Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1257: The innermost refining hall

Whirring whirring……

In the Qi Refining Hall, the golden ball of light above Lin Fei's head continuously absorbed the aura around him. Literary fans. Ω.

A stream of rich and pure aura, like a hundred rivers returning to the sea, converged endlessly towards the golden ball of light.

With the absorption of more and more spiritual energy, the volume of the golden light ball is also getting bigger and bigger, and the dazzling golden light is constantly emitted, like a sun, illuminating the entire Qi Refining Hall. Can be born.

At the same time, Lin Fei's hundreds of limbs and every pore constantly absorbed the aura of the surrounding space.

For the first time, Lin Fei practiced the Sun Golden Sutra and experienced this amazing degree of absorption of spiritual energy.

Between the meridians in the body, a series of spiritual air currents, like the Yangtze River, surging and rushing endlessly.

"Hey, what kind of tactics is the tactics that this junior disciple is practicing, how can they absorb spiritual energy, so that it will be so terrible?"

"It seems that there is such a qi refining technique in the library of the base."

"Yeah, this Qi refining technique seems very domineering and a bit scary.

Then you have to find an opportunity to ask this junior. "

Several disciples who had just walked in, looking at the bright golden ball of light above Lin's head, were very surprised and started talking in a low voice.

These disciples, now that Lin Fei's face is relatively unfamiliar, they can guess that Lin Fei should be a new junior in the base.

One day, two days, three days, four days...

Time is slowly passing by.

Finally, ten days passed.

Within these ten days, the golden ball of light above Lin Fei's head has not stopped for a moment, continuously absorbing the rich spiritual energy around it.

At this time, the volume of this golden ball of light has already reached about eight meters in diameter!

On the tenth day, Lin Fei suddenly felt that the meridians in his body began to produce a faint sensation of pain, as if countless ants were crawling.

Signs of breakthrough!

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

It seems that the effect of cultivating on the earth veins is too obvious.

In just ten days, there were signs of a breakthrough.

Therefore, Lin Fei continued to immerse himself in cultivation.

Five days later.


An extremely powerful elemental force suddenly rushed out of Lin Fei's body, like a tornado, blowing out in all directions.

"It seems someone has broken through!"

Immediately, in the entire Qi Refining Hall, all the disciples who were cultivating all looked towards Lin Fei.

"This Junior Brother seems to have just entered the Qi Refining Hall, but after more than ten days, he broke through so quickly."

Many disciples showed envy.

"Intermediate sub-sacred realm!"

Lin Fei clenched his fists and smiled with satisfaction.

"Boy, the Sun Golden Sutra is a very domineering technique. The higher the level of cultivation of the Sun Golden Sutra, the greater the amount of spiritual energy that needs to be absorbed.

The reason you used to break through the level of upgrade was not very fast, because you used to stay in the Yuan Wu realm, and the content of heaven and earth aura was very thin.

You don’t have enough energy, so your realm breakthrough will naturally slow down.

In this valley, there are three medium-sized veins under the ground. One can imagine how much spiritual energy is contained.

Here you are cultivating the Sun's Golden Sutra. It is like a fish in the water. It is inevitable to break through quickly. "

Emperor Yan said in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

It turned out that Emperor Yan had also practiced the Sun Jinjing before, so he had a better understanding of this technique.

"Oh, Emperor Yan, what do you mean is that the more aura content is in an environment with sufficient spiritual energy, the faster the breakthrough is when you cultivate the Sun Golden Sutra technique, does that mean?"

Lin Fei asked with a move.

"Yes, it is true.

The biggest feature of the Sun Jinjing Law Jue is that it requires a lot of spiritual energy to practice.

The more aura of the cultivation environment, the faster the natural breakthrough.

This is inevitable. "

Yandi said.

"In this case, in this valley, there are three qi refining halls. The closer the location is, the more aura they possess.

So, if I enter the qi refining hall at the innermost position, will my breakthrough speed be even faster when I practice? "

Lin Fei's eyes were a bit fiery.

"Boy, are you looking for death?

Now this Qi Refining Hall, the aura possessed by it is already so rich and terrifying.

In the innermost Qi Refining Hall, only masters above the bitter sea realm dare to enter it for cultivation.

With your current realm of strength, it is estimated that if you cultivate in the innermost Qi Refining Hall, a large amount of spiritual energy will flood into your body at once, and your body will not be able to withstand it, and there will be the possibility of body explosion.

Very dangerous. "

Emperor Yan was taken aback by Lin Fei's thoughts.


Lin Fei was also taken aback.

"Suddenly, a lot of spiritual energy poured into the body... this is really a bit troublesome."

Lin Fei groaned.

However, suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Lin Fei's mind.

"Yes, I have Yunyuan Stone, so I am afraid of a lot of spiritual energy!

For other warriors, this may indeed be the case. It is very dangerous to flood a large amount of spiritual energy in the body at once.

But for me, there is something to be afraid of, there is Yunyuan Stone in my dantian!

The Yunyuan Stone can store an unlimited amount of vitality. Even if there is more spiritual energy pouring into my body and can't bear it, I will store it directly in the Yunyuan Stone. "

Lin Fei was overjoyed and quickly asked Yan Di.

"Yunyuan Stone..., I almost forgot that you kid had Yunyuan Stone.

In this way, it seems you can try it. "

Emperor Yan's voice was still not quite sure.

"Damn, fight it!

My current comprehensive strength, the worst is the realm of vitality.

In order to quickly improve the realm of vitality, take a risk. "

Lin Fei gritted his teeth, no longer hesitated, stood up, and left the qi refining hall directly.

After exiting the gate, Lin Fei walked directly to the innermost Qi Refining Hall.

Soon, Lin Fei came to the gate of the innermost Qi Refining Hall.

Clouds and mists tumbling out from inside from time to time, these clouds and mist are all pure and strong vitality.

Lin Fei stepped directly into the hall.

In the hall, only four or five people were practicing.

As soon as Lin Fei walked in, all of the four or five people who were cultivating opened their eyes, and their eyes fell on Lin Fei.

"No way, it turned out to be a sub-Saint Realm kid!"

One of the men in his thirties couldn't help but screamed.

The other few people also showed shocked eyes.

"Boy, what are you doing here.

You came to the wrong place, you should go to the outermost Qi Refining Hall.

That's where you stay. "

A thin and short man frowned and said to Lin Fei.

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