Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3489: What happened to the Alliance Army

"Huh, I don't know what to do!

In this case, I will fulfill you. "

The true **** of the Western Holy See couldn't help being furious.

The big hand shot out, the palm print collapsed into the sky, rumbling, and on the spot, the bodies of the ordinary gods rushing in the front were blown into pieces and turned into blood fog.

"Run away!"

The three flying boats rushed into a space-time transmission channel at the same time and left quickly.

"Haha, leave it to me!"

Among the Western Holy See, a high-ranking god, the true god, rushed up in one step, put out a big hand, and patted the space-time transmission channel.

Just now.

Suddenly, the hundreds of gods who rushed out of the flying boat just now looked at each other, and their eyes all showed a decisive look.


"Remember to let the leader avenge us!"

An ordinary high-ranking **** yelled at the three flying boats.

Then, more than three hundred gods took out all the magic weapons from themselves, and activated them all, one by one, like a series of firecrackers, constantly exploding.

Then, these more than three hundred gods, at the same time, ignited their gods and blew themselves one after another.

Every god, with a mortal heart, is not afraid, and rushes towards the Western Holy See's people, even the true gods.


A terrible explosion occurred in this void.

More than three hundred gods, with the most decisive courage, ignited their lives in a very short period of time and exploded against the people of the Western Holy See.

"Damn it!"

Even the true gods of the Western Holy See felt a little headache and evaded.

In the Western Holy See, those who are not members of the gods suffered a lot of casualties.

One second later, more than three hundred gods all blew themselves to death.

In the void, there are thick blood mist, blood water, fleshy flesh, and bone residue floating everywhere.

Fortunately, those three flying boats, carrying hundreds of millions of creatures, have already gone.

"Chasing, chasing me, can't let them escape!"

An upper **** of the Western Holy See, roared.

This scene is happening everywhere in the entire boundless chaotic sea.

A large number of members of the Alliance Army fell one after another in the process of being hunted down.

It can be said that the Alliance army was brutally slaughtered!

at this time.

Among the demons.

In a huge palace filled with monsters.

"Demon Lord, now, the boundless sea of ​​chaos is already a situation where the six superpowers stand together.

Next, how should we act. "

The demon master sat cross-legged on a futon, an old demon with a hideous look, said to the demon master.

"Well, next, it's time to attack other super powers.

However, the means should be clever.

To do everything possible to slowly reduce the strength of the other five superpowers, until the final key is to officially tear their faces and destroy them in one fell swoop.

Let the boundless Chaos Sea fall into even more terrifying turmoil.

The more chaotic the better.

All races in the world must submit to our monster race.

From now on, all those who disagree will carry out genocide! "

The voice of the demon Lord was extremely ruthless and extremely mad.

"By the way, Demon Lord, I found out some details about the identity of the alliance army and the leader of the previous period."

The old demon said.


What's the background of that kid? "

The demon lord immediately became interested and asked.

"If I guess right, that kid should be Lin Fei in a world of three thousand sizes."

The old demon said.


Lin Fei of three thousand worlds!

It was that nasty kid!

Are you sure? "

When the demon master heard this, he was a bit furious.

He thought of the female fetus that he had spent countless hours, countless energy, countless possessions, and finally cultivated!

The female fetus he had placed high hopes on was one of his most crucial cards for breaking through to the Chaos God in the future. It was actually taken away!

"Lin Fei!

Falling God Valley! "

Thinking of all this, the demon master gritted his teeth with hatred.

"Now, a large number of members of that alliance army are fleeing in the direction of a three thousand world.

Obviously, I went to find Lin Fei. "

The old demon said.

"Well, okay, keep an eye on Lin Fei. When the time comes, I will personally visit the three thousand worlds.

That disgusting world group makes me very uncomfortable.

It's time to erase it. "

Demon Lord said.

"Demon Lord, there is nothing to worry about in a world of three thousand sizes.

It's just that behind that Lin Fei is God of Fallen Valley.

Falling into the Valley of God is a trouble. "

The old demon said.

"It's okay. When necessary, I will talk to some ancestors and take a trip with me.

Falling into the Valley of God, sooner or later I will level it down. "

The demon master said lightly.

"If the ancestors in the demon nest are willing to come out of the mountains, they will be successful!"

The old demon was overjoyed.

"Oh, by the way, Demon Lord, there is one more thing.

A few days ago, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, there were more creatures and witnessed the emergence of the highest world.

I have sent troops to investigate the truth. "

The old demon said.

"Well, the ancestors in the demon nest have repeatedly told them to track down the whereabouts of those highest worlds."

Demon Lord said.

"I understand.

By the way, Demon Lord, do you think the saying that was circulated in the prehistoric times is possible, is it true?

If the Supreme World appears one after another, it means that a chaotic space is beginning to go toward destruction. "

The old demon asked.

"According to the speculation of the ancestors in the demon nest, this sentence, most of them, is true.

However, this sentence has two meanings.

The first level refers to a chaotic space, completely destroyed, everything in the space will be destroyed with it, and the entire void will become nothingness.

The second level refers to a terrible catastrophe in a chaotic space, and the creatures inside are cleaned and extinct.

Then, in the chaotic space, began to step into a new chaotic era, and everything started again.

In fact, the ancestors in the demon nest have long been deduced repeatedly.

Unanimously, it should be the second meaning. "

Demon Lord said.

"That's good.

If it is the first meaning, the entire chaotic space, everything, becomes nothingness.

That's terrible.

At that time, even we will perish. "

The old demon rejoiced.

"Haha, don't worry.

Right now, our monster race, aren't we preparing to mass-kill all the creatures in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Perhaps it is the answer to the old saying that has been circulated in the prehistoric times.

Let all creatures go to destruction.

Only our monster race is the real master of this chaotic space! "

The demon master laughed loudly.

at the same time.

In three thousand worlds.

Lin Fei was in the secret room, practicing the Law of Wood.

After this period of hard work, Lin Fei's understanding of the law of wood has become deeper and deeper.

Lin Fei believed that he was not far from truly mastering a complete wooden law.


"Lin Fei, things are not good, the goblin seems to be in trouble."

The voice of the real old way sounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Goblin is in trouble!"

Lin Fei was taken aback, stopped practicing immediately, and walked out of the secret room with one step.

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