Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3521: come on in

Along with the laughter, a space-time transmission channel appeared, and a figure exuding a weird aura came out of the channel, staring at the ancestor with a playful look.

Tiansangzi is here! "It turns out that you Shark Clan want to take refuge in three thousand worlds.

Haha, I really think too much.

No one can keep your Shark Clan in the entire boundless Chaos Sea.

There is only one way for you to go, and that is to surrender to me. "

Tiansangzi said lightly.

Tiansangzi! In a world of three thousand sizes, all the creatures were taken aback.

With the rise of the foreign army in the Silence Ridge, the name Tiansangzi has now powerfully shocked the entire three thousand-sized world.

This is a master god! Now, the gods of the three thousand worlds finally know that the powerful enemy that the ancestor Qiang said is Tiansangzi.

The people of the mackerel tribe, all of them pale.

Tiansangzi has become a nightmare of the mackerel! "Well, a world of three thousand sizes, there really is a powerful formation.

However, for me, it has no effect.

Well, since I'm here, then from now on, your Three Thousand Worlds, surrender to Nirvana Ridge. "

Tian Sangzi looked at the three thousand worlds and said in a commanding tone.

The many gods in three thousand worlds were furious.

This Tiansangzi is too overbearing, and it will cost three thousand worlds to surrender to him.

"My friend, you think too much.

In our three thousand worlds, we have never had the habit of surrendering to others. "

True Sword God Lord said coldly.

The true Sword God Lord is itself a main god, so he didn't take Tiansangzi too much.

Moreover, True Sword God Sovereign is a sword repairman, with a noble and arrogant side in his personality, and never succumbs to anyone.

Not to mention a mere main god, even if a chaos **** comes, the true sword **** will not easily bow his head.

"Hey, a small world group, don't know what it is.

It is your great glory to be able to surrender to my heavenly mulberry.

Such a great opportunity does not know how to cherish it.

Well, this garbage world group has no need to continue to exist.

Turn me into ruins. "

Tiansangzi's expression turned gloomy in an instant, and his murderous intent, like a violent storm, gathered a whole void.

"Huh! I'm afraid you don't have such great ability!"

Yang Song said coldly.

As soon as the voice fell, he played a few magic tricks, stretched his feet and stomped, directly activated the Feng Shui array.

Rumble! The feng shui array is like a big yellow light curtain, shining brightly, releasing a terrifying power.

Hundreds of thousands of earth dragons wandered frantically on the light curtain, roaring up to the sky, with great power.

"Old guy, three thousand big worlds are my master's hometown. If you dare to be arrogant and rude here, you are just looking for death!"

"Old thing, you dare to touch a vellus hair in a world of three thousand sizes, I will never end with you!"

"Live and die beasts, come and die!"

...The slaves under Lin Fei were all angry, some of them were fierce, they rolled up their sleeves, pointed at Tiansangzi, yelled, wishing to rush to the sky immediately.

Lin Fei ordered them to guard the three-thousand-large world. In their eyes, the safety of the three-thousand-large world was more than anything else and could not be violated.

"Tian Sangzi, our shark clan has nothing to do with the three thousand worlds.

It's fine for you to come to our mackerel clan.

It has nothing to do with the three thousand worlds. "

Seeing this situation, the ancestor sighed in his heart, gave up the idea of ​​entering a world of three thousand sizes, and said loudly to Tiansangzi.

"let's go!"

With a wave of the sleeves of Yuzu, the Yuzu people rolled up, quickly entered the flying boat, and prepared to leave.

"Haha, you shark clan, still want to escape, is it possible!"

Tian Sangzi laughed wildly.

Shoo...I saw him waving his hands repeatedly, and a dark array of flags, constantly shooting out, set in the void, exuding a strange aura.

Immediately, the billowing black mist filled the void of billions of miles.

The ancestor was shocked, and he felt that the order of this emptiness had been changed.

The movement of the flying boat has become very difficult.

Originally wanted to open up a space-time transmission channel to leave.

However, I tried several times without success.

"It took me several months. How could you break the lock-up array that I finally refined?"

Tian Sangzi sneered.

In the past few months, he has been tracking the mackerel family while consuming a lot of treasures, and refined this lock-in-air array. Now, he finally came in handy to block the mackerel flying boat.

"This time, you Shark Clan, absolutely can't escape from my palm."

Tiansangzi was very proud, and walked towards the flying boat of the mackerel clan step by step.

"When I do something with him, you will take the opportunity to escape.

Remember, leave the green hills, not afraid of no firewood.

After you have fled, find a hidden place to hide your name. From then on, our mackerel family should not be born easily. "

Yuzu looked miserable, knowing that he could not avoid a battle with Tiansangzi.

He knew that he was definitely not the opponent of Tiansangzi's clone.

One can imagine his fate.

He is tantamount to confessing the funeral.

"Old ancestor, let's fight with Tiansangzi together!"

In the flying boat, the people of the Mackerel clan knew the situation at hand, and they were very angry.

"Shut up! What shall we fight with him.

It's useless.

Even if we as a whole clan go together, we can't beat Tiansangzi.

Remember my words, keep the green hills, not afraid of no firewood.

We must do our utmost to preserve our bloodline heritage! "

Yuzu sternly shouted, his eyes filled with determination. At this time, he was already holding a mortal heart.

boom! At this time, Tiansangzi shot.

A **** hand was transformed, and he grabbed the flying boat of the mackerel tribe.

Countless weird laws of power, like a big net, go toward the blue flying boat.

"Tian Sangzi, you are deceiving too much!"

In the flying boat, the ancestor yelled loudly, and billowing blue energy burst out all over his body, turning into huge waves, rushing out of the flying boat, and rolling towards the sky sangzi.

The ancestor also stepped out of the flying boat, a blue three-bladed tine appeared in his hand, blue flames rose from his body, and his fighting spirit was boiling.


In three thousand worlds.

"Friends of the mackerel clan, we will help you!"

Yang Song and True Sword God had discussed for a while, and made a decision to help the mackerel clan.

Because they believed what Ling sister said, she and Lin Fei were friends.

Lin Fei's friend is naturally a friend of three thousand worlds.

In a world of three thousand sizes, you can't just watch your friends get beaten in front of your own house.

boom! Yang Song struck out a tactic, and the feng shui trembling gently, a thick beam of yellow energy shot out suddenly, aiming at the Tiansangzi.

The feng shui great array can not only defend, but also actively attack the enemy.

"Huh, looking for death!"

Tiansangzi's face was extremely gloomy.

"Let your people come in quickly."

The true sword god, quietly transmitted to the ancestors of the sword.

"Thank you!"

Yuzu is overjoyed.

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