Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3490: Tomb of God

Really old, Zhang Qianzhang was in the starry sky, waiting for Lin Fei.

"what happened."

Lin Fei asked.

"Listen to it."

Really old Dao waved his hand, and a jade slip flew out.

"Senior True Cang, I seem to be lost... Damn, what is this place, isn't it a three-thousand-sized world?

No, what the **** are these, get out of me!

Eight-stone saint, let's run, run! "

Among the jade slips, a voice came out.

"Goblin, with the Eight Stone Saints!"

Lin Fei could not help but yelled softly.

"Not bad.

At the beginning, the nine of them set off together, saying that they were going to make a break.

I guess that nine of them, in terms of cultivation, should have encountered bottlenecks.

So I want to go out and practice. "

Said really old.

He is the lord of this plane, and all creatures, entering and leaving the plane, have to pass his test.

Especially Lin Fei's relatives, friends, teachers, etc., the real old way is naturally the focus.

"Do you know where they went."

Lin Fei asked.

"One of the forbidden areas in the three thousand worlds is called the God Battle Tomb.

You should have heard of it. "

Said really old.

"It turned out to be the God Battle Tomb.

I have not only heard of it, but also went in.

However, that place does not seem to be very dangerous. "

Lin Fei immediately remembered that forbidden area, which was considered a relatively famous forbidden area in a world of three thousand sizes.

"Of course it's nothing.

However, for the strength of the goblin and the Eight Stone Saints, there may be danger. "

Said really old.

"Okay, I'll go take a trip."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Master, I will go with you."

Zhang Qianzhang said.

"Okay, let's go."

Lin Fei nodded and stepped forward, disappearing into the plane of falling immortal.

Zhang Qianzhang also hurriedly showed the starting method and followed Lin Fei.

At the speed of Lin Fei and Zhang Qianzhang, naturally, they arrived at the God Battle Tomb in a moment.

"Master, I heard that this is an ancient battlefield."

Zhang Qianzhang said.

"Yes, Not Bad.

In ancient times, there were terrible battles between the Yangshen faction and the Yinshen faction.

I guess this was once one of the battlefields.

This is not surprising. There are many such ancient battlefields in a world of three thousand sizes.

Go, let's go in and have a look. "

Lin Fei walked into the God Battle Tomb.

Zhang Qianzhang followed closely behind.

This is a vast space, and at first glance, it is gray.

Those gray mists are strong evil spirits, which will erode the human body, and even invade the sea of ​​consciousness, which is very dangerous.

Lin Fei knew that these evil spirits were left over from ancient wars.

The aftermath of energy, murderous aura, and the unwillingness left behind after the fall of some powerful creatures from the battle, these things, mixed together, form a terrible evil aura over time.

Of course, these evil spirits are not worth mentioning to the two gods Lin Fei and Zhang Qianzhang.

Wherever the two of them went, some suffocation, and automatically retreated.

In the tomb of the gods, there are many creatures in the experience.

Because there are not only a lot of evil spirits here, but also occasionally some magic weapons, secrets, treasures of heaven and earth, and various other treasures left over from ancient times.

Therefore, the God Battle Tomb is a more popular forbidden place in the world of 3,000 sizes.

Of course, they are all relatively weak creatures who come here to practice.

And the gods-level masters disdain to come here to practice.

Because, according to legend, the battle mound of the gods is the battlefield left over from the battle between the ancient gods.

Of course, the gods will not come here to practice. Generally speaking, if a god-level master wants to practice, they will leave a three-thousand-large world and enter the boundless sea of ​​chaos to practice.

Lin Fei and Zhang Qianzhang, both of them had astringent aura, and they did not reveal their divine power, and they walked in the battle mound.

Along the way, I passed by many experienced creatures.

Between different creatures, in order to grab property, they fought and faced each other.

The cruelty, ruthlessness, and **** of the warrior world are manifested here vividly.

Looking at the martial artists who were practicing and fighting, Lin Fei couldn't help but remembered that when he was still weak in the past, he was a little bit emotional.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness is always perceivable, and the entire divine battle mound is instantly perceptible.

However, Lin Fei did not discover the whereabouts of the goblins and the Eight Stone Saints.

"It's strange, Master, no trace of them was found."

Zhang Qianzhang also said.

"Well, it's a bit weird, we look around for it."

Lin Fei was a little worried.

The goblins and the Eight Stone Saints are very important friends in Lin Fei's mind. Of course, Lin Fei does not want them to have trouble.

With the speed of Lin Fei and Zhang Qianzhang, they searched the entire God Battle Tomb in a moment.

However, the whereabouts of the goblin and the Eight Stone Saints were still not found.

"Get someone to ask."

Lin Fei said.

At this moment, in front, there was a group of warriors, walking in the direction of Lin Fei.

There are about two dozen people.

The head was a young man dressed up as a nobleman, with a silver battle suit, a slender body and a high forehead, and he knew it was from a big family.

"Nima's, two trash without eyes, dare to block the way of Liu Gongzi!"

Before Lin Fei could speak, three or four big men rushed over, pointed at Lin Fei and Zhang Qianzhang, and yelled.

Lin Fei couldn't help but frowned. To tell the truth, these people were too weak and too weak, so weak that Lin Fei didn't want to care about them at all.

Because Lin Fei and Zhang Qianzhang are both convergent auras.

With the strength of these people, no one can tell the true strength of Lin Fei and Zhang Qianzhang.

"I want to find a few people and ask if you have seen them."

Lin Fei said lightly.

"Ask your mother, Liu Gongzi is also something you can ask?

Kneel down immediately, knocked a hundred heads to Liu Gongzi, to see if Liu Gongzi could show mercy and let the two of you alive. "

He kept pretending to be a big man and shouted loudly.

"Are you looking for death?"

Zhang Qianzhang was a little angry and said coldly.

"Die old man, dare to talk back and see how I can clean you up."

The strong pretender, furious, slapped Zhang Qianzhang.

This big man has the realm of an earth fairy, and among the warriors of the same rank, his strength is pretty good.

He followed this Young Master Liu, always arrogant and arrogant.

Zhang Qianzhang sneered coldly and didn't fight back.

With a bang.

The palm of the big man just touched Zhang Qianzhang's body, and the whole arm suddenly exploded.


The big man screamed, lost his face in amazement, and backed away again and again.

He didn't know where, he kicked the iron plate!

"Protect Young Master Liu!"

Beside that Young Master Liu, two masters of heavenly immortals shouted.

These two masters of immortals are Liu Gongzi's personal bodyguards, who are specifically responsible for Liu Gongzi's safety.

They finally realized that the two people in front of them might be horrible masters in secret.

"Friends, you have passed, it is not a good thing to provoke Young Master Liu.

Just tie your hands obediently! "

The two heavenly immortal masters yelled at the same time and forced them to Lin Fei and Zhang Qianzhang.

"Well, don't play anymore, just stop me peacefully, I'll ask questions, and you will answer honestly."

Lin Fei said, stretched out his hand, and a force of law confined that Young Master Liu and all his subordinates in place, unable to move.

Then, Lin Fei waved his hand, and the portraits of the goblin and the Eight Stone Saints appeared in this space at the same time.

"Have you seen them?"

Lin Fei asked.

"What! It's them, these bastards, I'm looking for them everywhere.

They beat me up, never want to escape from my palm! "

When the young master Liu saw the portrait of the goblin and the Eight Stone Saints, he immediately roared, angrily.

"Oh, so to speak, you really met them."

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

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