Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3531: Arrogant son

More than ten days passed.

at this time.

Lin Fei's subordinates, the upper **** true **** slaves, reached more than one hundred! There are close to two thousand true **** slaves of other strengths! Ordinary **** slaves, close to ten thousand! These **** slaves all come from the five superpowers.

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, only the five superpowers can have such a large number of gods.

"The number of slaves to the gods under me is not too big even if compared with the five superpowers.

However, the five superpowers have master gods.

At this point, I still can't match. "

Lin Fei looked at his more than 1,000 slaves, thinking in his heart.

In terms of quantity alone, Lin Fei felt that the sum of the slaves of the gods under his hands, compared with the five superpowers, should not be too far apart.

It can be said that now, Lin Fei already has a very strong team.

The sum of more than 12,000 slaves of gods is amazing.

What's more, there is also an alliance army, which is completely at the mercy of Yu Lin Fei.

Lin Fei had enough power to sweep the vast majority of world groups, races, and sects in the boundless chaos.

"Report to the leader, ahead, a large army of the Western Holy See is stationed.

It is possible that he is a **** emperor and leads the team personally! "

Suddenly, a spy came to report.


God emperor son..." Lin Fei was interested in hearing this.

Among the Western Holy See, the position of the son of God Emperor is very high.

It is said that the number of God Emperor Sons in each session can only be three.

The next court lord was born among these three **** emperor sons.

In other words, the **** emperor son is very likely to be the future court master.

"Go, let's go and see."

Lin Fei waved his hand and said.

After a while.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness was far away.

In the chaotic void ahead, a large army was stationed with flagrant flags, and a magnificent formation was lined up in the void.

This army has strong soldiers and strong horses, densely spread flags, and murderous spirits.

"You guys have searched for so many days, but they haven't found the remnants of the Alliance army! I don't know what use you are! Give you two more days to find out the remnants of the Alliance army.

Otherwise, don't blame me for being polite and guilty! "

In the army, a young man with arrogant and indifferent eyes snorted coldly.

"Yes, God Emperor Zi calmed down his anger.

We will send someone to find it right away! "

A large group of masters of the Western Holy See stood around. After listening to the young people, no one dared to refute.

Because this young man has a high position in the Western Holy See, and he is the son of a god! "Huh! I'll lead the team out this time, and I must personally kill all the remnants of the Alliance army, not one left! Unfortunately, Lin Fei is already dead.

Otherwise, I will definitely go and kill him myself. "

This **** emperor looked very conceited in his words, his eyes swept, and there was a taste of looking at the world.

He led the team this time to build up credit, to compete for the next court lord in the future, and to increase his bargaining chips.

Among the three **** emperor sons in this class, his strength and connections are the more prominent ones.

Therefore, the ambition is also the greatest. For the next court lord, he is determined to win.

This time, he heard that in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the remnants of the Alliance army were active, and he immediately invited Ying and brought an army to encircle and suppress.

However, for the time being, he hasn't encountered any members of the Alliance Army.

Therefore, he, who is eager for meritorious service, is a little anxious.

"The order is passed on, and more people will be sent to find the traces of the remnants of the Alliance army. Anyway, we must find them!"

The son of God Emperor scolded the masters of the Western Holy See beside him.

"Yes, yes, God Emperor Son, we understand."

Those masters of the Western Holy See had no choice but to promise and nod their heads.

"Also, everyone, please listen to me. After all the remnants of the Alliance army have been killed, we will set off to three thousand worlds and set the world to flat ground! I want the world to see The majesty of our Western Holy See!"

The son of the **** emperor said loudly, there is a sense of pride that he wants to fight all over the world.

"The **** emperor, I heard that there is a very strong formation in the world of three thousand sizes, which is extremely difficult to break.

Moreover, the three-thousand-large world is also related to Luoshen Valley.

The **** emperor wants to attack three thousand big and small events, it is best to go back first, discuss with the court master, and then make a decision. "

The experts from the Western Holy See all around were shocked when they heard it.

The last time, the armies of the five superpowers united and besieged three thousand worlds, but in the end they failed.

It is said that all those actions, half-step led by the main god, still failed.

This shows how difficult it is to deal with a world of three thousand sizes.

Now this **** emperor son actually planned to take the Western Holy See's army to destroy three thousand worlds.

This is simply impossible to succeed! "Huh! Sure enough, none of them are useful. Those three thousand-sized worlds are just a remote and backward world group. Even if there are any big formations, how powerful it can be.

It's just that the world has exaggerated its power by misinformation.

With a mere formation, can it stop the footsteps of our Western Holy See army! Even if the three-thousand-size world really has something to do with Luoshen Valley, what about it.

Is the strength of our Western Holy See not comparable to that of the Valley of Gods?

I really don't believe that Luoshen Valley will dare to fight our Western Holy See for a remote and backward world group! I have already decided, you needn't say much. "

The Emperor God waved his hand and said impatiently.

Big trouble! The masters of the Western Holy See all around secretly complained.

Everyone knows that this **** emperor is extremely arrogant, and he generally refuses to listen to advice on matters he decides.

In the distance, Lin Fei heard the words of the **** emperor clearly.

Can't help but smile coldly.

"It turned out to be an arrogant arrogant who doesn't know the heights of the world.

However, his status as a son of a **** emperor is extremely prominent among the Western Holy See.

How would I feel if I subdued this guy into a slave, the court master of the Western Holy See. "

Lin Fei said to himself while striding towards the **** emperor son.

There is a sort of mischievous mentality.

In the rear, the slaves of the gods and the Alliance army followed in mighty force.

However, Lin Fei's speed was too fast.

Far apart.

"Only you are not qualified to talk about dealing with three thousand worlds."

Lin Fei approached the Emperor God step by step from a distance, and said lightly.

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