Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3516: I personally teach you the Fa

"Old Ancestor, Sister Ling is right.

Lin Fei and the three of us are indeed friends. "

Besides, her two shark girls also said excitedly.


He is the leader of the alliance army, and he is famous, and the entire boundless Chaos Sea is mega-shock.

I don't believe you three girls can be friends with others. "

The ancestors were dubious.

"Ancestor, it's true! I didn't tell you last time that in a place outside the law, if it weren't for a human young man to protect the three of us.

The three of us were killed by Elder Cui long ago.

The young Human Race I was talking about was Lin Fei! "

Sister Ling said.

After Sister Ling finished speaking, she waved her bare hand.

Immediately, a figure simulated with the energy of the soul appeared in the flying boat.

This figure is Lin Fei.

Sister Ling and Lin Fei have been together for a while, since they can accurately simulate Lin Fei's appearance and spirit aura.

"Yes, this is Lin Fei.

His deeds and appearance have spread throughout the boundless sea of ​​chaos. "

Immediately, a master of the mackerel clan whispered.

"Well, it seems that the three of you didn't lie to me.

They are indeed friends with Lin Fei. "

Yuzu nodded.

Sister Ling was able to simulate Lin Fei's appearance and spirit aura. With the strength of the ancestors, after a little deduction, she knew that the three of Sister Ling did not lie.

"Unfortunately, Lin Fei has fallen.

Even if the three of you are friends with him, he can't help us. "

Qianzu sighed.

"Lin Fei has a pivotal position in three thousand worlds.

The three of us are his friends.

I think that with this friendship, the three-thousand-large world should be willing to take in our mackerel.

Besides, I vaguely feel that Lin Fei shouldn't just fall away like this.

I think he is still alive. "

Sister Ling said.


! Lin Fei is still alive?

impossible! It is said that he was besieged and killed by five masters at the same time, of which two were half-step masters.

No matter how evil he is, he will not escape death.

Besides, Xiaoling, in this case, don't talk nonsense.

Once you spread this sentence, it will immediately attract the attention of the five superpowers, and there will be endless troubles.

Don't say it again, do you understand? "

Yuzu's voice became severe.

"Old ancestor, in fact, the two of us also think that Sister Ling is right, because he is too powerful and is a monster who can repeatedly create miracles.

In the land outside the law, every day we spent with him, we spent in shock.

How could he fall. "

The other two shark girls also said.

It's no wonder that these three shark girls lived with Lin Fei in a land outside the law.

Has been deeply conquered by Lin Fei's evildoers.

In their eyes, Lin Fei is an omnipotent hero who can slay all quarters and conquer everything.

Even, the three of them have already had a secret affection for Lin Fei, and they still remember it.

Therefore, it is difficult for them to accept the fact that Lin Fei suddenly fell.

"You also said! Remember, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, in public, never mention your friendship with Lin Fei.

Not to mention that Lin Fei might still be alive.

Once it reaches the ears of the five superpowers, not only the three of you, but also our entire mackerel tribe, and even the three thousand Great Worlds, will be affected.

understand! "

The mackerel scolded sharply.


We will not mention him. "

The three shark girls were a little jealous, lowered their heads and said softly.

"Sister Ling, we don't believe that Lin Fei has fallen, what do you think."

The two shark girls secretly asked Ling sister.

"I don't believe it either, I believe Lin Fei is still alive.

Sooner or later, we will meet him again. "

Sister Ling answered.

The three shark girls were still unwilling to accept what happened to Lin Fei's fall.

"So, Yuzu, shall we go to the Three Thousand Worlds?"

Sister Ling asked carefully.

Yuzu remained silent and pondered for a while.

"Tian Sangzi will not let us off easily.

Since you really have friendship with Lin Fei, let's go to Three Thousand Worlds and see if they are willing to take us in. "

Yuzu finally made a decision.


The three shark girls all cheered a little bit.

In their subconscious, they could go to the Three Thousand Worlds, and it was possible to see Lin Fei.

As a result, the ancestor Qiang controlled the flying boat and flew in the direction of a world of three thousand sizes.

at the same time.

In Silence Hill.

A sacred mountain suspended high in the sky, there is a figure with a terrifying aura sitting in a majestic palace.

It is Tiansangzi.

"Hey, the mackerel is a very interesting race.

Absorbing the female **** essence of those shark girls is very helpful to my injury.

I lurked in this chaotic space just to collect all resources that would help me recover from my injury.

Therefore, the mackerel would never want to escape from my palm. "

Tian Sangzi said with a sneer, his tone was very bitter and creepy.

"My clone is enough to deal with the whole mackerel clan."

Tiansangzi is very disdainful of the shark tribe.

As soon as the voice fell, a avatar walked out of his body, stepped out of the palace, walked into a time-space transmission channel, and disappeared.

at this time.

Falling into the Valley of God, Lin Fei's closed room.

"In the past few years, I have been practicing hard in retreat.

The five chaos origin laws that I have mastered have all reached the realm of great success! "

Suddenly, in the secret room, I thought of Lin Fei's surprise voice.

In the past few years, Lin Fei has been in retreat, mainly practicing the five principles of chaos origin.

It can be said that the progress is amazing! "The law fusion technique that I'm using now should be several times more powerful.

The chaotic origin laws of the five Dacheng realms, fused and superimposed together, should be able to easily kill any high-level **** in a second.

If you encounter the half-step main god, even if you can't beat it, at least it won't be as passive as before. "

Lin Fei said to himself.

"Lin Fei, come see me."

At this moment, Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge suddenly heard a voice.

"Master, I'm coming right away!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed.

It was the statue master who was telling himself to come and see him.

Lin Fei didn't dare to neglect, he immediately stood up, traveled through time and space, and rushed to the secret space where the master statue was.

In the next moment, Lin Fei had already arrived in the square, standing in front of the huge statue.


Lin Fei respectfully salutes.

"Not bad.

Your strength has improved quickly. "

The voice of the statue seemed very pleased.

Since he accepted Lin Fei as an apprentice, he has seen Lin Fei's strength with his own eyes, advancing all the way and getting stronger.

He knew that he had not accepted the wrong apprentice.

"Lin Fei, you worship me as a teacher.

I naturally want to teach you the Fa.

From now on, I will personally guide your cultivation, and will also teach you my secret method. "

Said the statue.

"Thank you, Master, for spreading the Fa!"

Lin Fei was very excited.

You know, this master is a chaos god! The law taught by a chaos **** must be an unimaginable law!

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