Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3158: Goodbye Old Master

Following the order of the Qiongqi Ancient Beast, the lower gods of the Yin God Faction and the Alien Space, fleeing back toward the base camp one by one.

Lin Fei had scared them out.

"Where to escape!"

Lin Fei chased him.

"Stop Lin Fei, you can't let him kill anymore!"

The two fierce beasts, Qiongqi and Wodou, both got red eyes and roared.

Today, there are too many gods killed by Lin Fei!

"Little thief, don't let go of it!"

Several middle gods of the Yinshen faction charged towards Lin Fei, trying to block Lin Fei's path.

"Just relying on you clowns, do you want to block my way too!"

Lin Fei sneered and said, the afterimage flashed, from an incredible position, at an astonishing speed, instantly bypassing these middle-level gods, and chasing up the lower gods who were running.

Just now.


The entrance door of the underground palace suddenly bounced open.


The monstrous black corpse gas, surging, boiling and rolling, spread out from the underworld.

Then, a large group of people rushed out from the underworld.

A giant beast that exudes a monstrous corpse and rotting aura, taking the lead, is the ghost beast of the underworld.

There is also a huge black coffin that rumbling over the sky.

A man with frightening eyes, with his hands on his back, stood in the coffin.

"Lin Fei!

Give me back the picture of Deception! "

The man in the coffin stared at Lin Fei at first glance, his face was extremely cold, his eyes were full of killing intent, and he coldly shouted.

This man is the ancient master of the underworld.

At the beginning, when Lin Fei crossed into the Divine Tribulation, it was this ancient master who used nine deceiving heaven and underworld pictures to forcibly interrupt, making Lin Feigong lose.

Later, the ancient master gave a picture of deceiving the sky and the world to the ten elders of the underworld to search for Lin Fei.

As a result, the ten elders of the underworld were all killed by Lin Fei.

The picture of Deception Tianming also fell into Lin Fei's hands.

This ancient master's nine pictures of deceiving the sky and the dark, lost one, and the power dropped greatly, so he couldn't forget it and wanted to take it back from Lin Fei's hand.

"You finally showed up, I have been waiting for you!"

Lin Fei's gaze also stared at Master Gu, stopped and sneered.

His own destiny was forcibly interrupted by this ancient master.

Destroying people's cultivation and preventing people from crossing the catastrophe is not a great enemy for warriors!

Even if this ancient master doesn't come to Lin Fei, sooner or later Lin Fei will find him personally.

Now, seeing the enemy is extremely jealous!

"Haha, boy, your vitality realm is still the **** realm.

Well, let me guess, it must be the last time that you were interrupted in the midst of a divine calamity, which damaged your foundation of vitality.

If you don't cure these hidden dangers on the foundation of vitality, it is simply impossible to break through and become a **** again.

Unless, you can get some treasures of heaven and earth, or, after a long period of cultivation, you will have hope and breakthrough again. "

Master Gu laughed.

He saw Lin Fei's anger, but he felt good and laughed.

"However, it is a pity that you will never have such an opportunity.

Because I will kill you myself. "

Master Gu made no secret of his murderous aura, looking at Lin Fei and said.

Then, he stretched out his foot and stomped lightly, and the coffin under his feet dashed across the sky and charged towards Lin Fei with a thud.

"Just relying on you, dare to keep saying that you want to kill me.

Fortunately, it is better to hit the sun if you choose another day. Today, I will have an enmity with you! "

Lin Fei was not afraid, but also moved forward to greet him.

"Lin Fei, be careful, he is a mid-level god, you are not necessarily his opponent!"

Seeing this, Hunyuan Daozu was a little worried and hurriedly conveyed to Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, you return, let me deal with him and help you get revenge!"

The old man Dameng also said to Lin Fei.

They were worried that Lin Fei would lose to that ancient master.

You know, this ancient master belongs to a very powerful mid-level god, and he is also a strong one in the same rank.

Lin Fei and his realm are too far apart.

"Don't worry, I have my own score."

Lin Fei replied, still rushing towards the ancient master.


Lin Fei took the lead and slashed out the little purple sword. The purple sword beams bloomed like a peacock, and they were domineering.

Lin Fei's 13 billion sword aura was attached to this little purple sword. The chaos magic weapon combined with the sharp sword intent was extremely powerful.


Everyone saw that where the purple sword passed, the space continued to crumble.

"That is a magic weapon of chaos!"

Finally, there were many gods, it was confirmed that the little purple sword shot from Lin Fei's hand was a magic weapon of chaos.

Otherwise, it is impossible, with such terrifying power.

In the previous battle, Lin Fei's body and speed were so eye-catching that many gods ignored this little purple sword.

Now, it is finally time to discover this little purple sword, which is actually a magic weapon of chaos!

"The magic weapon of chaos!..."

The gazes of the gods became a little greedy, and their breathing became a little heavy.

"Haha, very good. Unexpectedly, boy, you actually have a magic weapon of chaos!

Surprised me so much! "

The ancient master laughed loudly.

The ancient master shot, stepped out of the coffin in one step, the black mist was overwhelming, and the shadow swayed.


I saw him smashing the sky with a palm, tyrannical incomparable, covering this space with a monstrous black mist, and attacked Lin Fei.

Although he knew that Lin Fei's combat power was much stronger than the surface realm, and could kill the lower gods.

However, he still didn't pay much attention to Lin Fei, thinking that no matter how great Lin Fei was, it was impossible to resist him as a mid-level god.

"Old thief, go to death!"

After Lin Fei shot the purple small sword, various secret realms in his body ejected billowing chaotic essence, blessed it on his fist, and blasted it out.


Between the two, endless runes erupted, and the divine power fluctuated like a vast ocean, too violent. Obviously, this was an unparalleled attack.

"Lin Fei actually dared to face a head-on with a mid-level god!"

Everyone looked sideways.


This chaotic void was shaking, and Lin Fei and Master Gu had a big duel, emitting a dazzling divine light, and the black mist churned and shrouded the void of billions of miles.


Finally, a figure fluttered out quickly and vomited blood again and again.

"Lin Fei, what's wrong with you!"

The gods of the Yangshen faction such as Daozu Hunyuan and the old man Dameng were shocked.

The figure that was thrown out by the shock was Lin Fei.

"I'm fine."

Lin Fei stood still in the void, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and replied.

"Huh, kid, I can't think of it, your body is pretty hard.

But it doesn't matter, now is just the beginning.

I will slowly remove the bones from your body one by one! "

Old Master's face was very gloomy.

In the big duel just now, although he had the upper hand, he flew out Lin Feizhen.

However, it was obvious that Lin Fei was injured and it was not serious.   Obviously, Lin Fei is not as weak as he imagined!

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