Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3528: The strange power of the heart sword

A few days later.

A piece of news reached the ears of the five superpowers.

Some of the remaining troops of the Alliance Army led by Lin Fei appeared.

Moreover, these people are gathering quietly.

"Huh! Life and death, these remnants of the Alliance army dare to appear."

"Very well, let these remnants gather together first.

When the time comes, catch it all.

It saves us time to search for them. "

"Lin Fei is dead. For these remnants of the Alliance army, forgive them for not being able to make any waves.

This time, cut the weeds and roots and wipe them out! "

...... The senior leaders of the five superpowers immediately dispatched an army to move quietly.

You know, the five superpowers hate Lin Fei and the Alliance army.

Now that I heard about the whereabouts of the Alliance army, I would let it go.

Don't kill and clean, never give up.

Of course, Lin Fei, the leader of the alliance army, was dead.

These so-called alliance forces have already been defeated.

The alliance army without Lin Fei is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the five superpowers.

Therefore, the five superpowers did not pay too much attention to it.

The strongest personnel sent are the upper gods, true gods.

this day.

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, in a certain remote world group.

The world group, one of the planes outside.

In the icy chaotic void, several vast armies encircled this plane.

At a glance, there are many people and horses, like mountains and seas, with gleaming iron armor, and swords dazzling with cold light.

"The remnants of the Alliance army, get out immediately, kneel down one by one, crane their necks, waiting for us to kill."

A troll holding a double halberd, staring at a pair of giant copper bell eyes, sprayed out two dazzling magic lights, looked into the plane, and shouted loudly.

This troll is hundreds of thousands of feet tall, with bulging muscles, and a demon body like an iron tower. It is majestic and fierce.

"Humph! What a big tone.

Just rely on you rubbish, do you have this ability?

I feel that if you don’t want to die too horribly, now all kneel down and knock 10,000 heads to our Alliance army, and promised to take me as the master and slaves to me. In this way, I can consider giving you a way out. go. "

Suddenly, within the plane, a large army appeared mightily and came out, leading an ordinary young man with his hands on his back, lazily speaking.


! "

All around the plane, the army of the five superpowers was very angry and funny.

This guy must be crazy.

Didn't he see that there are a large number of true **** masters in the army of the five superpowers.

There are dozens of high-level gods alone! The remnants of this alliance army dared to speak wildly and let the army of these five superpowers be slaves to him! "Haha, an ignorant trash, let alone you, even if Lin Fei is here, he dare not say such big words.

You, die for you! "

The troll holding the two halberds couldn't help laughing upright, full of magic hair, roots standing upside down, like a thorny head.

This troll is a real god! Naturally aggressive.

While talking, he suddenly stretched out a magic hand, zooming in continuously, and grabbed the ordinary-looking young man standing in the front of the Alliance army.

Boom... The magic hand covers the sky and the sun, lingering the laws of infinite magic, and the energy is amazing.

"Hmph, Ming is stubborn! If you kneel down, you will kneel down for me!"

The young man sneered.


The troll screamed, and the hand that was thrown out froze in the void.

His face was distorted, and he seemed to be suffering tremendously.

Then, the seven orifices began to bleed, and the huge demon body of hundreds of thousands of feet could no longer support it, and it slid softly, and finally with a bang, it really fell on both knees and knelt on the ground.

This scene.

It's weird! In the surrounding void, all the creatures felt their scalp numb, and their hearts felt cold.

Everyone saw that the young man standing in front of the Alliance army had always carried his hands on his back, and had never taken any action at all.

The troll with the strength of the upper **** true **** was seriously injured for no reason and couldn't even stand.

Everyone knows that it must be that young man who used some means to cause such weird consequences.

"The power of the leader is really terrible!"

In the rear of the youth, following a large number of the gods of the alliance army, all of them were admired to the extreme.

Looking at the youth, there was a kind of crazy worship.

This ordinary-looking young man is naturally Lin Fei.

Lin Fei temporarily didn't want the five superpowers to know that he was still alive, so he changed his appearance and spirit.

"Finally know how to kneel down.

If you obey earlier, how can you suffer such suffering? "

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

Just now, Lin Fei used his heart sword to deal with this troll.

Lin Fei's heart sword can cause a certain amount of damage to the half-step main god, not to mention a high-level **** true god.

In one move, the troll in front of him was seriously injured, and he couldn't even stand steady.

Originally, Lin Fei wanted to use the heart sword to directly crush his soul body and kill him.

However, Lin Fei suddenly wanted to give it a try to see if he could use the secret method of the puppet's thread to take the upper **** true **** into a slave.

Therefore, Lin Fei decided to experiment with these dozens of high-level gods.

"You... what the **** did you do to me!"

The body of that troll was shattered by the Heart Sword, already hurting its origin, very weak and dying, he stared at the frightened eye, looked at Lin Fei, and asked intermittently.

"This kid is weird! Everyone, be careful!"

At this time, the gods in the five super-power army do not know where, the ordinary young man in front of him is very strange.

"It's no use being careful.

You should kneel down to me all. "

Lin Fei sneered.

When the mind moved, he used his heart sword again.

Lin Fei first dealt with the ordinary gods among the five superpowers.


A weird scene appeared.

Bang, bang, bang...In the army of the five superpowers, all the ordinary gods, at the same time, had their bodies shaken up, and the Qi orifices spurted blood, and then their bodies became limp, unable to stand at all, their knees were soft, all Kneeled down.

"Well, very good, still obedient."

Lin Fei smiled and nodded.

this moment.

This space is as quiet as a tomb.

The needle falls! All creatures, like falling into an ice cellar, chilled all over their bodies.

They can see clearly, Lin Fei has always carried his hands on his back, and has never made a move.

As a result, the six to seven hundred ordinary gods of the five superpowers were all seriously injured and collapsed to the ground.

Could it be that some terrible soul secret technique was used?

All the creatures are secretly guessing in their hearts.

This is the only reasonable explanation.

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