Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3517: Psychokinesis

"Lin Fei, you didn't choose to become a true **** by taking the true **** fruit. That's correct.

True **** fruit, although it can make you a true **** quickly.

However, all things have advantages and disadvantages. The true gods born through the consumption of true gods' fruits have the potential to be squeezed in advance, and their future achievements are bound to be limited.

The true **** born through his own assiduous practice will have unlimited development potential in the future. "

In the square, a voice slowly came from the statue and said to Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, your aptitude and talent are very high. With the realm of an ordinary lower god, you can fight the upper **** true god.

Even in the ancient times, it is a rare young genius.

But because of this, if you want to become a true god, it will be more difficult, and you will have to pay more than others.

This is determined by one of the most basic laws of balance in the chaotic space, that is, the heaven is jealous of talents. "

The statue continued.

He was teaching Lin Fei the Fa.

Only at his level can it be possible to explain clearly the mystery of the true **** and some of the most basic laws in the world.

"But don't be discouraged.

With your aptitude and talent, once you break through and become a true god, your combat power will become very terrifying. "

The statue continued.

"Master, I understand."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Some time ago, you experienced in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, and you have almost accumulated.

I believe that in the future, you will definitely be able to break through and become a true god.

However, the best way to make a breakthrough in the realm is to let the flow take its course.

The more you reach a higher realm, the more you must pursue the realm of the unity of humanity and morality in your own cultivation.

Everything is natural.

I'm just afraid that you are too anxious, so I will explain this to you specifically. "

The statue master said.

"Thank you, Master, for your guidance. I will adjust my mentality."

Lin Fei is very grateful.

Regardless of the fact that these truths are very simple, even an ordinary mortal can tell it.

However, the world is as simple as Jane.

It is these simplest principles and laws that govern the normal operation of everything in this world.

What's more, these truths, spoken from the mouth of a chaos god, contain a supreme wisdom.

Lin Fei felt a sense of bliss.

"Yes, some time ago, I was really obsessed with breaking through the true god.

Possibly, this is the fundamental reason why I have not become a true **** until now.

Next, I want to relax my mind, let everything go with the flow, and when I have accumulated enough, I will naturally become a true god. "

Lin Fei felt a relaxed and transparent feeling in his heart.

"Well, as long as you can understand."

The statue said with relief.

"Lin Fei, I think you have a certain level of kendo.

I teach you a sword technique called Heart Sword.

The heart sword was a relatively powerful sword technique in the ancient times.

If you successfully practice the Heart Sword, you will face the enemy in the future. "

Said the statue.

"Thank you, Master!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

"In fact, the heart sword is a bit similar to the flying sword technique you practice.

However, flying sword skill requires refining a flying sword.

The heart sword is not needed.

To cultivate the heart sword, you must first cultivate the power of mind.

The cultivation of mind power mainly relies on talent and understanding.

Lin Fei, I will teach you the cultivation methods of Mind Power and Heart Sword now.

As for whether you can succeed in cultivation, it can only be determined by your own talent and understanding.

No one can help you. "

After the statue finished speaking, a stream of light rushed into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Go back and practice your own comprehension. If you don't understand, you can ask me."

Said the statue.

Lin Fei bid farewell to the statue and returned to his practice chamber as quickly as possible.

In the secret room.

Lin Fei studied the method of cultivating thought power.

Then, Lin Fei discovered that the so-called mind power is actually the combination of mind and divine consciousness! Mind power, which can also be called mind power, is a kind of illusory and special energy produced by living beings in the process of thinking and thinking.

Mind power is born at the moment when thinking and thoughts are running. When thinking and thought stop, thought power will disappear immediately.

And divine consciousness, in simple terms, is a kind of energy accumulated by the divine soul body after long-term cultivation, which has been kept in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Therefore, mind power and divine consciousness power are two different energies.

In addition, there is another saying, that is, the power of mind is the power of divine consciousness concentrated to the extreme.

After doing some research, Lin Fei began to cultivate his mind.

Cultivating mind power is too difficult, too difficult. Compared to cultivating spiritual power, it is at least 100,000 times more difficult, or even millions of times more difficult! Moreover, it depends on talent.

If you don't have the talent in this area, it is possible that you will never be able to cultivate mind power.

In the secret room.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged.

"Just start with you."

Lin Fei placed a piece of jade slip not far in front of him.


Lin Fei's thoughts focused on this jade slip and began to comprehend.

Mind power is illusory and difficult to capture.

Only in quiet meditation, you can meditate and comprehend.

This requires one's own thinking to be in a state of meditation without waves.

It also requires great patience.

In the secret room, Lin Fei was motionless like dead wood and stone.

Time passed slowly.

this day.

In the boundless chaotic sea, a blue flying boat is hurriedly rushing through a time-space transmission channel.

"It won't be long before we can reach a world of three thousand sizes."

"I hope that the three thousand worlds can accept our sharks."

......In the flying boat, there were voices full of expectations.

at this time.


Rumble! With a loud noise, a huge black hand appeared, smashing the space-time transmission channel with a palm.

The blue flying boat, engulfed in the turbulent turbulence of time and space, was thrown out of the void of billions of miles before it barely stopped.

"Do you want to disobey my orders?

I was so brave that I dared to escape. "

A figure appeared in the chaotic time and space, blocking the path of Feizhou, and said coldly.

"No, Patriarch, Tiansangzi has caught up."

In the flying boat, all the clan members of the Shark tribe were very frightened.

You know, Tiansangzi is a master god.

The most powerful mackerel ancestor in the mackerel tribe is the half-step master god.

Tiansangzi chased after him, and the entire scorpion clan had no resistance at all.

"Not his body, but a clone."

The ancestor Qiang looked solemn, frowned and said.

"Even if it's just a clone, it's more than enough to capture you traitors back."

Tiansangzi's clone sneered.

While speaking, Tiansangzi walked towards the blue flying boat step by step.

"Tian Sangzi, we have no grievances and no grudges against you.

Do you really want to kill us scorpion? "

Yuzu said angrily.

"Haha, who said that I want to kill you Shark Clan completely, I am going to be relatives with your Shark Clan.

Let all the young women of your shark tribe be my concubines. From then on, we will be a family. "

Tian Sangzi smiled gloomily, with endless viciousness in his tone.

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