Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3520: Lin Fei and I are friends

"Yes, there are three thousand worlds ahead!"

"The sky is pitiful, we finally got rid of Tiansangzi's tracking, and finally came to a world of three thousand sizes."

"I hope that our Ma family will be safe and sound from now on."

...The blue flying boat stopped, and all the mackerel in the flying boat were very excited.

Some time ago, in order to get rid of the tracking of Tiansangzi, the mackerel tribe was hiding in Tibet in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, surrounded by dangers.

It was only a few days ago that he finally got rid of Tiansangzi and quietly came to a world of three thousand sizes.

"The legend is not wrong.

Three thousand big and small worlds were protected by a large formation.

Outsiders cannot come and go freely.

We must get the consent of the creatures in three thousand worlds before we can enter. "

The divine consciousness of the mackerel tribe, towards the direction of a world of three thousand sizes, perceiving the past, and immediately discovered the existence of the Feng Shui large array.

"This big formation is too powerful.

Even if it was me, I couldn't force it in. "

Qianzu exclaimed.

You know, he is a half-step master god.

Even the half-step main **** can't force the formation, the level of it can be imagined.

The blue flying boat moved forward slowly and flew to the edge of the Feng Shui array before stopping.

"Who is coming! Stop immediately, three thousand big and small worlds, no one can enter without permission!"

Amidst the feng shui formation, there was a voice of asking.

More than a dozen gods flew out from three thousand-sized worlds, facing the blue flying boat.

These dozens of gods, including true gods and ordinary gods, were all slaves of Lin Fei.

The real old way divided every dozen of Lin Fei's slaves into a small team, which was responsible for patrolling the sentry.

"The mackerel took the liberty to visit, but I hope to forgive me."

Yuzu took the people of the Yu clan and walked out of the flying boat.

"The mackerel?"

There are more than a dozen gods in a world of three thousand sizes, which is a bit puzzled.

"Ahem..., that's it. We, the Shark clan, were chased and killed by our enemies and had nowhere to stay.

Therefore, I want to enter a world of three thousand sizes and find a place to live. "

Yuzu said with a smiling face.

"You are a half-step master god, do you still need to enter our three-thousand-size world to avoid enemies?

This reason is too far-fetched. "

A True God slave under Lin Fei asked in a loud voice.

"What I said is true and absolutely true.

Please also be accommodating. "

Yuzu quickly replied.

This feeling made Yuzu very embarrassed and aggrieved.

The dignified and half-step master **** actually wanted to bring his clansmen, cheeky, and asked to join other world groups.

However, there is no alternative.

Tiansangzi would never let go of the shark tribe.

In the entire boundless Chaos Sea, there are not many places to go to the Shark Clan.

For the safety of the whole mackerel clan, they had no choice but to take refuge in a three-thousand-large world.

Just at this time.

The true sword gods, Yang Song, Pangu, Nuwa and other gods have received reports and rushed.

Yuzu is a half-step master god.

It's no small matter that a half-step main **** came suddenly.

"You are the legendary mackerel?"

Yang Song looked at Yuzu and asked.

Under normal circumstances, the people of the Yu clan live in the Sky Demon Valley.

The Sky Demon Valley is a terrible forbidden area, and the outsiders dare not break into it easily.

Therefore, the mackerel tribe is a relatively mysterious race for most of the creatures.

"Not bad.

We are the mackerel people. "

Yuzu nodded.

"You said just now that your shark tribe was hunted down by the enemy, and you want to enter our three thousand worlds and avoid the enemy?"

True Sword God asked.

"It's true.

Our mackerel has provoked a terrible enemy.

The entire boundless chaotic sea, there is almost no place for us to live.

I don’t know whether your 3,000-sized world can accept our shark tribe. "

Yuzu said.

"Why choose our three thousand worlds?

Even you can't deal with a powerful enemy, don't you think that our three thousand big and small worlds are capable of dealing with it. "

True Sword God asked.

You know, such a thing will involve the safety of three thousand worlds.

For no reason, put a half-step main **** in.

Moreover, it may attract a more terrifying enemy.

This is not a joke.

Besides, who knows if what this ancestor is saying is true or not.

What if he comes to the world of three thousand big and small, he has no good intentions.

Therefore, True Sword God and Yang Song did not dare to make a decision lightly.

"This..." For a while, Qianzu didn't know how to answer.

He himself also understood that if the 3,000 size world accepted the shark tribe, then it was very likely that Tiansangzi would be attracted, and from then on, there would be a terrifying and powerful enemy.

There is no benefit to the world of three thousand sizes.

There is no need to accept the mackerel in a three-thousand-large world.

Yuzu's personality is a bit of a face-saving character, and it is difficult to get rid of the face and ask others.

Even less good at reasoning with others.


Please listen to me.

The reason why we sharks came to take refuge in the three thousand worlds, on the one hand, is because we sharks really have nowhere to go.

On the other hand, it is because Lin Fei and I are friends.

When there is no escape, I can only come to seek refuge with friends.

"Just when Qianzu was very embarrassed and didn't know how to answer, Ling sister suddenly stepped forward, saluted Yingying, and then said loudly.


This girl, you said, you and Lin Fei are friends? "

Yang Song was taken aback.

"Not bad.

Lin Fei and I are indeed friends. "

Sister Ling nodded, waved her hand, and shot a stream of light.

Immediately, Lin Fei's figure was drawn, standing in the void, lifelike.

"Yes, Not Bad.

This girl, it seems that you and Lin Fei do know each other. "

True Sword God Lord nodded and said.

If you don't know Lin Fei, it is impossible to simulate Lin Fei's spirit and spirit with such accuracy.

"This predecessor, Lin Fei and I met in a place outside the law, and we had been together for a while.

At the time of parting, I made an appointment with him, and I will come to three thousand worlds to find him when I have time. "

Sister Ling said.

"Lin Fei, something has happened."

Yang Song hesitated and said.

In the past few years, the three thousand worlds of large and small have unanimously spoken out, saying that Lin Fei has fallen.

"Oh, Xiaoling, you don't have to say more.

Let's go. "

Yuzu suddenly sighed slightly and said.

He could see that these creatures in the three-thousand-large world are all half-believing and afraid to put the people of the mackerel tribe in casually.

This approach is understandable.

After all, he is a half-step master god.

Three thousand big worlds are afraid of drawing wolves into the house.

"Ancestor, we have nowhere to go."

Sister Ling said anxiously.

"Wait, girl, are you willing to let go of your soul body and let me read your memory."

If you are really Lin Fei's friend, then, our 3,000-sized world is absolutely willing to accept the mackerel. "

Yang Song said suddenly.

"Okay, I am willing."

Sister Ling hesitated for a while, gritted her teeth, and agreed.

For a martial artist, letting go of the soul body, allowing others to perceive and read memories, is a very dangerous thing.

Not only is it equal to putting one's own life in the hands of others, but all the things and all the secrets that one has experienced in his life will be read by others.

This is equivalent to completely exposing yourself, without any secrets.

However, for the sake of the mackerel clan, Ling sister agreed.

"Senior, I have let go of the soul body."

Sister Ling said.

"Girl, offended, I hope you can forgive me."

Yang Song said.

In fact, at this time, he already believed Sister Ling's words a little bit, but for the sake of insurance and for the safety of the three thousand worlds, he still had to read Sister Ling's memory before daring to confirm it.

Just when Yang Song planned to read sister Ling's memory.


"Haha..., do you think I can't find it if I escape here.

It's useless, you shark tribe, will never escape from my palm. "

In the distance, a wild laugh sounded.

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