Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3510: A powerful enemy strikes

"so amazing!"

Everyone looked at the thousands of **** slaves behind Lin Fei, shocked.

Having thousands of gods as slaves is too much! It is estimated that only Lin Fei can manage the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Lin Fei owns the Soul Tree. In a sense, practicing the Puppet Thread secret method is more beneficial than all Soul Races.

Because the soul tree is the most precious holy artifact of the soul race.

It is said that the soul tree is the most primitive ancestor of the soul clan in the Primordial Chaos Age. After the fall, the lost essence, blood, cultivation base, etc., condense into the soul crystal seed, and then the soul crystal seed takes root and grows. Become a soul tree.

This is the origin of the soul tree.

Therefore, having a soul tree, Lin Fei is equivalent to having a purer and more ancient bloodline than any member of the soul race.

More like the soul race than any member of the soul race! In addition, Lin Fei's amazing divine consciousness, practicing the secret method of the puppet's thread, has achieved higher achievements than any member of the soul race.

It can be said that in the entire boundless Chaos Sea, among all the members of the Soul Race, the highest level of the Puppet Thread Secret Technique is Lin Fei! Therefore, it is not surprising that Lin Fei can subdue a large number of gods into slaves.

"Okay, the strong enemy has retired. Next, we will divide the work and cooperate, and tidy up the battlefield."

True Sword God said.

After a terrible fierce battle, although the three-thousand-large world was not damaged, the chaotic void nearby was seriously damaged.

Looking around, there are shockingly large cracks in space, dark vacuum areas, and space-time fragments that are constantly roaring and scouring.

It can be said that none of the chaotic void surrounding the Three Thousand Great Worlds is intact.

The less powerful creatures dare not walk around these places at all.

Because it's too dangerous.

Especially in those dark vacuum areas, creatures with insufficient strength, if they accidentally sink in, they may be exiled to a remote and mysterious space.

These space cracks, vacuum zones, and time-space fragments permeating the chaotic void must be cleaned up, otherwise, from now on, three thousand-sized worlds will not be able to enter and exit normally.

"Lin Fei, you must borrow those true **** slaves under you to use it.

Only they have the ability to quickly clear the battlefield. "

True Sword God said.

Ordinary gods, the laws of space and time are not enough to clean up such large-scale space cracks, vacuum areas, and time-space fragments, it is a bit difficult.

Only the true **** has the ability to do it.

"These slaves under me, as long as they are needed, just tell them, you are welcome."

Lin Fei smiled.

"Seniors, during the previous battle, I have some insights, and I am going to retreat and practice for a while."

Lin Fei said goodbye to the many gods, turned around and went back to the plane of falling immortal, entered the secret room, and began to practice in retreat.

In the fierce battle that just passed, Lin Fei killed many gods and conquered a large number of gods.

Seems to be enlightened in my heart.

In the secret room, sitting cross-legged, quietly retreating.

Time passed day by day.

One month later.


"My wooden law, there is a sign of a breakthrough soon!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

With a wave of his hand, all the essence of the law of wood was taken out.

Piles of green crystals, like small hills, surrounded Lin Fei.

"This time, master a complete wooden rule!"

Lin Fei is full of expectations.

Then, Lin Fei patiently comprehended while absorbing the essence of these wooden laws.

Time passed slowly.

Two months later.

"I have finally mastered the essence of a complete wooden law! Although it is only the initial stage.

But finally it is a complete chaos origin law.

This means that I have mastered the principles of chaos and have reached five.

Now I cast the law fusion technique, and the power produced is at least several times stronger than before! "

In the secret room, Lin Fei suddenly opened his eyes, his face full of surprises.

The five complete laws of the origin of chaos are Lin Fei's most powerful cards.

"Now I don't need to use the power of mirage beads to deal with the upper gods."

Lin Fei muttered to herself.

The combat power increased again, making Lin Fei full of confidence.

Just at this time.


Lin Fei's heart moved.


I seem to usher in the thunder robbery! Lin Fei was surprised and happy.

Lin Fei's current realm situation was that every time he experienced thunder tribulation, he would take a step closer to the realm of the next god.

Rumble! The sky above Lin Fei's head faintly sounded, the roar of thunder.

Thunder Tribulation will soon be formed.

"I can't cross the calamity in the plane of falling immortal, otherwise, it may ruin the plane of falling immortal in a mess."

Lin Fei's current combat power is too terrifying, there is no doubt that the thunder calamity that has been attracted is terrifying after all.

The world quality of the plane of falling immortals may not be able to bear it.

Lin Fei stepped out of the plane of falling immortal a few steps and came into the chaotic void beyond a world of three thousand sizes.

Rumble! For a moment, the void above Lin Fei's head was filled with layers of dark clouds, like an endless black ocean.

Lines of thunder as thick as a mountain range, exuding an aura of destruction, wandered wildly among the black clouds.

"Nine-nine-nine-eighty-one thunder tribulations leading to the true **** are indeed more powerful than once!"

Lin Fei could not help sighing as he felt the extremely terrifying aura of destruction that was crushed by the sky above his head.

At this moment, a group of fast figures rushed out in a 3,000-sized world.

It was those gods in the 3000-size world, and the thunder of thunder that attracted them.

"Lin Fei, are you going to break through?"

Pangu asked.

"As expected to be a young evildoer, I will break through again."

Many gods praised.

"I don't want to cross the catastrophe and break through, but to avoid the catastrophe."

Lin Fei replied.

"It's not to cross the catastrophe, but to avoid the catastrophe. So, Lin Fei, is it the way to cultivate the gods?"

True Sword God asked expectantly.

"Yes, Master, I really want to cultivate God.

I can't take the ordinary path of gods. "

Lin Fei nodded and replied.

"The Way of the True God!"

After hearing Lin Fei's words, these gods in the 3000-size world were shocked and envious.

Now, everyone is no stranger to the true god.

You all know that the true **** is a true god.

Ordinary gods can actually be called false gods.

"Yes, Lin Fei, with your talent and aptitude, you must take the path of true gods.

Well, we will protect the law for you.

You can avoid the catastrophe with peace of mind. "

Yang Song said.


Lin Fei nodded.

Began to avoid disaster with peace of mind.

Rumble! High in the sky, the thunder became more and more dense, and the thunder robbery began to lock Lin Fei's breath.

At this time, Lin Fei began to desperately converge his breath, energy, vitality, etc., and did his best to cover up everything in his body tightly and not to reveal the slightest.

In the sea of ​​knowledge, Lin Fei mobilized a strong power of divine consciousness to strictly seal the sea of ​​consciousness.

The statue master in the Valley of the Fallen God once taught Lin Fei a very clever secret technique to conceal aura and avoid thunder.

Lin Fei showed it.

The effect is very good, the thunder robbery in the high air, it is very difficult to lock Lin Fei.

Slowly, over time.

The Thunder Tribulation in the high sky became more and more violent, more and more angry, roaring and surging frantically.

However, Lin Fei's body, like dead wood and stubborn stone, was hidden too tightly.

Lei Jie, always, did not find the target.

"It seems that Lin Fei's avoidance of catastrophe this time went smoothly."

Yang Song nodded.

After hearing the words, everyone relaxed in their hearts.

Time slowly passed, and Lei Jie slowly came to an end.

Seeing, Lin Fei was about to avoid this disaster.

Just at this time.

Something happened.

Boom! Suddenly, in the chaotic void, a black magic furnace appeared, and the black fire was overwhelming, rapidly enlarging, and murderous, flying out towards Lin, erupting terrible suction, and trying to take Lin Fei in.

"No, a strong enemy is coming!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised.

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