Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3524: Retreat

Roar...The sky sangzi roared up to the sky, and the black mist rolled and spread.

A terrifying atmosphere enveloped the entire void.

"Very well, boy, you completely angered me."

Tian Sangzi said coldly, his tone was extremely resentful, which made people shudder.

Boom... Tiansangzi walked forward step by step, erupting black light all over his body, like an exterminating fairy.


Tian Sangzi roared, the entire chaotic void was shaking, and the endless space was collapsing.

"Huh, I'm afraid you don't have this ability!"

Lin Fei didn't flinch at the slightest. He directly greeted him and said loudly.

"Haha, young man, today, let's face the enemy together!"

Qianzu also stepped forward, and the three-edged tines in his hands burst out with blue energy like the ocean, dazzling.


The three of them all went forward to kill.

This is a big decisive battle, which is very fierce.

Lin Fei displayed the law fusion technique, which was much more powerful than before.

Now, all the laws of Chaos Origin that Lin Fei mastered had reached the realm of Dacheng, and his combat power had increased several times.

Even in the face of the half-step main god, there is an initial battle.

"Junior, you are not so bad, you have only practiced martial arts for many years, and you dare to deceive me!"

Tian Sangzi looked terrifying, with a strong black light flowing all over, and a pair of fists pushed across the chaotic void, which was very shocking.

"Old stuff, don't talk nonsense, since you dare to offend three thousand worlds, you have to pay the corresponding price!"

Lin Fei is very strong, tit-for-tat.

While talking, Lin Fei displayed his heart sword.

Tiansangzi's body trembled, and he was struck again, and the injuries inside his body got worse.

Although, these injuries are not a big threat to him at all.

However, it affected his mentality and made his attack and defense all for a big drop, and he couldn't exert his due combat power.

Yuzu ejected a monstrous blue light all over his body, a three-edged tine in his hand, split the void, and constantly hit the sky sangzi.

This battle lasted for several hours.

However, for a while, the outcome is difficult to distinguish.

Although Lin Fei's realm was low, Tian Sangzi was very embarrassed by the attacks from his heart sword and law fusion technique.

The ancestors were confronted head-on and took over most of Tiansangzi's attacks.

Finally, after a long time.

Tiansangzi suddenly withdrew and backed away, staring at Lin Fei and Yuzu with a bitter look, for a long while, silent.

"Senior, let's go in first."

Lin Fei said to Yuzu.

Lin Fei had discovered that Sister Ling and the three acquaintance shark girls had already guessed that the shark tribe had come to take refuge in him.

Therefore, there is no guard against this ancestor.

Lin Fei knew that this Tiansangzi was now half the strength of the main god, and even if he cooperated with the ancestor, it would be difficult to kill him.

It would be a waste of time and energy to continue fighting.

"it is good."

Yuzu also knew this truth, and nodded.

Therefore, Lin Fei and Qianzu, unfolding their bodies, instantly entered the feng shui array.

Yang Song played a magic trick, and the entire geomantic formation immediately released the majestic coercion.

Tiansangzi's face was ugly to the extreme.

He stared at the world of three thousand sizes with a bitter gaze, and his face was uncertain.

Finally, his eyes fell on Lin Fei.

"Very well, at a young age, he has such an ability.

Young man, I will come back to find you. "

After a while, Tian Sangzi said word by word, his tone was extremely cold, making people shudder.

Then, he turned and walked into a space-time transmission channel and disappeared.

At this time, within three thousand worlds.

Sister Ling told Lin Fei in detail from beginning to end what happened to the mackerel clan.

"It doesn't matter, from now on, our three thousand-sized world will be the home of your mackerel tribe."

Lin Fei nodded.

The true sword gods and Yang Song, as well as the gods such as Pangu and Nuwa, naturally like them very much.

The strength of the mackerel clan is actually relatively powerful.

Qianzu is a half-step master god.

In addition, there are also a number of gods among the shark gods, including true gods and ordinary gods.

With the addition of the mackerel clan, the overall strength of the three thousand worlds has been greatly enhanced.

The True Sword God and Yang Song came forward and approached the ancestor of the sword.

And the ancestor, although a half-step master god, but at this moment, there is no shelf, and he is in harmony with the gods of the three thousand great worlds.

"Pass the order, hold a banquet, and pick up the dust for the friends of the mackerel clan."

The True Sword God said loudly.

The members of the mackerel tribe, some time ago, were chased and killed by Tiansangzi very embarrassed, and all of them felt a little exhausted.

Now finally settled down.

At the banquet, all of them appeared very happy and elated.

"Young man, thank you for taking in our sharks."

Yuzu came to Lin Fei and said gratefully.

"Senior, don't be polite.

It is our honor to be able to come to three thousand worlds. "

Lin Fei said sincerely.

It is also true that the addition of a half-step main **** has greatly enhanced the foundation of the three thousand-sized world.

"Haha, young man, don't worry.

From then on, the affairs of the three thousand worlds are the affairs of our mackerel clan.

I will never refuse to use what is useful to me. "

Yuzu said.

"Then I would like to thank seniors first."

Lin Fei said.

At the banquet, Qingluo, Rong'er and Wan'er all sat beside Lin Fei.

The three of them have broken through and become gods, and have the qualifications to become the core guardian power of three thousand worlds, free to walk in three thousand worlds.

"Sister Qingluo, Sister Rong, Sister Wan, you are so beautiful.

Only you are worthy of characters like Lin Fei. "

Sister Ling, and two other shark girls whom Lin Fei had met, came to Qingluo, and Rong Er and Wan Er held hands affectionately in front of them.

These three shark girls had long been secretly attached to Lin Fei.

Now, discovering that Lin Fei's three wives are all outstanding and gorgeous, they can't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Qingluo's three women, I heard that their three shark girls had accompanied Lin Fei for a while in a place outside the law, and they were also very affectionate. After a while, they became one and each other became good friends.

"Master, unexpectedly, you deceived three more beautiful girls.

But be responsible to others. "

A Zi quietly lay beside Lin Fei's ear and said slyly.

"Azi, don't talk nonsense."

Lin Fei frowned and said.

"Cut, Master, who do you want to lie to.

The three eldest girls in the family see you are all affectionate, and the famous people can see it.

However, Master, your vision is really good, show me, you can accept everything. "

Azi curled his lips and said.

She is never afraid of fun, but of small things.

"Okay, Zi, stop talking nonsense."

Lin Fei couldn't stand it, frowning and said.

"Hehe, Master, don't be embarrassed.

If you are really embarrassed, or I will help you talk to them. "

A Zi whispered, looking eager to try.

"Azi, enough! Stop messing around!"

Lin Fei scolded.

Maybe the voice is a little louder, Qingluo, Rong'er, Wan'er, and Lingjie and other women all looked over curiously.

"Lin Fei, what's the matter?

Why do you speak to Azi so loudly? "

Qing Luo frowned and said.

"Yes, Lin Fei, don't be so fierce to Sister A Zi."

Rong'er and Wan'er also nodded and said.

The three of them are the same sisters as A Ziqing. Why would Lin Fei bully A Zi.

"Azi, don't be afraid of him.

We help you. "

Wan'er waved a powder fist at Lin Fei even more, and said.

"Well, I'm afraid of you, let's do it."

Lin Fei really couldn't bear it when he was questioned by several women with teeth and claws. Lin Fei ran away.

Zi was covering her mouth, grinning.

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