed. The entire huge body was constantly pierced and torn by beams of light.

In the north high sky, the black lightning that fell down and the white beams of light bombarded together. After a while, all the black lightning was annihilated and disappeared. In the sky, the light was also brighter.

In the sky to the west, the silver-white giant carved out an angry roar, two huge claws, constantly grabbing from the high school, shattering white circular beams of light.

However, it seemed that this big eagle would not last long. After a while, on the eagle's body, it was unknown how many white circular beams of light had been bombarded. Finally, it exploded with a bang.

In the high air just to the south, that golden spear instantly fought fiercely with round beams of light.

The golden light exploded and the energy was surging. After a while, the golden spear suddenly shot towards the distant sky and shot backwards, obviously defeated.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Lin Fei looked up to the sky and watched the battle in the sky.

This way of fighting, the scene is too huge, too dazzling, too shocking, as if the whole world is participating in the war, Lin Fei has seen and heard everything.

The old man repelled all the terrifying attacks in the sky with one formation.

What kind of formation is this, the power is so terrible.

Lin Fei suddenly felt a strong sense of admiration for the old man beside him from the bottom of his heart.

"It's indecent to come and not talk!

Prisoner in a cage! "

As the old man’s loud shout sounded, the ground where the old man had set up his formation just now exploded again and shot out a bucket-like thick white beam of light, flashing like a chain of order gods, in the mid-air, gathered and interwoven, one The white light beams are entangled together, forming a huge cage with an area of ​​several hundred square meters.


After the huge cage took shape, it moved instantaneously, rushed into the billowing clouds in the sky, and disappeared.

Boom [58 novel]...

Suddenly, in the clouds and mist, there was a terrifying battle, and the entire sky was shaking.

"The three of you, stay in this mountain, don't move your position."

The old man yelled, and then his figure rose into the sky.

"Don't you all want to peek at the saints of our Cangyan Holy Land, just let you see it."

The old man roared violently in the sky, his voice was like thunder.

Then, as soon as he stretched out his hand, a small and exquisite nine-story crimson tower appeared in his palm.

Then an overwhelming mystery aura spread out.

In an instant, the whole world was still for a while, the sky seemed to collapse, and the earth was trembling. At this moment, all people produced a tremor from the depths of their souls.

A ray of mysterious aura swept across the mountain peaks, Lin Fei couldn't help but was terrified. He didn't dare to move. He only felt that his body seemed to burst at any time.


The old man was holding the small tower in his hand, and his figure instantly rushed into the sky, amidst the billowing clouds and mist that covered the sky and sun.

In the void that was obscured by layers of clouds and mist, a terrifying battle broke out immediately.

The sky was shaking violently.


Pieces of glaring blood poured down from the sky like a torrential rain, screams came out, and a corpse fell from the sky.

call out!

Thousands of miles away, a bright and dazzling ribbon flew up, rolled up the corpse that had fallen from the sky, and instantly went away until it disappeared.


Another corpse fell. As soon as it fell halfway, it was blasted to pieces. Flesh and bones scattered all over the sky, rustling down.

Then, a corpse continued to fall from the sky.

Every time a corpse is dropped, thousands of miles away, that brilliant ribbon will immediately appear, sweeping the corpse away.

Obviously, the other party didn't even want to leave the corpse, probably because he was afraid that the old man would look at the corpse after the end of the war to recognize the true identity of the corpse.

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