Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3509: The main **** of three thousand worlds

At this time, the True Sword God and Yang Song came over with three thousand gods in the world, and thanked the Chinese zodiac.

"If your body is here, nothing will happen to us.

Where did your body go? "

Tuntiangu asked the True Sword God curiously.

Everyone also looked at the True Sword God with curiosity.

He is a world of 3,000 sizes, a native god, but he is very mysterious, just like a bright meteor.

In a world of three thousand sizes, after a very brief period of glory, it is over.

It wasn't until the last time that three thousand worlds were invaded by a powerful enemy, and his clone appeared suddenly.

As for his body, no one knows where he has gone.

"I don't know where my body has gone.

When my ontology left the three-thousand-size world, I was planning to enter the boundless sea of ​​chaos, go to those famous forbidden places, and wander one by one.

After my main body left, it never came back.

This avatar of mine has always been on the edge of a world of three thousand sizes. "

True Sword God said.

Go and wander through the famous forbidden places in the boundless Chaos Sea one by one! Everyone listened, and couldn't help taking a breath, very shocked.

All of the forbidden lands in the boundless Chaos Sea are very dangerous, and some people are planning to rush one by one, which is simply bold.

"Dude, so daring, I admire you.

However, your body has never been to Luoshengu.

Otherwise, I would have had a fight with you. "

Tianguo said.

"Ahem, I said, stop blowing.

The person's body must be the main god.

Have you ever beaten anyone. "

Da Hei Niu was very direct, and said to Tun Tiangu.

"Yes, my body has broken through to the main god.

After breaking through to the main god, my body left the three thousand-sized world. "

The true sword **** nodded.

hiss! When everyone heard it, they were shocked.

Especially the gods in the three-thousand-size world, one by one was so dizzy and unacceptable.

You know, in a world of three thousand sizes, there is not even a true god, only a group of ordinary gods.

The main god, for these gods in three thousand worlds, that is the legendary master.

Unexpectedly, now suddenly I know that in a world of three thousand sizes, there is a main god! It's so shocking! "Senior True Sword God, did you break through to become the main **** in our three thousand worlds?

However, given the environment of our 3,000-sized world, there is not even a true god, and it is even more impossible to give birth to a main god. "

A **** couldn't help asking cautiously.

"In fact, for a warrior, the environment is important, but it is even more important.

I am a sword repairman, and I practice all my life, focusing on my own will and heart.

As long as the will and mind are clear and strong enough, it is possible to break the shackles of the environment and achieve achievements that surpass oneself. "

True Sword God Lord said slowly.

This sentence made the hearts of all the gods around them tremble, vaguely, as if they had caught something, and felt a sense of epiphany.

As long as the will and the heart are clear and clear, and strong enough, it is possible to break the shackles of the environment and achieve achievements beyond oneself! Many gods couldn't help but chew the words of the true sword **** in their hearts.

"Haha..., buddy, you really are there.

After listening to you, I have benefited a lot! It's true that the cultivation of martial artists, even to the end, the more you must pay attention to will and heart, the environment is not too important.

Only a warrior who sticks to his heart and a firm will can reach the highest state of martial arts. "

Tuntiangou couldn't help but praised.

"Well, I won't accompany you here to chat and fart, and I will go back.

I haven't had a good night's sleep all day today. "

A fat pig said slowly while yawning.

Then, he turned and walked into a space-time transmission channel and disappeared.

Basically, a half-step main **** can directly open up a space-time transmission channel with his own strength to quickly reach the position he wants to go.

Without the help of any magic weapon or formation.

"Lin Fei, I'm leaving too.

Work hard, I am optimistic about you.

If the **** of the five superpowers dare to cause trouble, you can send us a message directly.

My tiger master will definitely come to help you fight. "

The tiger, Lin Fei's shoulder, took a step back, walked into a space-time transmission channel, and disappeared.

Then, the Chinese Zodiac bid farewell to Lin Fei and went back to Luoshen Valley.

"Boy, I'm leaving too.

If there is anything, remember to transmit it in time.

Remember, you are one of us who fell into the Valley of God, and even the five superpowers are not qualified to bully you. "

The last one to leave is the Tianguo.

Lin Fei looked at the zodiac signs that were leaving one by one, filled with warmth in his heart.

It can be said that Luoshengu gave Lin Fei too much.

"Master, twelve seniors, don't worry, I, Lin Feisheng, is from the Valley of the Fallen God, and death is the ghost of the Valley of the Fallen God.

Lin Fei looked in the direction of Falling God Valley and said inwardly.

"Lin Fei, although we have temporarily repelled the army of the five superpowers, they will come back one day.

Therefore, we must not relax. "

Yang Song said to Lin Fei.

"Master, I know.

From now on, my true **** slaves, as well as all the members of the alliance army, are guarded in three thousand worlds. "

Lin Fei said.

In this battle, Lin Fei gained a lot.

There are more than 500 true **** slaves subdued! There are more than 3,000 ordinary **** slaves! As a result, Lin Fei's slaves to the true gods reached more than 1,300.

Ordinary **** slaves, nearly seven thousand! This is a very powerful force! The slaves of the gods under the leadership of Lin Fei were enough to conquer most of the worlds in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

"Lin Fei, do these gods absolutely listen to you?

Are they willing to treat you as their master?

Could it be that if you are not careful, they will take the opportunity to get rid of your control. "

Pan Gu asked curiously.

The secret method of the Puppet Thread is the secret method of the bloodline inheritance of the soul race. Logically speaking, no matter how high the realm of a foreign race is, no matter how strong the understanding is, it is impossible to cultivate successfully without the bloodline of the soul race.

Only the people of the Soul Race can master it.

Therefore, foreign creatures have always felt very mysterious and curious about this secret method.

"Senior Pangu, don't worry.

They are in the depths of their souls, from the heart, and regard me as their master.

Unless I take the initiative to remove the secret law imposed on their soul bodies, they will never betray me. "

Lin Fei smiled.

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