Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1272: No disaster

After harvesting more than 20 vines, Lin Fei continued to the depths of the Forbidden Valley. Wen Δ learning fan. .

Lin Fei estimated that he probably entered the middle area of ​​the Forbidden Valley.

Among the three areas of the Wild Medicine Forbidden Valley, the outer area generally only has elixir picking and no Taoist medicine.

There is a Yipindao medicine in the middle area.

In the inner surrounding area, there are second-level Dao medicines, and some third- and fourth-level Dao medicines can even be found when luck is particularly good.

Sure enough, afterwards, Lin Fei picked some first-grade Dao medicines sporadically, and several of them were first-grade Dao medicines with soil properties.

After half a day, Lin Fei came to a green grassy valley.

Just as Lin Fei was in the valley, seeing if he could find herbs.



The bursting sound of the air burst, accompanied by an extremely powerful aura, the air burst, and obviously a powerful master came out of the valley and was about to rush into the valley.

Advanced Imperial Realm!

Lin Fei was startled, and secretly called unlucky in his heart.

With Lin Fei's current strength, he had no chance of winning when he encountered a high-level imperial realm.

Under Lin Fei's consciousness, a graceful figure of a woman appeared outside the valley with fluttering skirts. However, this woman's breathing was a little messy, her figure was a little embarrassed, and her dress was a little bit awkward. Blood stains.

It showed that this woman did not come for herself.

This made Lin Fei sigh slightly.

Moreover, a few kilometers away from the valley, there was also an extremely fierce figure, chasing in the direction of the valley in an instant, and the speed made Lin Fei surprised and admired.

This woman should have been chased and killed.

Lin Fei immediately wanted to understand this.

No matter what, I'd better hide for a while to avoid being affected.

At this time, Lin Fei had no time to rush out of the valley. His mind was immersed, his energy and blood converged, and he took a step forward and hid in the valley behind a thick forest.

Lin Fei tried his best to condense his breath, fluctuating his body's vitality, and retracted all of his body.

Even breathing is as if there is nothing.

The vitality of the whole person is like that of plants and stones.

Less than a breathing time, a woman in a pink dress rushed into the valley.

This is a young and beautiful woman with a noble temperament, no more than twenty-five years old.

Luo Chang, dressed in pink, made her feel as if Luoshen was out of water.

She has a holy and noble elegant temperament like the immortal coming to the dust, coupled with her beautiful face and moonlike appearance, which is enough to shock the vast majority of men in the world and lose their souls. They can't wait to worship immediately in order to pray for the fairy.

As this woman rushed into the valley, Lin Fei could feel more clearly that this woman really had the strength of a high-level emperor realm, and the power of the Yuan force radiated out gave a strong sense of oppression.

The woman in this pink dress had just entered the valley, less than two breaths.

An extremely licentious voice sounded in the valley.


Miss Ren, this is the end of the matter, and you are needlessly struggling.

Let me tell you the truth, I have been coveting your beauty, Miss Ren, for a long time, thinking about it, hoping to kiss Fangze.

It's just that I have been pursuing Miss Ren for many years, but Miss Ren has never looked at me squarely and shut me out of the door.

And this time, finally let me wait for a good opportunity, haha, Miss Ren, you have been hit by the power of Huanxi He He San. This kind of Huan Xi He He San is a powerful aphrodisiac of the second grade Dao Dan level, colorless and tasteless, and extremely difficult to prevent. Once you have been recruited, within three hours, if no man has **** with you, the hot and domineering medicine will eventually make your whole body flow backward and burst into death.

Haha, how about it, Miss Ren, you are noble, you are the eldest lady of Luohai Commercial Bank, if you just die in this forbidden valley, what a pity.

My Xing Wu has always been pitying and cherishing jade.

Well, let’s do this, this valley is good, Miss Ren, why don’t we use the sky as the bed and the ground as the bed to make good things happen.

You have never enjoyed **** between men and women. Today, I will let you feel comfortable. "

Following the sound, a purple light flashed, and a purple-clothed youth appeared ghostly in the valley, approaching the woman in the pink dress with a lewd smile.

Luohai Commercial Bank?

The Emperor Yan in Lin Fei's knowledge of the sea said softly, his tone seemed a little surprised.

"Oh, Emperor Yan, have you heard of this Luohai firm?"

Lin Fei asked curiously.

"Of course, the Luohai Commercial Bank is a very powerful and widely distributed organization in the Eastern Region, and it is mainly engaged in business.

Almost every country and every large city in the Eastern Region has a branch of Luohai Commercial Bank.

Although Luohai Commercial Bank is mainly based on commercial activities, there are also a large number of martial artists trained in the commercial bank. There are many masters. The real strength is said to be equivalent to the first-class sect, only slightly worse than the three holy sites. "

After all, Emperor Yan was a warrior who belonged to the Eastern Territory before, and he was naturally familiar with these more famous power organizations.

"So that's the case."

Lin Fei nodded secretly. It was obvious that the woman in the pink dress had a lot of background, and belonged to the first-class power.

"Xing Zhan, your Cangxiao faction dare to sneak attack on the people of our Luohai Commercial Company. You are not afraid. After the forbidden valley is over, our Luohai Commercial Company will seek revenge from you Cangxiao faction.

Hmph, with the strength of your Cangxiao faction, if the war really starts, I am afraid that it will not be able to bear the anger of our Luohai Commercial Bank. "

The woman in the pink dress said with upside-down eyebrows, sternly.

However, at this time, her situation is obviously getting worse and worse.

I saw her head dangled, and the delicate white and elastic skin, like a white sheep, was already oozing a strange crimson.

A pair of plump peaks and ridges are constantly undulating, trembling, and their pretty faces are like drinking alcohol, and they are flushed. In the beautiful eyes of Zhong Tiandi's aura, there are strangely faintly jetting fires, seemingly depressed Can't help but desire...


Ren Shanshan, don't be naive, you think you can get out of the forbidden valley alive.

And you guys from Luohai Commercial Bank, don't try to escape any of them.

In short, the people who entered the Forbidden Valley in the Luohai Commercial Bank this time are destined to be wiped out. Then only God knows and the earth knows. How can the Luohai Commercial Bank know that you Ren Shanshan was killed by me? "

The Xing Zhan laughed wildly.

Moreover, while Xingzhan laughed wildly, he seemed to glance at Lin Fei's hiding place intentionally or unintentionally.

Lin Fei couldn't help but feel moved.

Damn, it seems that I have been spotted a long time ago. In this torture battle, after killing that Ren Shanshan, he would definitely not let him go, and would definitely kill himself.

Lin Fei couldn't help but smile.

This is simply a disaster!

I came to this valley to collect medicine in a decent way, but unexpectedly, I suddenly encountered such a thing and seemed to take myself in.

It is also true that the Xing Zhan is also the cultivation base of the high-level emperor realm, and the divine consciousness is extremely powerful. What is the possibility of not being able to show it? There is a person hidden in this valley.

Lin Fei suddenly regretted it, why didn't he make a decisive decision just now and directly teleported to the city.

However, now it’s too late to regret, and only act by chance.

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