Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3527: News from the Nine Tailed Monster Fox Clan

"In the Sky Demon Valley, there used to be a family of nine-tailed monster foxes."

Yuzu said.

"Senior, is it true!"

Azi was surprised and asked anxiously.

For a long time, from the Yuanwu Realm, to the Immortal Ling Realm, to the Falling Immortal Plane, to the three thousand worlds, and then to the boundless Chaos Sea, Ah Zi was actually looking for the whereabouts of his tribe.

However, never found out.

Now, suddenly heard that there was the whereabouts of his own people, Azi was extremely excited.

"it is true.

Once, the nine-tailed monster fox clan was the most powerful race in the Sky Demon Valley.

The patriarch of the nine-tailed demon fox, formerly the valley master of the Sky Demon Valley. "

Yuzu nodded and said.

"So, now, are my people still in the Sky Demon Valley?"

Azi asked quickly.

"Not anymore."

Yuzu shook his head.

"Have my people left the Sky Demon Valley?

Where did they go? "

A Zi was anxious and asked.

"The Nine-Tailed Monster Fox Clan is missing.

The patriarch of the nine-tailed fox clan was originally the valley owner of the Sky Demon Valley.

Later, in the Sky Demon Valley, a large python cultivated into the position of the main god, leading the snake demon clan to challenge the nine-tailed fox clan.

After a fierce battle, the snake monster clan won and became the overlord of the Sky Demon Valley.

The Nine-Tailed Fox family has disappeared, and no news has been seen since then.

There are two legends about the whereabouts of the nine-tailed fox family in the Sky Demon Valley.

First, under the leadership of the patriarch, the Nine-tailed Fox family collectively left the Sky Demon Valley and found a very remote place to live in seclusion.

Second, in that fierce battle, the nine-tailed fox clan had all been killed and the entire clan was destroyed. "

Yuzu said.

"How can this be!"

Azi was angry and worried when he heard this.

"The snake demon clan is too hateful!"

Azi gritted her teeth, her eyebrows erect.

"I guess, whether the nine-tailed fox clan was annihilated or left the Sky Demon Valley quietly, the truth may only be known by the high-level members of the snake monster clan."

Yuzu said.

"Well, I'll go to them and ask!"

Azi said, his tone was very firm.

With great difficulty, I learned about the whereabouts of the tribe, where Aziz would give up.

Lin Fei also understands this.

"Azi, don't worry, I will accompany you to the Sky Demon Valley.

Be sure to find a high-level member of the Snake Demon Clan and ask clearly. "

Lin Fei said to A Zi.

Azi has been with Lin Fei from the Yuanwu realm until now, he is the most important and missing person in Lin Fei's life.

A Zi is too important to Lin Fei.

Therefore, Lin Fei regarded Azi's affairs as his own.

"The patriarch of the Snake Demon clan, that big python, possesses the power of the main god, and is difficult to deal with."

Yuzu reminded.

"It doesn't matter, even if the Sky Demon Valley is Longtan Tiger Lair, I have to go for a break.

However, we must wait for you to break through and become a **** before we set off to the Sky Demon Valley. "

Lin Fei said.

A Zi's breakthrough is in sight, and Lin Fei doesn't want A Zi to leave his practice behind.

"Okay, Master, I will listen to you.

I will go to retreat and practice now, striving for an early breakthrough and becoming a god. "

A Zi nodded obediently, her delicate body twisted, and instantly went away, returning to her practice secret room.

"Since you must go.

Well, I will go with you too.

I am very familiar with the Sky Demon Valley and I can help you. "

Yuzu said to Lin Fei.

"Then thank you senior."

Lin Fei quickly thanked him.

It is of course a good thing that one and a half steps of the main **** go with him.

"Lin Fei, why are you polite to me?

Just tell me when you are leaving.

By the way, sister Ling and the three of them, I watched them grow up with my own eyes.

These three children are kind-hearted and can be regarded as smart.

Lin Fei, you will slowly find that they are actually pretty good. "

Yuzu said to Lin Fei, then turned and left.

These three sentences at the end of him clearly meant to sell Lin Fei's three maidens.

"Senior, this..." Lin Fei couldn't help being quite helpless.

This old guy seemed to be determined and wanted to force the three shark girls to himself.

Just at this time.



A large number of senior leaders of the alliance army came to find Lin Fei.

"Leader, in the past two days, we have received some jade slip messages one after another.

There are many remnants of our alliance army, scattered in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

They are thinking of ways to come to a world of three thousand sizes.

However, now the entire boundless Chaos Sea, most of the area, has been controlled by the six superpowers.

The remnants of our alliance army want to quietly come to the world of 3,000 sizes. It is very difficult. If they are not careful, they will leak their tracks and be chased by the five superpowers. "

The Palace Master of the Ice Palace said to Lin Fei.

Last time, under Lin Fei's personal response, most of the Alliance Army's troops safely came to settle in a world of three thousand sizes.

However, there are still a small number of people hiding in the Middle East in the boundless sea of ​​chaos for various reasons.

Once the scattered troops of the Alliance Army are discovered by the five superpowers, they will inevitably be chased and killed frantically.

So, they are all thinking of ways to prepare to come to the world of three thousand big and small.

"Leader, what shall we do.

Should we send people to meet them? "

Asked another senior from the Alliance Army.

"Our alliance army, the life of every member is very precious, and of course we have to meet them.

Moreover, I personally lead the team. "

Lin Fei thought for a while and said in a loud voice.

These high-level members of the Alliance Army are all overjoyed.

They knew that Lin Fei's current strength was becoming stronger and stronger.

"Immediately send someone to find out the exact location of the people scattered outside of our alliance army.

Then, we set out to meet them.

Also, after we set off, deliberately leaked the trail to let the five superpowers know. "

Lin Fei said.

"Leader, why is this?"

The high-levels of the alliance army were all taken aback, not understanding what Lin Fei meant.

"Attract the five superpowers to kill them.

Some time ago, many brothers in our coalition army died tragically at the hands of the five superpowers.

Now, we want to avenge those brothers who died tragically.

At the same time, let the five superpowers know that our alliance army is definitely not easy to provoke.

If we provoke us, we will have to pay a heavy price! "

Lin Fei said slowly, a strong murderous intent burst into his eyes.

"Leader, we understand!"

The high-ranking members of the Alliance Army all refreshed and answered in unison.

Indeed, last time, the five superpowers, in the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos, encircled and suppressed the members of the alliance army.

Killed a large number of people from the Alliance Army.

Even the five superpowers also sent masters to 3,000 large and small worlds to kill Lin Fei.

Let Lin Fei explode, his body and soul body were blown to pieces, and he was fully in the Falling God Valley, recuperating for a period of time before he recovered.

With Lin Fei's character, it is impossible to give up such a **** hatred easily.

Now it's time for revenge!

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