Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3526: Be bold and direct

"Sister Yu!"

At this time, no one noticed that in the distance, among the crowd, a pair of exquisite beauty beauties, holding hands, stood next to each other.

It is Wang Chan and Wang Yu.

The beautiful eyes of the two of them stared at Lin Fei blankly, which was very complicated.

Just now, the scene of the three shark girls and Lin Fei was clearly seen by both of them.

At this moment, in the hearts of the two of them, it was as if they had knocked over a five-flavored bottle. They didn't know what it was like, it was very complicated.

"Sister Yu, it seems that the three shark girls and Lin Fei will walk together sooner or later."

Suddenly Wang Chan lightly lifted Zhu Ying's mirage and said in a loud voice.


Wang Yu nodded.

"Sister Yu, we know Lin Fei in the Yuanwu world.

These three shark girls have known Lin Fei for less than a few years.

But..." When Wang Chan said this, her teeth bit her vermilion lip lightly, her eyes were red, and she looked very aggrieved.

"Oh, maybe, this is fate.

And, there is one more point.

The three shark girls are very brave, and they boldly pursue what they like.

Where are we..." Wang Yu sighed softly.


Sister Yu, you are right. "

Wang Chan nodded.

"Hmph, you two, finally figured it out.

I have already said about yours.

When you meet a good man you like, you should boldly pursue it.

There is nothing to be embarrassed about.

You know, a good man is to rely on his own initiative to fight for, and will not suddenly fall from the sky to give you.

do you understand. "

At this time, the palace lord of the Ice Palace suddenly came behind Wang Chan and Wang Yu and said in a loud voice.

"Palace Master..." Both Wang Chan and Wang Yu were very ashamed, their heads hung down, and they didn't know how to answer.

"Well, you don't need to hide anything in front of me.

Don’t know you two yet.

Since you like it, be bold and direct.

Yes, Lin Fei has several women, but a good man like him will definitely have a certain number of good women.

Even he himself couldn't stop it.

So, you still have a chance. "

The Palace Master said.

Wang Chan and Wang Yu nodded.

A day later, the banquet dissipated.

Yuzu took the people of the Yu clan, found a plane in a world of three thousand sizes, and settled down.

"Azi, goblins and Eight Stone Saints, do you have any news?"

Lin Fei asked Azi.

Last time, in order to find the goblin and the eight-stone saint, Lin Fei broke into the **** battle mound, but did not find the goblin and the eight-stone saint.

Now, several years have passed, Lin Fei is very worried.

"No news.

Senior True Cang, sent several true gods to guard the outside of the battle mound.

Until now, there is still no news of the goblins. "

Azi said.

"I hope they are all right."

Lin Fei sighed.

In the depths of the **** battle mound, in front of the gate of the palace, there are two monsters with the power of the main **** guarding them. With Lin Fei's current strength, there is no ability to enter the palace to find the goblins.

Lin Fei has a headache when he thinks of the God Battle Tomb.

At the location of the God Battle Tomb, in the three thousand worlds, there are actually two monsters with the strength of the main gods, which makes people feel shocked, but also a little scared.

In case, the two evil beasts ran out from the **** battle mound.

Then, in the entire 3,000-sized world, no one is their opponent! Those are two main gods! It can be said that either of these two monsters, placed in the Boundless Chaos Sea, can cause the entire Boundless Chaos Sea to vibrate tremendously.

What's more, it's a mere three thousand worlds.

"The two monsters must have existed for endless years.

For such a long time, none of them have come out of the God Battle Tomb to make trouble.

It is estimated that it must be due to some special circumstances that prevented them from walking out of the God Battle Tomb.

So, don’t worry too much. "

Lin Fei comforted herself.

However, in any case, Lin Fei knew that the two evil beasts were equivalent to two time bombs for the Three Thousand Great World, and they had to be dealt with sooner or later.

"By the way, this mirage, I'll use it for you later."

Lin Fei asked.

Lin Fei took out the mirage and gave it to Zi.

In fact, Lin Fei had already passed the ditch with the empress lying in the shell and introduced Azi to the empress.

Because Lin Fei felt that Azi's natural talent was illusion.

This mirage is more suitable for Azi.

Therefore, Lin Fei asked for advice like the queen.

What surprised Lin Fei was that the empress did not answer herself.

However, there is a vaguely conveyed message that seems to agree with Azi.

With great joy, Lin Fei decided to hand over the Mirage to A Zi.

"Master, this gem is very helpful to your battle, so you should take it with you."

Azi said.

"no need.

Azi, you should take it with you.

It will help you even more. "

Lin Fei stuffed the mirage into A Zi's little hand.

Lin Fei has now practiced the Heart Sword. In addition, the Primordial Law of Chaos has improved a lot, and he can already play against the half-step Lord God.

Lin Fei was even more confident in the battle against the real **** of the upper gods, and he immediately killed him! For Lin Fei, the mirage is just one of the cards, even if it doesn't, the impact will not be great.

"Thank you, Master!"

Azi took the mirage and took it with care.

Lin Fei was right. This mirage was a priceless treasure for her cultivation, and it could greatly increase her cultivation speed.

"By the way, Azi, when do you think you will usher in a divine calamity?"

Lin Fei asked.

Lin Fei sensed that Ah Zi's realm was already very close to breaking through to become a god.

"Master, originally, I felt that within half a year, I could usher in a divine calamity.

However, now there is a mirage, about two to three months.

"Azi said.

"That's great! Azi, when we were in Yuanwu Realm before, the two of us always wandered together.

I miss that time.

Hurry up and become a god, then we can go out together again. "

Lin Fei smiled.

"Really! Well, master, after I become a god, I will go out with you to make trouble!"

Azi was very excited after hearing Lin Fei's words.

She missed the happy days of wandering around with Lin Fei even more.

Just at this time.


Yuzu came over from a distance.

His gaze was fixed on Zi, looking up and down.

Lin Fei and A Zi are both very strange. They don't know why Yuzu acted like this.

"Girl Azi, if I'm not mistaken, you should belong to the nine-tailed fox family."

Finally, after Qianzu looked at A Zi for a while, he asked.

"Yes! Senior, I belong to the nine-tailed fox family."

After hearing the words, A Zi couldn't help but shake his body slightly.

Azi knew that this shark clan came from the Forbidden Land Sky Demon Valley.

It is said that most of the creatures in the Sky Demon Valley are beasts.

Even if it is a mackerel clan, in the final analysis, in fact, they also have the blood of some sea beasts.

Therefore, Azi was very excited after hearing the question of the ancestor, as if vaguely guessed something.

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