Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3530:

Chapter 3529 is too strong to be too exaggerated "Boy, what did you do!"

One of the upper gods of the Yaozu, the true god, bravely roared like Lin Fei.

"Kneel me down."

Lin Fei looked over and said lightly.

puff! The upper **** of the demon race, the true god, trembled violently, spurting blood on the spot, and then his strong demon body fell softly and knelt on the ground.

Severely injured! This scene after scene is too weird.

All the creatures, at this moment, felt that they had fallen into an ice cave that lasted for billions of years.

Extremely shocked, thinking completely stagnated.

Trembling, frightened! One by one, looking at Lin Fei with fearful eyes.

Not only are the five superpowers, but even the alliance's troops are a bit creepy.

The bizarre combat power that Lin Fei displayed completely exceeded their imagination.

No matter how powerful it is, there is a limit.

How could it be so exaggerated?

Everyone could see very clearly that Lin Fei had never taken any action at all. He kept his hands on his back and stood there plainly.

Just said a few times and knelt down.

As a result, the gods of the five superpowers, one after another, suffered severe injuries and knelt down one after another.

Such things have completely exceeded the imagination of everyone.

It is also true that the heart sword belongs to a very rare secret method.

Throughout the ages, there have been few masters who can practice Heart Sword.

Therefore, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, most of the creatures do not know that there is still a strange power in the world called Nian Li, and there is a rare secret method called Heart Sword! At this moment.

None of the five superpowers dared to move.

One by one, they stood in the void, staring at Lin Fei with horror.

A great sense of fear enveloped the hearts of every creature in the five superpowers.

The whole piece of void is a strange and dead atmosphere of [新笔趣阁].

"Let's go together! Let's join hands, we will attack at the same time, and we will kill this kid in one move at the fastest speed! Only in this way can we have hope to deal with this kid.

Otherwise, you can only let him kill. "

Dozens of high-level gods from the five superpowers secretly transmit their voices and agree to shoot at the same time.

"Okay, let's shoot together! Must be full speed, full force! One hit!"

Dozens of upper gods, true gods, reached an agreement.

"Do it!"

Suddenly, one of the upper gods, the true god, roared.

Boom...Dozens of violent bombardments were sent out at the same time, blasting towards the position where Lin Fei was standing.

This move was unexpected, and gathered the power of everyone, indeed very powerful.

However, how powerful is Lin Fei's divine consciousness.

It was much stronger than any high-ranking **** in the field.

Lin Fei became aware of these high-level gods the moment they acted.

Boom... Lin Fei displayed the law superposition technique.

The chaotic origin laws of the five Dacheng realms are superimposed and merged at the same time, blocking them forward.

The law of rolling energy spreads monstrously.

The law stacking technique blocked most of the attacks.

at the same time.

Lin Fei activated the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card.

Teleport away.


Rumble...The space where Lin Fei stood just now collapses, time and space are destroyed, turning into a black vacuum zone.

at this time.

Lin Fei's figure, like a ghost, appeared behind the five superpowers.

"Cut me!"

Lin Fei gave a soft drink.

Heart sword cut out.

Puff puff puff...Dozens of high-level gods and true gods from the five superpowers were hit by the sword one after another, spurting blood, all of them were seriously injured.

"Do it!"

Lin Fei gave an order.


Those **** slaves under Lin Fei, and the troops of the Alliance army, rushed forward.

The upper gods of the five superpowers, the true gods, and all the ordinary gods, had all been severely injured by Lin Fei.

The remaining true gods of the lower gods, the true gods of the middle gods, and the true slaves of Lin Fei were enough to deal with.

Therefore, the battle will soon become clear.

The alliance army, one by one, like wolves and tigers, killed the five superpowers, cried and cried.

"Don't kill any gods.

Let me deal with it. "

Lin Fei gave orders loudly.

These gods could all be taken into slaves, and Lin Fei didn't want to kill them in vain.

Therefore, Lin Fei immediately displayed the secret method of the puppet thread, thousands of red silk threads, first shot at the ordinary gods.

After a while, all the ordinary gods among the five superpowers were taken into slavery by Lin Fei.

During this process, Lin Fei's divine consciousness tightly locked the high-level gods who were seriously injured.

Once he found out which high-ranking **** wanted to escape, he immediately used his heart sword to kill him.

With the strange attack speed and terrifying power of the Heart Sword, no high-ranking true **** could escape in front of Lin Fei.

There are several high-level gods, true gods, who wanted to take this opportunity to escape, and were hurt even more by Heart Sword.

"Okay, just start with you."

After Lin Fei turned the five superpowers and all ordinary gods into slaves, he looked at a troll and said with a smile.

The voice fell off.

Thousands of red puppet threads, like a red rainstorm, instantly rushed into the sea of ​​knowledge of that troll.

This troll was seriously injured, so there was still the ability to resist.

Countless red silk threads appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness, entwining from all directions like his soul body.

"Roar! This is the secret method of the spirit family bloodline inheritance, the puppet thread! Boy, you don't want to take me as a slave!"

The troll was frightened and angry, roaring sternly, and the turbulent magical light like a deep sea, soaring above his demon body.

The surrounding space was constantly shattered by the pressure of terrifying magical power.

The soul body of this troll struggled desperately.

The whole sea of ​​consciousness, the endless magic tsunami, is whizzing wildly.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh for forgiveness

"The soul body of the upper god, the true god, possesses the soul energy, really powerful.

It is a bit difficult to control his soul body. "

Lin Fei continued to use the secret method of the puppet's thread, releasing more red thread, and attacking the sea of ​​knowledge of the troll.

At this moment, Lin Fei's dark golden planet of consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness was slowly turning, rumbling, releasing a monstrous pressure of consciousness.

Lin Fei and the troll are both in a stalemate.

No one would give in.

That troll is unwilling to be a slave to others.

Lin Fei was eager to take the upper gods into slaves.

As time passed slowly.

The breath of that troll became more and more wilting.

He was badly injured.

Now, trying his best to deal with Lin Fei's puppet line, the loss is increasing.

Gradually, the troll couldn't hold it anymore.

Close to the edge of death! "I see how long you can support it, even if it is consumed, it will consume you to death!"

Lin Fei was also fierce and refused to give up.

Chapter 3530, the upper **** true **** slave! The troll screamed and fainted.

"Maybe I forced it too hard."

Lin Fei shook his head and sighed.

Just now.



I was pleasantly surprised to find that in the sea of ​​knowledge of this troll, red silk threads swarmed up, tying the soul body of the troll like a rice dumpling.

Then, these red lines quickly contracted and merged into the soul body of the troll.

This means that the puppet thread has completely controlled the soul body of this troll.


Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed.

However, at this time, the troll was not far from death.

"You can't die."

With a wave of his hand, Lin Fei took out a lot of precious, soul-like heaven, material and earth treasures, high-level magic pills, all sent into the sea of ​​knowledge of the troll.

Lin Fei also shattered all these treasures, and forcibly poured them into the soul body of the troll so that it could be absorbed.

at last.

After the troll's soul body absorbed a large amount of soul energy, it woke up.

However, very weak.

"See the master."

With a gentle gaze, the troll looked at Lin Fei, struggling to get up and salute Lin Fei.

"Okay, don't be polite."

Lin Fei was in a good mood.

To this troll, it looked very pleasing to the eye.

Because, this is Lin Fei's first upper **** true **** slave.

The meaning is very important.

This means that from now on, Lin Fei has the ability to subdue the upper **** true **** into a slave! "Well, it's you."

Lin Fei's gaze looked at another high-ranking **** nearby.

This is a master of Yaozu.

"Ah! Get out, kid, don't come over!"

The master of this monster race, so scared that his soul was flying out of the sky, he screamed horribly.

He forced his divine power to turn into a demon light and wanted to escape.

However, Lin Fei moved his mind and displayed his heart sword.

The monster clan master, with a scream, fell from the void, injured more severely, unable to escape again.

Lin Fei took a step and came to his side.

Shoo... the red rainstorm-like puppet line continuously rushed into the sea of ​​knowledge of this monster clan master.

Ahhh... immediately, this monster clan master began to scream, struggling desperately.

During this process, there were several high-level gods, true gods, who set up their escape and wanted to escape.

As a result, Lin Fei used his heart sword to injure them even more severely, dying one by one, almost only venting without air intake.

Lin Fei has also discovered now that if you want to take these high-level gods into slaves, you must first make them half-dead, exhaust their energy, especially the spirit energy, and then take advantage of their weakest moments. As a slave.

Therefore, Lin Fei acted mercilessly.

It doesn't matter if the injury is serious, as long as you don't die.

The monster clan master, after screaming for half an hour, finally couldn't hold it back. During the weakest, near death time period, Lin Fei took advantage of the void and controlled the soul body with the puppet's thread and took him into a slave .

Next, Lin Fei followed the law and took the remaining upper gods into slaves one by one.

What made Lin Fei a little bit painful was that every time he took over a slave of the upper **** true god, he had to take out a large number of gods and souls of heaven and earth treasures and gods to help them recover.

Because each of these high-level gods was not far from death by Lin Fei.

It is even more pity.

There are about six or seven high-level gods, true gods, constantly running away, repeatedly, and as a result, they were injured time and time again by Lin Fei's heart sword.

In the end, due to his injuries, he died directly.

at this time.

The battle is over.

The Alliance Army won a complete victory.

The five superpowers, the remaining lower gods and middle gods, were all captured.

You know, the number of true **** slaves under Lin Fei has reached more than 700.

It is not difficult to deal with the true gods among the five superpowers.

Besides, in the process of fighting.

And Lin Fei was personally holding the battle.

Lin Fei's powerful divine consciousness always controls any movement in the audience.

Once you find that the gods on your side are in trouble, they immediately help.

With Lin Fei's current strength, even if he didn't use the Heart Sword, he could bombard the past with a magical superposition technique, and no true **** could resist it.

Therefore, in this battle, Lin Fei's slaves to the gods and the gods in the alliance army hardly suffered any casualties.

"Master, what to do with them."

A True God slave under Lin Fei asked Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was thinking, strike while the iron is hot, and take all the remaining true gods of the five superpowers into slaves.


At this moment, suddenly.

There was a huge sense of fatigue, a sense of fatigue that rose from the depths of the soul.

"so tired!"

Lin Fei frowned.

"It seems that I have used my heart sword too many times today.

The heart sword can't be used indefinitely, once it exceeds a certain intensity, the soul is a bit unbearable.

Moreover, I just used the secret method of the puppet thread to subdue dozens of upper gods as slaves, and it is estimated that it has also consumed a huge amount of spiritual energy.

Well, it seems that in the future, we need to pay more attention.

Can't use the heart sword indefinitely.

Otherwise, once a sense of weakness appears as it is now, it will be troublesome.

In my current state, casually, come one and a half steps to the main god, and one palm can slap me to death. "

Lin Fei thought secretly in his heart.

It can be said that today's actual combat has given Lin Fei a better understanding of Xinjian.

"First put them all in custody.

I will deal with it later. "

Lin Fei ordered.

Then, Lin Fei took out a flying boat and entered a training chamber of the flying boat.

Start to recuperate.

The slaves under Lin Fei, as well as the troops of the Alliance army, all followed into the flying boat.

Feizhou shook slightly, rushed into a space-time transmission channel, and disappeared.

In the secret room inside the flying boat.

Lin Fei was recuperating quietly, and at the same time, taking a large number of supernatural treasures and divine pills with amazing value.

One day later.

Lin Fei began to slowly recover.

"Bring all the prisoners here."

After fully recovering, Lin Fei spoke to the true **** slaves under his command.

Soon, the true gods of the five superpowers who were captured were all taken to Lin Fei's body.

These true gods captives were sealed with various magic weapons or secret techniques and could not escape.

Lin Fei used the secret method of the puppet's thread and took them all into slaves.

In this battle, Lin Fei collected more than 20 upper gods, hundreds of true gods, and a large number of ordinary gods, and became his slaves.

The scale of slaves to gods has greatly expanded.

"Well, the upper **** true **** slave.

not bad. "

Lin Fei looked at him, feeling very satisfied with the twenty-odd upper **** true **** slaves.

"Ready to go and continue to act."

Lin Fei ordered.

In the following time, Lin Fei took his slaves and the Alliance army, moving around in the boundless Chaos Sea to pick up the members of the Alliance army scattered in every corner.

He also released news and deliberately leaked the trail, which attracted batch after batch of people from the five superpowers.

With Lin Fei's strength and hole cards, as long as there is no half-step main **** and main god, he can come in person, and he can be invincible and slay all directions!

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