Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3478: Falling back to the fairy plane

Note: The plane of Falling Immortal is already an advanced world. It is purely a clerical error. I hope readers will forgive me!

"Okay, kid, I don't have time to babble with you.

I am going to retreat and practice. "

Chaos World Tree said.

"OK then."

Lin Fei nodded, and then walked into the plane of falling immortal.

"Lin Fei, you are back!"

The first thing I discovered was the real old Tao. He is now the master of the plane, and any small move in the plane can't escape his perception.

"See the master!"

An old man with white flowers, followed by the real old Dao, said respectfully.

This old man, called Zhang Qianzhang, was the first creature to become a **** after being upgraded to a high-level world.

However, as soon as he became a god, he immediately provoke Lin Fei.

As a result, Lin Fei took a lesson and performed the secret technique of the puppet's thread and became a slave.

Since then, he has been in the plane of falling immortal, specializing in assisting the real old Taoist to deal with the affairs of the plane.


Senior True Cang, you have broken through to become the next god! "

Lin Fei was surprised and delighted when he saw the old way.

The realm of the real old way is actually a lower god.

"Hehe, I am the master of the plane of falling immortal, and the plane of falling immortal is an advanced world.

I became a god, what's so strange. "

Really old said with a smile.

"Not bad."

Lin Fei couldn't help but feel stunned.

It is also true that the true old Dao is the lord of the plane, and the quality of the plane rises, and his strength will also improve along with it.

Now, the plane of falling immortals is an advanced world, fully capable of giving birth to gods.

As the lord of a high-level world, it is indeed a matter of course for the real old way to become a god.

"I feel that I don't need to practice much, and as the quality of the plane of falling immortal gradually improves, my realm continues to break through."

Said really old.

"That's a good thing."

Lin Fei smiled.

"However, except for you, during this period, it seems that no one else in the plane has broken through to become a god."

Lin Fei's divine consciousness touched the entire plane for a moment, a little disappointed.

"Don't be too impatient.

Not long ago, the plane of falling immortality was still a plane of garbage. How long was it to upgrade to a low-level plane, to an intermediate plane, and then to a high-level world.

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, which one of the other high-level worlds did not begin to give birth to gods after a very long period of time and accumulation. "

Really old said that he knew everything about the plane of Falling Immortal.

"Well, it makes sense.

However, this progress is still too slow. "

Lin Fei nodded, but still a little dissatisfied.

After all, the overall strength of the plane of falling immortality is too weak.

"By the way, the three of Qingluo, Rong'er and Wan'er are the most likely to break through and become gods in the near future.

The three of them are now in retreat, preparing to attack the realm of gods. "

Said really old.


Lin Fei was a little surprised, his divine consciousness immediately felt the past in the secret room where the three of them usually practiced.

"Sure enough, they are all in retreat, attacking the realm of the gods!"

Lin Fei said excitedly.

No wonder, when I returned to the plane of falling immortal, they didn't show up for the first time to welcome me.

"the host!

You're back! "

At this moment, Ah Zi's voice sounded and appeared in the starry sky of the universe, like flying, coming to Lin Fei with excitement.

Azi is now a high-level god, only one step away from the lower god.

However, this step is far away, for the vast majority of warriors in the world, it will not pass in a lifetime.

"Master, you are back!"

At the same time, in the starry sky, there were many high-level figures from the plane of immortality appearing one after another to welcome Lin Fei.

Soon, the starry sky was full of powerhouses on this plane.

One by one surrounded Lin Fei.

Most of them are already the strength of the gods.

"Tianyi God Silkworm, where are the Eight Stone Saints."

Lin Fei found that many familiar people did not appear.

"Master, they have left the plane of falling immortals long ago, and have traveled everywhere in the various planes of the three thousand worlds."

Azi said.

"Well, it's a good thing."

Although, the current boundless sea of ​​chaos is very chaotic and very dangerous.

However, it is still relatively safe inside the three thousand-sized world.

"Meng Shan, Chang Hao, Xiao Yuanshan and others have also gone out to travel.

Also, your former confidantes, Miss Ren, Princess Peacock, Sister Xiao Rong, Sister Xiao Yinyue, Sister Meng Xue, etc. have all left the plane and traveled outside.

Since we fell on the immortal plane and became an advanced world, within the plane, martial arts have become popular, and almost all creatures have worked hard to cultivate. "

Azi smiled.

"Azi is right.

Not only did we fall on the plane of immortality, a large number of creatures went out to travel outside.

There are also many creatures on other planes in the three thousand worlds, who enter our plane of immortality to travel and practice.

When we fall on the plane of immortality, it is tantamount to re-opening and free entry and exit.

Originally, I wanted to wait for you to come back. It was up to you.

However, the two seniors, Pangu and Nuwa, both talked to me, so I did what they wanted. "

Said really old.

"Well, that's great.

Now, three thousand big and small worlds should unite and become a whole. "

Lin Fei nodded.

"By the way, Azi, I brought a treasure back, temporarily lending you to practice for a while."

Lin Fei said to A Zi.


The mirage flew out and hovered in front of Ah Zi.

"what is this!"

Azi's beautiful eyes lit up in an instant, staring at the mirage, unable to remove it anymore.

You know, Azi is best at illusion.

In this mirage, there is a clever illusion law, and it belongs to the chaos origin level!

Suddenly, this mirage attracted A Zi deeply.

"Master..., what treasure is this?"

Azi's body trembled slightly with excitement.

"The mirage, take it, and practice for a while.

The energy contained in this mirage is very scary, so you have to be careful.

However, I will leave a breath of my soul on your body, this mirage recognizes my breath of soul, so you will be fine. "

While Lin Fei was speaking, he attached a breath of his own soul to A Zi's delicate body.

"Master, I am going to retreat and practice."

Azi couldn't wait, took the mirage, and immediately ran in the direction of her secret room.

Since Ah Zi's body had Lin Fei's spirit aura, Mirage Pearl did not reject Ah Zi in any way.

Otherwise, with Azi's weak strength, I'm afraid that he will be shaken to dust by the mirage before he gets close.

"Okay, let's all go.

Don't be with me. "

Lin Fei waved his hand and said to the others.

Then, Lin Fei stepped up and walked to the closed room where Rong'er and Wan'er were closed.

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