Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3519: Successful practice

An introduction to mind power already possesses the basic conditions for practicing the heart sword.

So, next, Lin Fei began to practice Heart Sword.

Before practicing, Lin Fei studied the cultivation method of Xinjian in detail several times.

"The so-called heart sword is actually a combination of three energies.

They are thought power, divine consciousness power, plus sword energy. "

Lin Fei said to himself.

"I hope I can practice successfully."

Lin Fei took a deep breath and began to enter the state of cultivation.

The main cultivation process is to perfectly blend the three different energies of mind power, divine consciousness power, and sword energy to form an attack power.

Lin Fei had practiced flying swords, and his divine consciousness and sword aura could blend perfectly long ago.

Therefore, for Lin Fei, the most important thing is to integrate the power of mind into the power of divine consciousness and sword energy.

"If the power of mind is the power of divine consciousness that is condensed to the extreme, this statement is correct, then the essence of the two must be the same. We only need to find out what they have in common. If we want to integrate them, we should not difficult."

Lin Fei was practicing while comprehending.

Although, the statue master said, the heart sword is difficult to practice.

However, Lin Fei believed that with his strong spiritual consciousness and super soul perception, he should be able to successfully cultivate the heart sword.

In the secret room, Lin Fei was immersed in the silent practice again.

Time goes by.

In the blink of an eye, half a year passed.

For more than half a year, the boundless chaotic sea is still calm.

The six major factions are in peace for the time being.

Other large and small world groups, races, and sects have also developed independently, showing a trend of prosperity.

The six major factions, as long as they obey their orders and pay the required amount of cultivation resources on time, they will not be too embarrassed and let them develop.

However, everyone understands.

This is just a temporary calm before the storm.

The six major factions will sooner or later have a big battle.

Especially Yaodu, has never given up his ambition to rule the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos.

At the same time, during this period of time, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, there was another noticeable news spread.

The highest plane appeared again.

And it was discovered several times in a row.

Suddenly, many masters rushed to the positions where the highest planes appeared.

The highest plane, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, is a mysterious legend.

It is said that the highest plane is hidden in the void of the boundless sea of ​​chaos, and there are some very powerful creatures living in it.

In the Chaos Sea of ​​the Supreme Plane, the highest and most sacred space.

It is also the most suitable space for spiritual cultivation.

There are rumors that the creatures in the highest planes, as long as they are not too talented or too bad, generally can break through to the realm of ordinary gods.

That is to say, in the highest plane, the creatures occupying most of the number will at least possess the realm of ordinary gods! Therefore, the highest plane is a holy place for cultivation that all living beings yearn for.

Under normal circumstances, the highest plane is closed and not open to the outside world.

The creatures of other planes generally have no chance to enter the highest plane.

Unless in some very special periods, the highest plane will be opened and the creatures inside will come out for outside activities.

In short, the highest plane is a very mysterious existence.

But now, there are traces of the highest plane constantly appearing.

This naturally attracted the attention of the world.

During this time, I don't know how many masters are chasing the whereabouts of the highest plane everywhere.

Even the zodiac signs in the Valley of the Fallen God quietly went out several times, looking for the traces of the highest plane.

Lin Fei sits quietly in the secret room.

The practice of Heart Sword is very effective.

Lin Fei has gradually touched the doorway.

Divine Consciousness, Sword Qi and Mind Power can finally be perfectly integrated.

Another few months passed.


In the secret room.

A dozen boulders were placed around Lin Fei.

Every boulder is as huge as a small hill.

Lin Fei suddenly opened his eyes and shot out.


Lin Fei drank lightly.

Boom boom boom... More than a dozen boulders exploded one after another, shaking the entire secret room slightly.

"This is the heart sword."

Lin Fei was a little excited.

Although, with Lin Fei's current strength, let alone a dozen stones, even a plane can be broken.

However, Lin Fei used his heart sword to make these dozen boulders explode.

No other energy was used.

The characteristics of the Heart Sword are very strange, invisible and colorless, and cannot be perceived.

No matter how powerful the divine consciousness is, it is difficult to perceive the attack of the heart sword.

The heart sword is completely controlled by the mind, and when the mind moves, the heart sword has appeared in the position to attack.

The speed of the heart sword is much faster than the divine consciousness.

As long as the mind moves, it doesn't take any time, the heart sword has already hit the enemy.

The other party will have to wait until he is hit by the heart sword before he can find out.

But at this time, it was a bit late.

Therefore, the Heart Sword is a very terrifying, very strange secret technique.

Once the cultivation is successful, it will be extremely lethal.

According to the statue master, there are only two ways to deal with the heart sword.

The first is that there are some very powerful masters with the sixth sense, who can detect and react in time before being attacked by the heart sword.

The second type, a master who also cultivates the power of mind can also feel the attack of the heart sword in advance.

"The heart sword that I have cultivated so far is not very powerful, and its destructive power is relatively limited.

However, the attack method of the Heart Sword is very strange and it is difficult to perceive it in advance.

Therefore, in battle, once displayed, it can definitely cause great interference to the enemy. "

Lin Fei said to himself.

"Well, Xinjian's cultivation will come to an end for the time being.

As long as you practice more often in the future, you will definitely become stronger. "

Lin Fei stood up and walked out of the secret room.

"Master, I have reached the first level of Heart Sword."

Lin Fei spoke to the statue master.

"Yes, Not Bad.

I know.

The cultivation of Heart Sword relies entirely on talent and understanding, pays attention to what happens naturally, and let the flow go.

Therefore, do not rush. "

The statue master said.

"Master, I understand."

Lin Fei nodded and replied.

"Master, I want to go back to three thousand worlds and see."

Lin Fei asked for instructions.

This time, after Lin Fei was in the Valley of Fallen God, repairing his body and soul body, he had cultivated for five or six years. He already missed the three thousand worlds very much and was anxious to go back and see.

"Go ahead."

The statue master answered.

Lin Fei said goodbye to the twelve zodiac signs respectively, then walked out of the Valley of the Fallen God, took out a flying boat, and flew towards the direction of the three thousand-sized world.

at the same time.

Three thousand size world outside.

In the void, there was silence.


At a certain location, a space-time transmission channel appeared, and a blue flying boat rushed out of the channel.

"Ancestor, we have finally reached a world of three thousand sizes."

In the flying boat, a voice of surprise sounded.

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