Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3515: Lin Fei and I are friends

Next, the physique of the Chaos Heaven and Earth and the physique of the Tianjin tribe began to work.

Lin Fei's body and soul body were slowly recovering.

However, Lin Fei was not in a hurry.

at this time.

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the demon capital, the magic capital, the Western Holy See, the underworld, the temple of the corpse, the five superpowers dominate the king, plus the nirvana ridge, forming a situation where six factions stand and fight for the world.

The territory of the boundless Chaos Sea has long been divided up by these six factions.

After experiencing the endless chaotic sea of ​​six factions for hegemony, the war is continuous, and there are terrible massacres and blood everywhere.

Sadness and death are everywhere.

This chaotic era is a nightmare for most creatures.

Everyone hopes that this nightmare can wake up soon.

Time is fast.

In the boundless chaotic sea, a period of relative calm began to enter.

Because the six factions have basically divided up all the territories in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, and each has its own dominance.

If the struggle continues, it will be a struggle between the six major factions.

Everyone understands that once these six superpowers will fight each other.

It will definitely bring devastating consequences to the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

The struggle between these six overlords is the most terrifying! Among them, Yaodu's strength is the strongest.

The Western Holy See, the underworld, the palace of the corpse, and the magic capital, these four powers, have long agreed with each other, and are ready to unite and deal with the magic capital.

Silence Hill, as a rising star, has conquered more than a dozen famous forbidden areas, and its strength is amazing.

In particular, the newly appointed Lord of the Mountains, Tian Sangzi, possessed the power of the Lord God, and personally led the troops of Nimie Ridge to attack the next forbidden grounds, shocking the entire boundless Chaos Sea.

The Jiulingzi in Ji Mie Ling also surrendered to Tiansangzi and became Tiansangzi's right-hand man.

Regarding the sudden emergence of Nirvana Hill, the other five superpowers were a little jealous, and no one took the initiative to provoke Nirvana Hill.

Therefore, the current situation is that the six major forces are divided into three factions.

The first faction, Yaodu.

The second faction is the four superpowers of the Western Holy See.

The third faction, nirvana ridge.

Everyone understands that the final struggle for hegemony must be a struggle between these three factions.

And once the final battle for hegemony occurs between these three factions, it means that the boundless sea of ​​chaos will enter the most chaotic and dangerous situation.

All world groups, races, and sects will be involved.

The order of the entire boundless Chaos Sea will be overthrown and start over! However, this most chaotic and dangerous situation has yet to come.

At present, the boundless chaotic sea has entered a rare period of relatively calm, without wind and waves.

In a blink of an eye, half a year passed.

this day.

Lin Fei's secret room in the Falling God Valley.

"Finally, the body and soul body have been completely repaired."

Lin Fei took a long sigh and checked his body to make sure that he was completely fine.

"The first time I blew myself up, I didn't have experience yet, I didn't grasp the scale, and the explosion was a bit too much.

But once it is fresh, twice it is cooked, and the next time it explodes, it should be much better. "

Lin Fei smiled.

I have to say that the physique of the Chaos Heaven and Earth and the physique of the Tianjin Clan are indeed very against the sky, allowing Lin Fei to come back to life after he died! "Well, my apprentice is not bad.

After he really blew himself up, he came back alive.

In addition to his aptitude and talent, which is indeed very enchanting, he is also a person with great luck. "

In the Valley of the Fallen God, a large square hidden in the secret void, a voice came from a tall statue in the square.

"This time I blew myself up, and the reorganization of my physical body and soul body made me seem to have captured many mysterious and mysterious trajectories of the road.

It seems to be good for my law practice.

Well, next, the five principles of chaos that should be mastered, practice one by one, and see if you can make a breakthrough. "

Lin Fei said to himself.

Next, Lin Fei continued to practice in retreat.

Time is fast.

In the blink of an eye, four or five years passed.

In the boundless chaotic sea, there is still a temporary calm.

Various world groups, races, and sects have gradually become accustomed to the rule of the six major forces.

After all, after the terrible war and chaos, people are determined.

In the boundless chaotic sea, although the undercurrent is turbulent, on the surface, there has been a brief period of prosperity and development.

"I hope that the boundless Chaos Sea will always be so peaceful, and the hundreds of people will live in peace, and there will be no more wars."

This is the common aspiration of all circles and races.

this day.

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

A certain location.

A blue flying boat, in this space-time transmission channel, hurried its way.

In the flying boat, there are a large number of people, including men and women.

Among them, an old man in blue is the first of them all.

"Old ancestor, Tiansangzi actually asked us, all women, to be concubines for him.

Too hateful! "

"Tian Sang Zi is a **** monster, pigs and dogs are better!"

... In the Feizhou hall, everyone is very sad and angry, you and I scold Tiansangzi bitterly.

"Heaven Sangzi wants to understand the water laws of the chaos level and gain the blood inheritance of our mackerel clan."

The blue-clothed old man headed slowly said.

"Tian Sangzi is already in the realm of the Lord God, so strong, do you still want to covet the blood inheritance of our scorpion?"

A young man asked suspiciously.

Yes, the strength of Tiansangzi is stronger than that of the ancestors.

How could he care about the blood inheritance of the mackerel clan?

The people in the flying boat looked at the ancestors, a little puzzled.

"The law practiced by the Lord God is mainly the law of chaos origin.

The Primitive Law of Chaos is one level higher than the Law of Dao, and it represents the most essential and primitive law of Chaos Space.

A master god, if he wants to continue to break through his realm, he must continue to comprehend more and more chaotic origin laws.

In short, the original law of chaos is very important to the main god.

Tiansangzi wants the blood inheritance of our mackerel clan to better comprehend and practice the chaos-level water law. "

Yuzu said.

"That's why he forced all the women of our scorpion clan to be concubines for him."

Yuzu added.

"Huh! For his cultivation, since we are sacrificing all the women of the mackerel clan, he is too selfish!"

Someone said bitterly.

"Tian Sangzi is a hero, for his own benefit, let alone the women of the whole mackerel clan, even if we sacrifice our whole mackerel clan, he will not frown."

Yuzu shook his head and sighed.

"Ancestor, where are we going now?

The Sky Demon Valley has no place for us. "

A woman with a stunning face asked Yaozu, her tone a little sad.

This woman, with a tall stature and a blue dress, belongs to the best among the many women of the Maizu.

"Of course we can't go back to the Sky Demon Valley.

The current boundless sea of ​​chaos has been firmly controlled by the six major forces. Our mackerel clan, no matter where we go, our goals are a little bigger, which is not safe.

Therefore, in the future, we may have to live a life of displacement and no settlement.

Everyone must be mentally prepared. "

Yuzu said slowly, his voice a little helpless.

"Ancestor Yu, I know that there is a remote world group that has not been controlled by the six major forces.

Why not, let's go there. "

The woman in the blue dress said.

"A Ling, which world group are you talking about?"

Qianzu asked for a moment.

"Three thousand worlds."

The woman in the blue dress said.

"Sister Ling, are you talking about Lin Fei's hometown!"

Immediately, two other shark girls gathered around and asked excitedly.

If Lin Fei were here, he would definitely recognize that the woman in the blue dress was Sister Yu Ling.

In a place outside the law, she used to get along with Lin Fei for a while.

"Three thousand worlds, well, I know, it is the hometown of Lin Fei, the leader of the Alliance Army.

This world group, it is said that there is a very powerful big formation protecting it, and it has not been controlled by the six major forces for the time being.

However, we have never interacted with the creatures of this world group. We went to other people's territory so recklessly. I don't know if they will accept us. "

Yuzu sighed.

"My ancestor, Lin Fei and I are friends. Three thousand big worlds will definitely accept us."

Sister Ling said.

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