Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1271: Cultivating the earth hegemony

In the primitive jungle, Lin Fei did not dare to waste time, went on, searching the forest more carefully. Ω『Literature fans. ".

However, for a long time, he discovered a "dragon root grass" that was hundreds of years old, which belonged to the nine-grade elixir and the elixir of earth attributes.

Of course, during this process, Lin Fei also found many elixir that were not soil attributes, picked them and stored them in the space ring.

Finally, one day passed and night came.

"Yes, I found seventy or eighty nine-grade earth-attribute elixir, and more than 20 ten-grade earth-attribute elixir. As for other elixirs, more than one hundred were picked.

The harvest is very good, but the only regret is that there is no medicine available yet. "

Lin Fei muttered to himself that he was quite satisfied with the harvest of this day.

After nightfall, Lin Fei found a cave and settled temporarily.

This cave is relatively wide, with an area of ​​more than ten square meters, which is about the size of a room.

It also looks refreshing and dry.

In the cave, Lin Fei sat cross-legged and waved, a lot of elixir fell in front of him.

All are nine-rank and ten-rank elixir of soil properties, and the number is close to one hundred.

I have to say that in this wild medicine forbidden valley, it is indeed a paradise for herbs. These nine- and ten-grade elixir can be regarded as precious elixir outside, but in this forbidden valley, you can do whatever you want You can get a big hug.

"Okay. It's time to cultivate the Earth Overlord Body."

Lin Fei looked forward to it.

Dadi Hegemony, this is a body-refining exercise with soil attributes, and its biggest function is to have a relatively strong resistance.

Because the most important feature and advantage of the land attribute is defense.

After being refined, it can condense into a thick layer of soil on the surface of the body, just like putting on a layer of hard armor, producing a faint earth **** inscription to resist the enemy's blow.

Moreover, when practicing to the highest level, the body will produce a kind of khaki divine light. At this level, not only the body's defensive power is very abnormal, but it also has a terrifying increase in the strength of the martial artist.

The reason why Lin Fei decided to practice the earth tyrant body practice exercise, besides fancy its powerful defensive effect, there is another characteristic.

That is the effect of increasing power, which can be increased to several tens of times the original power.

This, for other warriors, may not be a big deal.

However, for Lin Fei, it was different.

Because Lin Fei was originally a body refiner and possessed a full 40,000 jin of power.

Imagine if Lin Fei's power increased by several times, what concept would that be.

It can definitely greatly enhance Lin Fei's combat effectiveness.

After Lin Fei was in the sea of ​​knowledge, after reviewing the cultivation methods of the earth domineering body several times, he began to practice.

The first step in cultivating the earth domineering body is to take the elixir!

"Okay, then eat!"

Lin Fei copied four or five nine-level elixir into his mouth, chewing hard.

Suddenly, the power of the medicine moisturized all parts of Lin Fei's body like water waves. He felt hot and dry throughout his body. The whole body, the internal organs, flesh and bones, and even every cell, had the medicine power transmitted to him.

Next, Lin Fei kept stuffing the nine-rank, ten-rank soil-type elixir into his mouth, like a cow chewing grass, swallowing it alive, and burping from time to time.

After half an hour.

Hundreds of nine-grade and ten-grade elixir entered the stomach, and the huge medicinal power swelled in the body, and the qi and blood transpired and even overflowed from the body.

Lin Fei only felt that his body had become a hot and unbearable furnace, the surging medicinal power was constantly scorching, and he was beginning to be on the verge of explosion.

Even Lin Fei's throat was already full of thick smoke.

Because, within a warrior, the amount of aura that can be accommodated is limited, if it goes out of range, the result will be an explosion.

Next, Lin Fei began to follow the cultivation methods of the Earth Domination Body, and began to pose one by one difficult training postures, guided the power of the terrifying medicine that was about to explode in his body, and began to slowly store it in the flesh, bones and viscera of his body. .

After one night.

The medicinal power in the body was finally completely absorbed, and there was no trickle left. Lin Fei opened his eyes abruptly, his eyes brightened, and the aura of the whole person seemed to rise a lot. , The strength seems to have improved a bit.

It was about a few thousand catties, but for Lin Fei's 40,000 catties strength, just adding a few thousand catties, there was hardly any feeling.

The Earth Hegemony has five layers, and now Lin Fei hasn't even completed the first layer.


Lin Fei took a deep breath with satisfaction, and it seemed that the earth domineering body did have a good effect on strength.

When a new day arrived, Lin Fei left the cave directly and threw himself into the search for the elixir again.

During this day, Lin Fei continued to deepen, and along the way, he also met many disciples of the school, each occupying a different mountain range, picking elixir.

At the same time, Lin Fei also encountered countless cruel fights. The various sects competed fiercely for precious elixir from time to time.

There are even some sects with weaker strengths, and all the disciples of the entire sect have been killed.

The disciples of all sects all understand that this time forbidden valley to gather herbs is not only for the purpose of gathering herbs, but also a cruel exercise. Before entering the valley, all the people have already prepared in their hearts. With your hands, naturally you will never be soft-hearted.

Therefore, along the way, Lin Fei could also see the tragic condition of corpses all over the floor from time to time, the strong smell of blood was so strong that it rose into the sky.

However, Lin Fei was alone, with small goals, and he was cautious along the way, avoiding existing people as much as possible, so there was no conflict with others.

On this day, Lin Fei also picked a large number of Nine-Rank and 10-Rank Earth-based elixir, and the number was much more than yesterday. In less than half a day, he picked two or three hundred plants!

However, they are all of the elixir level.

Finally, Lin Fei had a major achievement.

Before Lin Fei came to a big waterfall, this waterfall was like a milky way falling to the ground, with thunderous water sounds, and a large white water curtain hung down.

Halfway up the mountain, most of the protruding rock is immersed in the waterfall. At first glance, it is often overlooked whether there is an elixir on the rock.

Lin Fei also hurriedly glanced at it, and inadvertently some clues appeared. On the rock, there seemed to be some lush plants growing.

With a move in Lin Fei's heart, he unfolded and jumped onto the rock.

The waterfall swelled from the sky and impacted, Lin Fei released the majestic Yuanli shock wave in his body, forming a Yuanli defensive cover to protect the surrounding body.

On the rock slab, there are indeed many yellow plants growing, with a faint yellow luster.


When Lin Fei confirmed the identities of these yellow plants, he couldn't help taking a breath.

It turned out that all of them were first-grade Taoist medicine Earth Bone Profound Teng, a Taoist medicine with earth attributes.

And the number is close to twenty.

Lin Fei was so excited that the blood in his whole body seemed to be flowing backward, and there was a feeling that he suddenly learned that he had won the big prize.

"His sister hasn't found a single Taoist medicine for most of the day. Unexpectedly, so many have been discovered suddenly.

Sometimes things like luck are really hard to say. "

Lin Fei sighed in surprise, and hurriedly picked all these earth bones and mysterious vines, and hid them in the space ring.

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