Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1256: Refining Hall

After introducing the basic vitality realm, this book introduces the martial artist's perception of martial arts. ΩΔ . ".

It turns out that the martial arts perception is, in essence, the martial artist’s perception of some of the fundamental laws and rules that exist in the heaven and the earth during the training process. The deeper the martial arts perception, the more thorough understanding of the fundamental rules of the world can be achieved. The power swayed is the more terrifying.

It is said that some real powers, in their gestures, are in full compliance with the original rules of heaven and earth, and can mobilize the general momentum and original power between heaven and earth, and wield terrible combat power that destroys the earth and the earth.

Even more terrifying is the ability to use the rules of heaven and earth to instantly destroy a space or create a new space.

According to the introduction in this book, martial arts perception, from weak to strong, from shallow to deep, can be divided into the following five levels: meaning, momentum, domain, profound meaning, and rules.

After introducing the martial arts insights, this book also introduces many other basic knowledge about martial arts.

Lin Fei was holding the book, standing in front of the bookshelf, reading eagerly. After an hour, he finally read the book from beginning to end.

Of course, with Lin Fei's current strength of divine consciousness and soul, the content of the entire book is already in his mind, and he will never forget it again.

After reading, Lin Fei had a clearer and deeper understanding of many basic knowledge of martial arts.

After putting down the book, Lin Fei continued to browse the rows of bookshelves.

There are books that specifically record Qi refining techniques, there are also books that specifically record martial arts, and there are even several books dedicated to the practice of martial arts and martial arts.

Lin Fei checked them one by one, only to be dazzled and there were so many types.

However, after reviewing a variety of qi refining techniques, Lin Fei found that none of them could be comparable to the solar golden sutra he had cultivated.

So, after that, Lin Fei stopped paying attention to those Qi refining techniques, and specifically went to find books on martial arts.

After all, the martial arts that Lin Fei had cultivated in the Yuan Wu Realm before were too low-level and too weak.

There is only one kind of domineering divine consciousness sword that can be held on the table.

Therefore, Lin Fei urgently needs to practice a few more powerful martial arts, so that when he fights with others, he will not attack and appear so monotonous.

After a long time of searching, and comparing.

In the end, Lin Fei finally chose three more satisfactory martial arts.

One type of boxing is called Zhenlongxuanquan.

One kind of swordsmanship is called the brilliant three swords.

There is also a body-building exercise called Dadi Hegemony.

And Qing Luo, because the power system she cultivated belongs to evil energy, so in this library, it is estimated that there is no magic trick or martial skill suitable for her.

Therefore, Qingluo is just reading some basic knowledge books about martial arts, as well as some miscellaneous books about the introduction of Shengzun Da6.

After a long time, Lin Fei and Qingluo walked out of the library.

"Qingluo, I am going to the Qi Refining Hall and practice for a while in retreat."

After walking out of the library, Lin Fei said to Qing Luo.

"Okay. Please practice with your heart, don't worry about me."

Qingluo said.

Lin Fei nodded, moving towards the direction of the Qi Refining Hall.

Qing Luo returned to the hut on the low mountain by himself. Within this base, Qing Luo was absolutely safe, and Lin Fei didn't have to worry about it.

Soon, Lin Fei came, and soon, Lin Fei came to a valley.

In the valley, there is an astonishing rich aura.

The strands of aura have completely turned into a mist of water, floating in the air, and when you stretch out your hand, you can feel a strand of aura that has turned into substance, just like a paddling in the water.

Looking at the rich and terrifying aura in the valley in front of him, Lin Fei's heart couldn't help but twitch.

This is too exaggerated.

According to the information in the jade slip that Jin Jing gave Lin Fei, in this valley, under the ground, there are three medium-sized veins hidden!

The veins, Lin Fei had also encountered in the Yuanwu world before.

That is in the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom, in the headquarters of Yin Yang Sect, in the underground palace below the ground.

At that time, Lin Fei accidentally strayed into the underground palace under the ground of the Yin-Yang Sect headquarters, and there were two earth veins, one Yin and one Yang, but those two earth veins belonged to miniature earth veins.

And in this valley, there are actually three medium-sized veins, can it be that they have such a terrifying rich aura.

As soon as he stepped into the valley, the vitality in Lin Fei's body revolved several times faster in an instant.

"Huh, this is really a heaven for cultivating vitality!"

Lin Fei couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Inside the valley, from outside to inside, there are three large palaces.

These three big palaces are the refining palaces.

The three big palaces have different levels.

In the outermost palace, the aura inside is the lowest.

Suitable for disciples who have not yet reached the emperor realm in strength.

The aura in the middle palace is suitable for the cultivation of disciples with the strength of the emperor realm.

Located in the innermost palace, the spiritual energy possessed is suitable for the cultivation of masters above the sea of ​​suffering.

Lin Fei's vitality realm was only a sub-sacred realm, so he could only choose the outermost palace.

Lin Fei moved directly into the outermost palace.

The area inside the palace is much larger than it looks outside.

At this time, there were dozens of disciples sitting and practicing in the palace. Because the area inside the palace was too wide, there were only a few dozen people. It seemed that the entire palace was very empty and quiet.

The needle falls can be heard.

Lin Fei found a spot at random and sat down cross-legged.

On the floor of the palace, there are a series of small ground cracks, like spider webs, all over the palace.

A stream of rich and pure aura, like a fountain, gurgled up from the cracks in the ground.

As soon as Lin Fei sat down, she was immediately enveloped in the misty aura, and her figure was also blurred.


Lin Fei was very excited because he had never tried before, practiced in such a rich and terrifying spiritual energy.

Lin Fei estimated that cultivating in such an environment would definitely advance his vitality realm by leaps and bounds.

After sitting down cross-legged, Lin Fei did not waste time and immediately entered the state of cultivation.

call out!

In the dantian, the golden ball of light representing the third sun of the golden meridian of the sun rushed out directly from the dantian and hovered above Lin Fei's head.


The golden ball of light immediately produced a suction, and began to continuously absorb the rich aura around it.

Lin Fei took out another bottle of Jingyuan Real Water and poured it all into his mouth.

Then, began to practice exercises.

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