Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3522: Heart Sword

boom! The beam of yellow energy emitted by the feng shui large array swept across the sky and blasted towards the Tiansangzi.

Seeing, it is about to hit the sky mulberry.

Suddenly, Tiansangzi's body quickly deformed and turned into a light black smoke that scattered with the wind.

The powerful yellow beam of light slammed past the place where Tiansangzi was standing.

It's just that the sky mulberry has turned into black light smoke, and nothing happened.

In the next moment, black smoke quickly gathered together, and Tiansangzi appeared again.

boom! He slapped it with a palm, the overwhelming weird power of the law, the terrifying black energy, like a violent storm, sprayed from the palm of his palm, smashing the huge blue waves that hit the surroundings.

The strength of this Tiansangzi is indeed very terrifying, and it exudes bursts of terrifying power in every gesture.


Kaizu holding a blue three-bladed tine, he killed Tiansangzi.

"act recklessly!"

Tian Sangzi let out a sneer, and stepped out of it in one step.

The billowing black energy turned into clusters of black flames, like a black ocean, rushing out in all directions with fierceness.

He has long hair and roots standing upright, and his whole body is burning with black flames, like a **** fireball, burning down a large area of ​​time and space.

Rumble! He slammed a punch, countless time and space, followed by reversal, surging with his fist strength, stirring the sky.

boom! With just a few strokes, the ancestor was hit by a punch and flew out on his back.

It is also the half-step main god, but the ancestor is far from Tiansangzi's opponent.

Rumble...The feng shui array of three thousand-sized worlds once again ejected a beam of yellow energy, aimed at the sky mulberry, and hit it from a distance.

The yellow energy beam, wherever it passes, the void is annihilated, and everything is turned into nothingness.


Tiansangzi's body twisted, and once again turned into a light and fluttering black smoke, scattered with the wind.

His body style is too weird, and the geomantic omen will not have much influence on him at all! He strode forward, pressing his breath, punching his fists again and again, and blasted towards the ancestor.

A few more tricks.

puff! The ancestor was smashed by a punch and turned into flesh and blood.

However, as a half-step master god, it is naturally impossible for the ancestor to fall so easily.

Soon, he reorganized his body and reappeared.

"What are you waiting for! Quickly enter a world of three thousand sizes!"

Yuzu screamed loudly.

"The ancestor..." In the blue flying boat, the people of the scorpion tribe were extremely sad and indignant, clenching their fists, wishing to rush out and fight the Tiansangzi desperately.

"Let's quickly enter the world of three thousand sizes.

The ancestors entangled Tiansangzi just to give us a chance. "

An old man of the mackerel said.

His generation in the shark clan is second only to the shark ancestor.

As a result, the blue flying boat flew quickly towards the direction of a world of three thousand sizes.

"Hmph, I said, you can't escape my palm."

Tiansangzi smiled coldly.

The voice fell off.

Buzzing... Thousands of white insects suddenly appeared in this chaotic void, flapping their wings at the same time, making a loud noise, and surrounded the blue flying boat.

These white bugs, very strange, ignored the hard shell of the flying boat and directly rushed into the flying boat.

"Get out!"

The people of the mackerel tribe were shocked one by one, because the breath of these white insects was very strange and made the scalp numb.

Dangdang...The people of the mackerel race one after another, blasting these white bugs.

It's just that these white bugs are terribly hard, and even the true god's attack can't cause them the slightest harm! At most, they can only be blown away.

Dangdang...In the flying boat, like iron, there is a constant sound of crisp metal crashing.

what! In less than a second, a member of the mackerel clan screamed, fell to the ground, struggled desperately, and then turned into a corpse.

"Thief, I fight you!"

Seeing that a member of the tribe had fallen, the ancestor of the clan wielded a three-pointed blade, and smashed the sky sangzi.

"Let's go out and meet the people of the mackerel clan!"

Among the three thousand worlds, True Sword God and Yang Song made the decision.

If this goes on, the people of the mackerel tribe will be more fierce than good.


The True Sword God, with a large group of gods, rushed out of the feng shui formation, towards the blue flying boat, and killed.

"Hmph, there is a way to heaven, you don't want to go, **** has no way to go."

Tiansangzi sneered when he saw this.

He waved his sleeves.

Buzzing... I saw that there were a large number of white insects in the chaotic void, like a white ocean, roaring, swept toward three thousand people in the world.

"Be careful!"

The Sword God Lord was secretly surprised and reminded loudly.

These white bugs are very weird, and even the attack of the true **** cannot cause damage to them! Dealing with these insects gives people a feeling of fist hitting cotton, soft and nowhere to focus.


The gods of three thousand worlds are fighting fiercely with the white bugs.

I have to say that this Tiansangzi's methods and hole cards are very powerful.

He himself forced the ancestor to retreat and prevailed.

Those white bugs caused the gods of the mackerel tribe and the three thousand worlds to be overwhelmed.

"Haha..., I advise you to obediently submit to me.

Otherwise, the end is death! "

Tiansangzi controlled the scene, very proud.


The mackerel tribe, as well as the three thousand people in the world, began to suffer casualties.

Just now.

In the distance, a figure suddenly stepped out of the chaos void.

It is Lin Fei.

"what happend?

! "

Lin Fei immediately discovered that the situation was different.

Divine consciousness immediately perceives the past far away.

In an instant, Lin Fei figured out the general situation.

In particular, people who have seen three thousand people in the world are suffering casualties quickly.

"These white bugs, I have encountered in a place outside the law! Why did they appear here?

! "

Lin Fei couldn't help her eyes shrinking.

"These creatures are from the mackerel clan!"

Lin Fei recognized the shark tribe.

"It's the three of them!"

Lin Fei also saw Ling sister and the other two shark girls.

These three shark girls, Lin Fei spent some time with them in a place outside the law.

Faintly, Lin Fei probably guessed the truth of the matter.

"Hmph, how dare you come to a world of three thousand sizes to make trouble.

Even if it's a half-step master god, follow it! "

Lin Fei stared at Tiansangzi with sharp eyes.

"Heart Sword!"

Lin Fei drank softly in his heart, and displayed the heart sword he had practiced hard a while ago.

at this time.

Tian Sangzi was punching and punching, and every punch seemed to push the entire void, unstoppable.


For no reason, his heart was suddenly shocked.


Huh! A small sword as thick as a finger, without any warning, pierced into his body.

In his flesh, it stirred frantically.

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