Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3477: Family news

Lin Fei walked in the chaotic void of three thousand worlds, and soon he walked in front of the chaotic world tree.

"Now, how is the situation on the plane of Falling Immortal?"

Lin Fei asked.

"It's still an intermediate world.

However, sooner or later, it will grow into an advanced world.

Boy, let me tell you, this kind of thing can't be rushed.

The upgrade of the plane is a great project, and you must be patient.

However, you can rest assured that this is my best field. I promise that the plane of the immortal will definitely grow into an advanced world. "

Chaos World Tree said.

"Well, I believe you.

However, this time, I brought you something special. "

Lin Fei said.

"Something special?

Boy, you have to know that there are very few treasures in this world that have an effect on our Chaos World Tree.

You brought back those ordinary treasures of heaven and earth, it didn't do much to me.

However, anyway, my old man is also very pleased that you have this heart, boy. "

Chaos World Tree said.

"Look at it first before talking."

Lin Fei smiled.

After speaking, Lin Fei waved his hand, and a jade bottle and a tree seed flew out, floating in front of the Chaos World Tree.

The jade bottle was filled with green liquid. Although it was tightly covered, there was still an astonishing breath of life passing from it.

That tree seed is nothing unusual, no different from ordinary tree seeds.

"this is?!"

The Chaos World Tree stared at the jade bottle first, and the voice of words began to tremble slightly.

"Boy, where did you get these things!"

It seems,......, very good!

It's so useful to me... "

The Chaos World Tree carefully perceives the green liquid in the jade bottle, and it becomes more and more excited, and the tone cannot be coherent.

"Haha, good, kid, thank you very much.

This bottle of stuff is so useful to me!

I really can't believe that you found the original tree liquid!

Moreover, it is the original tree of our Chaos World Tree!

Our family, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, can be regarded as extinct.

The tree sap left behind is so rare that you have found it. It's amazing, amazing!

Haha, with these tree essences, I am confident that my realm has risen to several levels. "

The Chaos World Tree exclaimed excitedly.

"So, what is this again?"

The gaze of the Chaos World Tree stared at the tree seed and began to observe carefully.

"It's just a tree seed, it's quite ordinary... boy, why did you specially bring this tree seed back to you?"

The Chaos World Tree is a bit puzzled.

"I don't know what it does.

However, I guess it should be suitable for you. "

Lin Fei smiled.

How could that old Chaos World Tree solemnly bring back something that it entrusted itself to be an ordinary treasure.

"This tree seed..., is there nothing special?"

The Chaos World Tree also knew that if it were just an ordinary seed, Lin Fei would definitely not bring it back.


Finally, the trunk of the Chaos World Tree suddenly shook, and the face on the trunk showed an incredible and unbelievable expression.

"Could it be..., the life inheritance of an old man in my clan?!"

The tone of the Chaos World Tree was shocked to the extreme.

"Do not!

how is this possible!

My race is almost extinct in the world.

From ancient times to today, I have gone through untold hardships and searched hard, but I have not been able to find any trace of our clan.

Boy, come on, where did you get this seed!

Say it! "

Under the extreme excitement of the Chaos World Tree, a branch stretched out and suddenly curled up Lin Fei's shoulder, shaking again and again.

"Don't worry, listen to me slowly."

Lin Fei replied.

"What to say slowly, kid, you give it to me, now, say it right away!"

The Chaos World Tree is simply too anxious.

You know, from the ancient times to today, in the long years, this chaotic world tree, I don't know how much time it took him to pursue the whereabouts of his family.

However, there has never been any news.

To this day, this Chaos World Tree has been believed that in the boundless Chaos Sea, his kin has already disappeared.

Unexpectedly, today, suddenly, there is information.

It can be said that at this moment, he has waited too long.

Then, Lin Fei took himself into a place outside the law, how he encountered the old Chaos World Tree, and explained to the Chaos World Tree in detail.

"A place outside the law!

I know that some time ago, there was such news that in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, a place outside the law did appear.

A total of more than a dozen relatively powerful forces have sent people to enter and explore.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fei, you also got in. "

Chaos World Tree said.

"Yes. I got in too.

It was inside, I met the old man. "

Lin Fei nodded.

"Where is the place outside the law, take me there immediately!

I'm going to meet, the old man of my clan! "

The Chaos World Tree seemed very impulsive.

"now go?

It's too late.

At that time, the old man of your clan told me that the place outside the law was about to move and would leave the boundless sea of ​​chaos. I didn't know which unknown space to move to.

Go now, it's impossible, you can find it again. "

Lin Fei shook his head.

"It's true.

The land outside the law, in fact, is the fragment of a certain chaotic space, moving around, impossible, and always staying in one place. "

Chaos World Tree sighed.

For this, the Chaos World Tree also knows deeply.

Because the law of space is also one of the racial talents of the Chaos World Tree.

"It's a pity, the only time I have the opportunity to meet my fellow clan, I can't help but grasp it."

The Chaos World Tree looked very depressed and lost.

"Ahem, I can't say, it's the only chance.

Now that I can meet the old man, this shows that your family is not extinct.

Maybe, in the future, you will still have a chance to meet the same race. "

Lin Fei comforted.

"Yes, kid, you can hear that.

Not bad.

My fellow clan has not disappeared! "

Chaos World Tree lifted up and said.

"Okay, kid, I'm going to practice.

The two things you brought me back are too useful to me!

You wait.

I am confident that after [Xinbiquge] I have refined and absorbed these tree essence and this life heritage crystal, I can directly upgrade the plane of falling immortality to a high-level world! "

Chaos World Tree said, appearing full of confidence.


That's great! "

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

Once the plane of falling immortality becomes an advanced world, a large number of ordinary gods will be born in the plane.

At that time, the strength of the Immortal Falling Plane can be, and it will become the most powerful plane in the entire three thousand worlds.

Moreover, Lin Fei has hundreds of true fruits.

At that time, a batch of true gods can be created directly in the plane of falling immortals.

Then, the plane of falling immortals, in the entire boundless chaotic sea, will also be a powerful plane!

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