Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3501: Powerful enemy

Three thousand big world, Lin Fei, True Sword God, Yang Song, and a large number of gods, stand outside three thousand big world.

Lin Fei's **** slaves, as well as more than 20,000 gods from the Alliance army, all clustered behind Lin Fei.

There were already 30,000 or 40,000 gods in the alliance army, but they were hunted down by the five superpowers during this period of time, and they have fallen a lot.

Now there are only more than 20,000 left.

In this chaotic void, the atmosphere is very depressing, and there is a feeling that the mountains and rain are coming to the wind.

"Leader, receive the report, the demon army is coming soon!"

An upper **** of the alliance army hurriedly returned.

"it is good."

Lin Fei nodded slightly.


Yang Song yelled, squeezing a few tactics in his hand, and hitting them again and again.

Rumble! There was a loud noise among the three thousand worlds, and the whole world group trembled.

Then, a big feng shui array rose up.

Hundreds of millions of yellow earth dragons wandered wildly in the large array, emitting shocking energy fluctuations.

"Master, the power of this Feng Shui array seems to have improved again!"

Lin Fei's divine consciousness is so powerful that he immediately sensed this and said in surprise.

"Yes, this period of time I have made breakthroughs in the research of this feng shui array.

The power that can make this big formation play out is much stronger.

I have confidence that as long as it is not from the Lord God, three thousand large and small worlds can be defended. "

Yang Song smiled.

"Master, does it mean that your spiritual body injury is also much better."

Lin Fei asked.


Yang Song nodded.

"That's great!"

Lin Fei was naturally very happy.

Just at this time.

Boom boom boom...In the distant chaotic void, there was a deafening loud noise.

Groups of dense magic clouds, overwhelming the sky, rolling and scattered, rushing towards the direction of three thousand worlds.

"The army of the demons is here!"

True Sword God, said word by word, his face solemn.

Rumble! Finally, the demon army appeared! Dense and mighty, like a piece of the sea, permeating.

The blood-red magic cloud is boundless, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, rolling towards the direction of three thousand worlds! In this terrifying magic cloud like the vast ocean, is full of evil and monstrous magic power! The billowing magic cloud, which is still changing colors, turns into a horrible color like a sea of ​​blood, overwhelming mountains, supreme, oppressing the world! Click! Click! ...In the process of the magic cloud drifting, inches of space began to collapse and collapse.

An extremely dangerous aura, far away toward the creatures of three thousand worlds, shrouded over, attacking everyone's soul.


The creatures of the three thousand worlds were shocked to discover that in the space where they were standing, there appeared a series of spatial cracks, like a spider web, which continued to spread out.

Strong! too strong! Every creature in the three thousand worlds couldn't help feeling a sense of horror.

The army of the demons is too powerful.

So powerful, there is a feeling of despair.

"The demon army is here! Three thousand worlds of trash, roll out all over, kneel on the ground to greet!"

An extremely arrogant voice came from far away.

The sound waves produced by this voice are like turbulent waves, surging, containing the energy of destroying the sky and the earth, causing the entire void to produce a rumbling echo.

Finally, the demon army was near.

The monstrous demon cloud gradually dispersed, and the demon army clearly appeared and appeared in front of everyone.

Nearly five hundred true gods! Four to five thousand ordinary gods! The members of the demons in the rear are even more endless, densely packed, like locusts.

The lineup is prosperous! powerful! "Trash of three thousand worlds, what are you waiting for?

Hurry up and roll over, kneel down to welcome the arrival of my demon army! "

Another arrogant voice sounded, constantly shaking, making a burst of sound.

"Hurry up, roll over, or roll over!"

Suddenly, all the demons yelled together.

The huge sound wave, like a vast ocean, washed over a world of three thousand sizes.

Bang, bang, bang...This piece of void outside the three-thousand-size world, under the attack of the terrifying magic sound, there are constantly terrible explosions.

This horrible scene is like the destructive effect of tens of millions of nuclear bombs exploding at the same time.

The whole void was exploded into potholes, shocking and horrible.

Fortunately, the three-thousand-size world is protected by a large feng shui array, but it has not suffered any harm.

Lin Fei and his gods, as well as True Sword God Monarch, Yang Song, Pan Gu, and Nu Wa, these three thousand world gods, released their own energy to fight against the magic sound.

Therefore, the three thousand people in the world did not suffer any harm.

However, in terms of momentum, the three thousand worlds had already lost for a while.

Pangu, Nuwa, and other gods in three thousand worlds, all looked pale.

"Oops! The demon army is too powerful, and it has caused such a great pressure on us before it confronts.

Now, the demon army only released a little breath, which caused such terrible consequences.

Once a war starts, with the strength of our three thousand worlds, it is impossible to resist. "

Most of the gods in the three-thousand-size world felt tremendous pressure.

"Haha...! Too weak! This **** world group is really too weak! Poor these rubbish, actually thinking of resisting the army of our demons.

It's just overkill, extremely ridiculous! "

In the army of the demons, endless ridicule and abuse broke out.

The energy that destroys the sky and the earth is brewing in the demon army and radiating out, and the void is completely covered.

The whole space is dark.

The traces of natural disasters like the last days appeared.

Just at this time.

"Master, the army of the monster race is also here!"

A middle-level **** slave hurried back and reported to Lin Fei.

The voice fell off.

In the void in the distance, a demon cloud overwhelmed the sky, rolling in.

Teams of demon race men and horses, like the tide, came out of the transmission channels.

A big flag, fluctuating with the wind, hunting and hunting, a monstrous wind blasted out, shaking the entire void trembling.

There are two large characters engraved on the flag: Yaodu! These two words are very eye-catching, revealing an astonishing force of demon power, like a terrifying old demon that has survived for hundreds of millions of years, turned into a rune and cast on the flag.

As soon as the demon banner unfolded, it rumblingly moved, like thunder, and like a drum, shocking and chilling.

"The army of the demon city came, and all the creatures in the three thousand worlds all came out to greet.

Don't neglect! Otherwise, wherever the demon army's iron hoof goes, nothing will be left! "

A rough voice came from the monster clan army, shaking the sky.

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