Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3523: Vs. Tiansangzi

Thought power attack! Tiansangzi couldn't help being shocked.

With his eyes, he immediately discovered that a creature was using his mind to attack him.

"Get out of here!"

Tiansangzi shouted in anger.

In his body, the endless divine and soul energy condensed and bombarded the little sword of thought power.

Tiansangzi's soul energy is very vast, like a vast ocean, endless.

Soon, he forced the Nianli Xiaojian out of his body.

However, affected by this, his actions have been slower.

Yuzu also took the opportunity to back up quickly and let out a sigh of relief.

"Get away from me all!"

At this time, the three thousand people and horses of the world, and the people of the shark tribe, were still being attacked by those terrifying white bugs, and casualties were constant. Naturally, Lin Fei couldn't let it go and shouted.

Dangdang... Lin Fei still used the heart sword, a small sword made of thought power, incredibly fast, almost, in an instant, hit all the white bugs with one sword at the same time.

In the void, a series of clear metal crashing sounds continued, one after another, as if tens of thousands of firecrackers were set off.

One by one, the white bugs were hit and shot far away.

You know, there are at least tens of thousands of white bugs in this void.

Lin Fei hit these tens of thousands of insects at the same time, this kind of attack speed was extremely terrifying.

Even Tiansangzi was secretly shocked.

"You all withdraw."

Lin Fei appeared, walking step by step from a distance.

However, before appearing, Lin Fei had already changed his appearance and spirit aura, turning into a young man with an unfamiliar appearance, without appearing in his original form.

Now, the five superpowers all believe that Lin Fei has fallen.

Lin Fei didn't want to show up for the time being.

"Young man, who are you?

! "

Tiansangzi stared at Lin Fei with his senhan gaze, his anger surged.

If it hadn't been for Lin Fei's display of the heart sword just now, which made him a little jealous, he would have killed people already.

"I'm so daring, I dare to come to a world of three thousand big and small to wantonly."

Lin Fei looked at Tian Sangzi coldly.

It must be Lin Fei! The gods of the three thousand worlds are overjoyed one by one, and immediately guess the person who comes, it must be Lin Fei.

Lin Feima posted a voice, so that the gods of the three thousand worlds and their slaves should not reveal their identity.

"Master, you take everyone back first."

Lin Fei secretly communicated to the true sword god.

"Lin Fei, the strength of this person is terrifying."

True Sword God said.

"Master, don't worry, I have the confidence to deal with him."

Lin Fei said.

"it is good."

The true sword **** nodded.

There have been a lot of casualties among the three thousand people and horses of the world, as well as those of the Mackerel tribe. Only by quickly retreating to the scope of the Feng Shui Array can more casualties be avoided.

Therefore, the True Sword God Sovereign immediately organized the retreat of 3,000 large and small people from the world, and at the same time greeted the people of the mackerel tribe and asked them to retreat together.

"Quickly enter the world of three thousand sizes!"

Upon seeing this, Qianzu was overjoyed and immediately gave orders.

"Huh, think beautifully!"

Tiansangzi looked sinister and gave a cold snort.

Buzzing... the white insects like the vast ocean swept across the void, chasing up, and pounced on the three thousand worlds and the people of the mackerel tribe.

This time, the number of white bugs has increased several times! At the very least, more than one hundred thousand! Each of these white bugs is not afraid of the true God's attack.

More than 100,000 in total! It is conceivable that this is a terrifying combat power! It is no wonder that this Tiansangzi can become a new overlord of the boundless Chaos Sea in a short period of time, even on par with the five superpowers.

Just these hundreds of thousands of weird white bugs are enough, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, they are rampant! "Rewind!"

The face of True Sword God changed a little, and he couldn't help shouting.

If his body is here, naturally there is no fear.

Just a clone, he can't deal with so many white bugs.


Lin Fei said lightly, showing his heart sword.

Dang Dang Dang... a small sword, almost at the same time, cut hundreds of thousands of white insects, the sound is crisp, endless.

All the white bugs, none were spared, were knocked down and flew out.

The True Sword God Lord was overjoyed. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he brought three thousand large and small worlds and the people of the mackerel tribe into the protection area of ​​the Feng Shui Great Array.

"The power of the heart sword is really extraordinary.

Especially the speed of the attack is simply invincible in the world. "

Lin Fei himself was also very surprised.

I tried the Heart Sword for the first time, and I was so satisfied with the effect.

"Young man, that's amazing!"

The mackerel couldn't help exclaiming.

Because Lin Fei had concealed his own breath very tightly, neither the ancestors nor the Tiansangzi could see Lin Fei's true state for the time being.

With Lin Fei's current strength of divine consciousness, once it was intentionally hidden, even the half-step main divine couldn't see thoroughly.

Moreover, the ancestor of the mackerel could not see how Lin Fei attacked those white bugs.

Because the attack of the Heart Sword is invisible and colorless, and cannot be perceived.

Moreover, the power of mind is too rare.

The secret technique of Heart Sword is even more extinct in the world.

Therefore, the ancestor Qiang could see in the mist, and couldn't understand how Lin Fei shook those white bugs.

What he can be sure of is that Lin Fei must be making the shot.

Only Tiansangzi was familiar with mind power, so he could tell at a glance that Lin Fei was using mind power.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

At this time, Tian Sangzi couldn't help but become ashamed and angry, roaring sharply and murderously, and rushed towards Lin Fei in one step.

"Young man, I will help you!"

Seeing that his tribe had finally entered a three-thousand-size world, Qianzu couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, refreshed, and shouted, raising the blue three-bladed tines in his hands and rushing towards Tiansangzi.

During this period of time, he took the members of the scorpion clan, and under the close pursuit of Tiansangzi, he fled everywhere, very embarrassed.

Now, finally, it is relaxed.

"Well, both of them roll over and die!"

Tiansangzi's breath broke out, and the billowing black mist rose from his body, shook the square creaking and breaking apart.

Boom! His two fists pushed forward horizontally, like two rounds of dark big sun, bright and terrifying.

The overwhelming black fog, surging and spreading, overwhelmingly obscures the sun, submerging billions of miles of void.

"Tiansangzi, you deceived my Yu Clan, today, ask you for justice!"

The three-blade tines in the hands of the ancestors pierced out, shocking the weather, and the vast blue energy rushed up from the blue tines, shocking the void.

boom! Tiansangzi slammed the ancestor with a punch, and the black mist was gloomy, making the temperature of a large void cold.

The terrifying fist strength forced the ancestor to retreat continuously.

Lin Fei thought, and the sword of the heart had already penetrated into Tiansangzi's body.

Although Tiansangzi had been guarding against Lin Fei's thought power attack.

However, the attack of mind power cannot be perceived in advance at all, and can only be noticed at the moment of being hit.

"Get out!"

Tian Sangzi was frightened and angry, all the energy in his body, running at the same time, slammed into the heart violently.

In the end, Xinjian was forced out of the body by Tiansangzi.

However, even so, Tiansangzi was attacked by Heart Sword twice in a row and was already injured! Although the injury is not very serious, it can affect his mentality.

The sharp heart sword attacked his body, stirred frantically, and destroyed his body to pieces.

"It's a pity, my current level of mind power is still relatively weak, and Heart Sword can't exert much power.

However, with my thinking power, I will become stronger and stronger.

The power of the Heart Sword will definitely become stronger and stronger.

Heart sword, in the future, will be one of my strongest cards! "

Lin Fei's heart secretly said.

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