Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3159: Not his opponent

"Haha, you overestimate your own strength!"

Lin Fei reached out and took out a magical medicine, stuffed it into his mouth, and swallowed it in one mouthful.

The mighty medicinal power instantly diffused in the body, causing Lin Fei's spirit to instantly return to its peak state.

With a loud sound, Lin Fei slashed the purple little sword again. The purple sword glow was dazzling, and it contained endless chaotic sword intent.

With a sword across the sky, the cold light illuminates the void of the entire three-thousand-size world, with extreme domineering.

At this moment, the entire three-thousand-large world, one by one, each of the powerhouses, their eyes were focused on Lin Fei.

All the people [] are shocked to the extreme.


Lin Fei can actually play against the mid-level god!

Doesn't this mean that Lin Fei's combat power has reached the level of a median god? !

However, his vitality realm is clearly the **** realm!

How can he do it?

This is too unreal! "

While some people were shocked, they also raised doubts.

"This little thief has actually reached this point!"

Some of Lin Fei's old enemies are not a taste.

For example, the palace lord of the underground palace, the suzerain of the Void Sect, the patriarch of the Mu family on the Tianhun plane, and others.

They all stared at Lin Fei's figure with puzzled and envious eyes, with extremely complex expressions.

"so amazing!

Lin Fei actually possesses such combat power! "

The happiest ones are the gods of the Yangshen school such as Hunyuan Daozu and Dameng Old Man.

Each one was shocked and excited.


Lin Fei displayed the secret technique of transforming one qi into three clears, manifesting three incarnations, as well as twenty-one human gods and three heavenly dragons, all killed out of the body.


The three incarnations all have amazing speed, and the afterimages are dazzling.

"Little thief Lin Fei, take his life!"

The ancient master roared and waved his hand, eight pictures of deceiving the sky, flying out, like eight black clouds, constantly zooming in, blooming monstrous black runes.

It was originally nine pictures of deceiving the sky, one of which fell into Lin Fei's hands, and there are eight left, but the power is still very terrifying, and it is not to be glimpsed.


A pitch-black coffin rushed out of the monstrous black fog and slammed into Lin Fei fiercely.

This coffin turned out to be a very powerful magic weapon.


In the billowing black fog, Master Gu and Lin Fei both lost their shadows, only a huge roar, constantly being transmitted from the sea of ​​black fog.

Like a series of thunders, it shocked many people, and blood surged.


Far away, there were some weak creatures who coughed up blood, staggered backwards, and looked shocked.

They were already standing in the air, but they were still affected by the divine power of the battle and were injured on the spot.

Of course, these are all beings in the divine realm or below the realm of strength.

They quietly hid from a long distance away, observing this shocking battle.

In the dark mist.

After Lin Fei and Master Gu fought a few moves, they couldn't help but frown secretly.

The situation is a bit bad.

Lin Fei was forced to retreat again and again. This ancient master was extremely powerful. Moreover, he was proficient in all kinds of underground palace secrets, and his combat power was terrifying.

In particular, the monstrous mist he created was actually an array from the underworld that trapped Lin Fei.

This greatly restricted Lin Fei's freedom of movement, and also allowed Master Gu to know Lin Fei's every move and movement trajectory.

Surrounded by black mist, there are a pair of eyes that are like ghosts, burning faintly, indescribably terrifying.


Finally, Lin Fei was hit by the palm of the ancient master, like a kite following a line, and thrown away.

Moreover, in mid-air, with a puff, Lin Fei's body actually exploded and turned into flesh and blood!

"Haha, boy, your death date is here!"

The ancient lord laughed wildly, chasing Lin Fei's soul body, eight pictures of deceiving the sky and the soul, also surrounded, to smash Lin Fei's soul body.

"Haha, great, little thief Lin Fei, he will finally fall!

God has eyes! "

In a world of 3,000 sizes, some of Lin Fei's old opponents, as well as people who have always hated Lin Fei secretly, witnessed this scene, and they all felt extremely happy, and someone laughed on the spot.

"No, Lin Fei seems to have something wrong!"

Hunyuan Daozu and the others were shocked one by one, and they showed their ways to rush over and rescue Lin Fei.

"Haha, what anxious, do you want to gang fight!"

The middle gods of the Yinshen faction such as Tuqi and Weidou stepped forward and blocked the path of Hunyuan Daozu and others.

There were also six or seven middle gods among the people of the underworld, staring at the people of the Yangshen faction.

At this moment, Lin Fei activated the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card.

With a scream, disappeared.


Master Gu discovered that Lin Fei's soul body, including the flesh and blood and bone residue that had been shattered just now, had disappeared cleanly.

Obviously, Lin Fei escaped.


Master Gu didn't want to believe it.

In the distance, Lin Fei directly performed the Phoenix Nirvana technique, reorganizing his flesh and blood, and instantly reshaping his flesh.

Lin Fei took out a handful of Tiancai Dibao, and Shen Dan, stuffed it into his mouth, and swallowed it.

These heavenly materials and earth treasures and **** pill were all obtained by Lin Fei in the Valley of Falling God. They were extremely high-level and rare in the world.

The effect of the medicine is naturally first-class, extremely good.

In an instant, Lin Fei's state returned to its peak.

"It seems that in the Valley of Fallen God, I can defeat and kill Qin Lei, which is a good place.

My strength is not enough to face a truly powerful mid-level god. "

Lin Fei muttered to himself.

He has re-examined and positioned his own combat power.

As a result, in the Valley of Fallen God, there are special laws that impose huge restrictions on the gods, flying to the sky and escape from the ground are very difficult.

Moreover, the place where Lin Fei and Qin Lei fought was under the ground.

Lin Fei is proficient in the technique of relatives, with hundreds of earth dragons helping each other, it can be described as taking the lead in every way.

But Qin Lei was restrained everywhere.

Therefore, Lin Fei was able to defeat and kill Qin Lei.

However, now, leaving the Valley of Fallen God and returning to a world of three thousand sizes, the situation has changed.

In this chaotic void, Lin Fei did not occupy any geographical advantage.

Master Gu is not subject to any restrictions either!

It was completely a fair duel.

Both sides can fully play their own highest level!

"Huh, kid, just now, you got away with it by chance.

However, in the future, I will not give you this opportunity again! "

The ancient master said in a cold voice, he stood on the dark giant coffin and stomped lightly, the giant coffin crashed into Lin Fei.

Eight pictures of deceiving the sky, like eight dark clouds, enveloped Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, you are not his opponent, step back.

Don't be brave! "

Hunyuan Daozu also saw that Lin Fei was still inferior to Master Gu's combat power.

"Master, don't worry, I know it!"

Lin Fei replied.

"Maybe, I killed you today."

Lin Fei strode to the meteor and greeted the ancient master.

"Lin Fei, don't hold on!

Yes, I admit, your combat power is indeed very strange.

Even if it is an ordinary middle-level god, it may not be able to defeat you.

Unfortunately, it was me that you met.

Do you think you have a chance to beat me?

Stop dreaming, prepare to die. "

Master Gu sneered.

"You are too confident.

But don't overturn the boat in the gutter. "

Lin Fei accelerated, the afterimage flashed, and quickly approached Master Gu.

Just now.


Above this chaotic void, dark clouds began to spread, lightning and thunder.

A huge thunder sea with a diameter of hundreds of millions of miles slowly emerged and appeared directly above Lin Fei.

"What's the matter?" At this moment, everyone was a little dazed. They raised their heads and stared at the terrifying thunder sea above Lin Fei's head.

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