Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3535: Strong enemy retreat

At this time, both Lin Fei and the Divine Soul clone of the court master had left the sea of ​​consciousness of the God Emperor Son.

Standing in the chaotic void, standing opposite each other.

boom! The court master has taken a shot, he seems to know that the young man in front of him is not easy, so when he takes a shot, it is full.

I saw a vast expanse of energy, rolling and spreading.

This kind of fluctuation was too violent and too terrifying, and made a whole chaotic void light up.

"It's the court lord! The court lord is here!"

The people of the Western Holy See recognized that the group of lights and shadows standing opposite Lin Fei turned out to be their court master, and all of them suddenly screamed like chicken blood.

"Leader, be careful!"

"Master, be careful!"

The gods of the alliance army, and those **** slaves of Lin Fei's subordinates, were shocked when they discovered that there was one and a half step more master **** in the void.

scold! Na Tingzhu spit out a white light from his mouth and cut towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei moved his mind and displayed his heart sword.

"Sure enough, it's a mind attack!"

The Lord Ting's face was startled, he once again sensed Lin Fei's heart sword simultaneously.

Although the divine soul clone of the court master is half the realm of the master god, his body is a master god.

Stepping into the realm of the main god, whether it is experience, perception, mentality, vision, or the secret technique cultivated, it is not a half-step main **** and can be compared.

In a hurry, a thick white light of law floated on the surface of his body.

when! With a crisp sound, Lin Fei slashed the past heart sword and collided with the white light of the law.


Lin Fei couldn't help but secretly praised.

Since he became a Heart Sword, this court master is the first one who can stop him.

"However, my thought power, not long after I practiced, is still relatively weak.

Afterwards, my thought power will become stronger and stronger, and the power of the heart sword must also become stronger.

At that time, even if it is the main god, it may not be able to withstand my heart sword.

Master guided me on the path of mindfulness cultivation, and it helped me tremendously. "

Lin Fei secretly rejoiced.

"Boy, no matter who you are or what force you are from.

You have to die when you kill my Emperor Ting Shen! "

The court master said, his figure became clearer and brighter, surrounded by a vast expanse of energy.

Boom...He is slender and strong, shrouded in a white robe that dances with the wind, like a dragon, leaping up and rushing towards Lin Fei in one step.

It has to be said that the soul clone of the court master is much stronger than the general half-step master god.

He is like a long white dragon, wandering in the chaotic void, the strong breath shining light, shattering a large area of ​​void.

The vast expanse of energy, before him, turned into a huge white cross, crushing hundreds of thousands of miles of void.

boom! Lin Fei stepped forward and blasted forward with a punch.

The gravity of the billowing stars is like an ocean, rolling forward.

At the same time, this punch was integrated into the law superposition technique.

The five chaotic origin laws of Dacheng realm are superimposed and merged together, spraying out from the fist.

Let the space in front of him instantly dim, shatter, and disintegrate.

According to Miss Lin Yue, the law stacking technique can be integrated into most of the martial arts and secret arts, as well as various magic weapons, and attack together, making it more powerful.

The law superposition technique was originally one of Lin Fei's strongest secret techniques, and then merged into other secret techniques to increase its power.

However, apart from the Heart Sword, this blow was the strongest that Lin Fei could play.

Rumble...the attacks of the two hit each other.

This blow was too horrible and silent, it destroyed a large void and instantly turned into a black vacuum zone.

puff! Lin Fei spurted blood on the spot.

Above the body, the horrible energy washed out pits and pits, which was terrible.

One by one blood hole, gurgling blood.

"The lord of the Western Holy See is indeed well-deserved.

It was just a ghost clone, so terrible. "

Lin Fei sighed.

At the same time, Lin Fei's body injury recovered in an instant and returned to his peak state.

Not to mention this small injury, even if the entire body is blown up, Lin Fei can quickly reshape it.

The physique of the Chaos Heaven and Earth, and the physique of the Tianjin Clan, added up, it is not a joke.

Equivalent to the immortal body.

"not bad."

With a majestic gaze, the court master stared at Lin Fei and nodded, unable to hide his surprise.

His physique is slender and strong, his face is formidable, and there are patches of law runes in the void around his body.

These runes are condensed by the law of great light.

The Law of Light is the most important inheritance in the Western Holy See, and the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos is powerful.

"You are not bad, but you want to kill me with a avatar, you are a little too confident."

Lin Fei looked directly at the court master's gaze and replied with a sneer.

boom! The court master did not speak, his aura suddenly became stronger several times again, the billowing white power, like a sea of ​​white fire surging.

He grasped with ten fingers, zoomed in extremely quickly, covering the entire void, and grabbed Lin Fei.

Shoo... among the ten fingers, ten white crystal **** shot out, like ten bright white suns, blasting towards Lin Fei.

Ten big suns passed by in the sky, and a terrible breath erupted like a sun about to be destroyed, sweeping the sky and turning into a void storm.

This is a very powerful and mysterious secret technique, a secret that is not passed on in the Western Holy See.

It is said that only some of the highest-level figures are qualified to obtain and practice.

Lin Fei was secretly surprised.

This time, Lin Fei did not choose to head-on, but directly used the heart sword.

Just when Lin Fei thought about it.

Na Tingzhu's face changed slightly, and a white light law energy floated on the surface of his body extremely fast.

when! A crisp metal crash sounded, and a vague little sword was bounced away from his body.

This small sword is the heart sword.

Lin Fei moved, calmly avoiding the court master's attack.

Rumble...Ten huge white crystal **** blasted at the place where Lin Fei just stood. A terrible explosion occurred, and all of a sudden, the void was completely destroyed.

when! when! ...Next, Lin Fei used his heart sword three or four times in a row to attack the court master.

Na Ting was mainly distracted to deal with Xin Jian, so there was no way to launch an effective attack on Lin Fei.

Because, although he can sense the heart sword, he must concentrate on it.

If you are slightly distracted, it will be difficult to sense the heart sword synchronously.

Therefore, the current situation is that it is more difficult for Lin Fei's heart sword to hurt the court master.

The court master wanted to attack Lin Fei, but couldn't let go of his hands and feet.

The two sides are in a glued state.

"Huh! It is rare to be able to cultivate the power of mind to this point in ancient and modern times."

In the end, the court master stood still and stopped attacking Lin Fei. He stared at Lin Fei faintly. After watching for a moment, he let out a cold snort.


Lin Fei nodded calmly.

The entire boundless sea of ​​chaos can allow the court master of the Western Holy See to praise the creatures with phoenix hair scales and horns.

"Young man, I remember you.

You kill my Emperor God Ting, and the ultimate fate can only be atonement with death. "

The court master left a cold and faint word, which disappeared directly.

"Lord God, really amazing.

If I hadn't practiced the Heart Sword, I guess it would be inevitable today. "

"It's just a ghost clone, so terrifying, if I encounter his body in the future, how should I deal with it?"

Lin Fei looked at the place where the court master disappeared, feeling great pressure.

"My strength is still far from enough."

Lin Fei has a stronger sense of urgency.

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