Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3500: Under the castle

In a few moments, three high-level gods and true gods were beheaded one after another. Such a battlefield was simply shocking! At this time, all the living creatures of the Western Holy See were pale and trembling, and they all fell directly limp, frightened and completely collapsed, and there was no sign of resistance anymore.

"Master, these are the gods we caught."

The slaves of the true gods under Lin Fei captured the psychic powers of the Western Holy See and brought them to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei used the secret method of the puppet's thread, one by one, these gods and spirits were collected as slaves.

"It seems that I have to find a way to enhance my divine consciousness. So far, I still can't subdue the upper gods. It's a pity.

Every time you encounter the upper gods, the true gods, you can only kill them, which is really a waste.

If I can subdue a group of upper gods and true gods, then my strength will increase dramatically. "

Lin Fei thought in his heart.

However, Lin Fei also knew that with his current strength of divine consciousness, it was too difficult and too difficult to go further.

This is the iron law of martial arts, no matter what aspect of ability, the higher the level, the more difficult it is to continue to improve.

"Go, let's continue."

With a wave of his hand, Lin Fei led the men and horses towards the chaotic void in the distance.

A moment later, Lin Fei discovered another group of members of the Alliance army who were being hunted down, each of them was seriously injured, barely supported, and desperately fleeing.

In the rear, a large army of demons was chasing closely.

Groups of strong devilish energy rolled in, shaking the sky, with a terrifying aura.

"Kill! Kill all these lowly reptiles!"

The demon heads with hideous faces exuded terrifying magical coercion and gave out harsh laughter.

At this time, Lin Fei came.

Displayed directly, the physical supernatural powers turned into a giant hundreds of thousands of feet tall, standing in the void, stomping towards the demon army.

The giant golden feet are like a mountain of gold, stepping down.

Suddenly, the space where the demon army was located collapsed, time and space were annihilated, and endless time and space fragments were raging crazily.

The screams kept ringing.

A large number of demons were trampled into pieces of meatloaf on the spot.


In the army of the demon clan, the masters of the demon clan rose into the air and roared.

"Next, Lin Fei took his men and horses and continued to pick up other members of the Alliance Army.

In the chaotic void, fierce battles took place one after another. With Lin Fei's current strength, as long as there is no Lord God, he is naturally invincible.

And Lin Fei conquered more and more **** slaves.

A few days later, Lin Fei's slaves, only true gods, had reached more than 600.

There are more than two thousand ordinary **** slaves.

As for the five superpowers who were not gods, the casualties were so heavy that they were almost killed.

It can be said that all the chasing troops sent by the five superpowers were wiped out! Most of the members of the Alliance army who had fled towards the three thousand worlds had been rescued by Lin Fei.

There was also a small part of the members of the alliance army, because they were chased too tightly, they changed their destination halfway and fled to other remote and hidden places in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

In the past few days, there have been too many killings in the chaotic void.

The losses of the five superpowers are too heavy! The news passed back, and the senior figures of the five superpowers were extremely angry.

An angry roar resounded throughout the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

"Immediately send troops to the three thousand worlds! Find Lin Fei!"

"Lin Fei must be killed!"

...The top five superpowers, in extreme anger, gave orders.

As a result, a large army quickly assembled, ready to go! At the same time, almost all world groups, all races, and all sects have heard of this.

The entire boundless sea of ​​chaos caused a sensation for it.

At this time, in the world of three thousand sizes.

"Master, according to reliable sources, the army of the five superpowers has already come to a world of three thousand sizes!"

A slave of the middle **** true **** came back hurriedly and reported to Lin Fei.

At this time, Lin Fei was in a palace discussing matters with the True Sword God, Yang Song, Pangu, and Nuwa.

The discussion was about the situation in the boundless sea of ​​chaos during this time.

"Okay, I know."

Lin Fei nodded.

In fact, Lin Fei had long expected that things would develop in this direction.

"Next, our three thousand worlds will usher in an unprecedented powerful enemy."

The True Sword God's face was solemn, and he said slowly.

"Not bad.

The Demon Capital, the Demon Capital, the Western Holy See, the Divine Corpse Hall, and the Underworld, each is the superpower with the longest heritage in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

It is said that the inheritance years of these five superpowers are as long as the history of the boundless Chaos Sea.

In other words, since the boundless sea of ​​chaos, this chaotic space was opened up, these five superpowers were born. "

Yang Song nodded and said.

"Lin Fei, you can really cause trouble."

Hunyuan Daozu said with a wry smile.

"Predecessors, there is a big feng shui formation in a world of three thousand sizes, so you should not be afraid.

When the time comes, I will go out to confront the enemy. "

Lin Fei said.

Lin Fei felt a little guilty because of his own burden to a world of three thousand sizes.

After all, with the strength of a three-thousand-large world, it is simply impossible to simultaneously confront the five superpowers.

"Look at you kid, what are you talking about.

We have nothing to fear.

Soldiers come to block, water comes and soil floods. "

Yang Song said.

At this time, in the void of the boundless Chaos Sea, the atmosphere was extremely tense, and a heavy pressure filled the void of chaos.

Countless creatures feel that breathing is a little difficult.

I saw that one team after another was marching, heavily armored, all made of chaotic copper. They could be armed with warriors or carrying a halberd, with cold light coming from afar, passing through time and space channels.

The army of the demon capital, the army of the demon capital, the army of the underworld, the army of the Western Holy See, and the army of the corpse hall appeared at the same time, all heading in the direction of the three thousand worlds.

Looking around, in the chaotic void, an astonishing number of troops are marching in a unified and orderly manner.

These troops are elites at first glance. Every soldier is very powerful, constantly traveling through time and space, all exuding a sense of killing.

Under this killing aura that obscured the sky, everything trembled, the cold light of armor and the murderous aura of weapons dimmed the light of the entire boundless chaotic sea, and the void was trembling.

"In order to deal with a remote world group, the five superpowers actually dispatched so many troops, it is amazing!"

"Three thousand big worlds will soon be wiped out."

...In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the creatures are talking quietly, most of the creatures are not optimistic about the three-thousand-large world, and can withstand the conquest of an army of this size.

"That's not what I said, have you forgotten? Last time, the five superpowers all had peerless masters and descended on three thousand worlds. As a result, all suffered.

I heard that the demon master also lost a clone! The world of three thousand sizes is not simple, not as weak as we imagined. "

"Yes, I heard that not long ago, there were a few monsters' upper gods, true gods, who brought a large army of monsters to deal with three thousand worlds.

As a result, this army was completely wiped out, including those high-ranking gods and true gods, who also lost their lives in three thousand worlds. "

...There are also many well-informed creatures who mentioned what happened not long ago, which proved the terrible world of three thousand sizes.

At this moment, the three-thousand-size world has become the focal point of the boundless chaotic sea, and all eyes are projected from the direction of the three-thousand-size world.

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