Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3536: News from the Highest World

At this moment, Lin Fei's heart suddenly moved.

"Be careful!"

Lin Fei let out a loud roar, displayed his heart sword, and slashed towards the void.

That place was very close to the true **** slaves under Lin Fei and the Alliance army.

when! There was a clear metal crashing sound in the void, and a white mist of energy erupted like a tide.

Then, the figure of the court master appeared again.

"Release people immediately, otherwise, no matter what the price is, I will kill all your subordinates."

Lord Ting said coldly.

In the war just now, all the gods of the Western Holy See were arrested and became prisoners under the ranks. Before Lin Fei had time, he used the secret method of puppets to subdue them into slaves.

Now, the governor of the Western Holy See is about to save people.

Lin Fei couldn't help but narrow his eyes after hearing what the court master said.

"Okay, I'll let them go."

Lin Fei calculated it in his heart and said in a loud voice.

If the Divine Soul clone of the court master really had to fight to the death, even if all of Lin Fei's men were not dead, they would lose a large part of it.

So Lin Fei had to let go.

Lin Fei waved his sleeves and rolled up all the arrested gods of the Western Holy See and threw them away.

The big hand of the court master quickly enlarged, grabbed forward, grabbed all the gods in his palm, turned and stepped out, and disappeared.

"Young man, your breath is very familiar."

Before leaving, the court master left a word.

Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised.

It seems that this court master has already doubted his identity.

Um, Lin Fei's divine consciousness tightly perceives this chaotic void, and it was not until half an hour later that he slowly breathed a sigh of relief, confirming that the court master who liked the Holy See had indeed left.

"Leader, the one just now, really is the Lord of the Western Holy See?"

A group of high-level members of the alliance army surrounded Lin Fei, asking in a shocking tone.

"Yes, he is the court lord of the Western Holy See, but he is just a ghost clone."

Lin Fei nodded.

"So, lord, you have beaten the lord of the Western Holy See!"

The high-levels of the alliance army were shocked to the extreme.

What a remarkable record this is, it actually drove away the court lord of the Western Holy See. If this matter is spread out, it will definitely make the entire boundless Chaos Sea a complete sensation.

"Master is mighty!"

"The master's work will cover billions of years, and the world is invincible!"

"As soon as the master got out of the horse, the court master of the Western Holy See was so scared!"

... The **** slaves mentioned by Lin Fei are singing their praises one by one, and the more they say it, the more nasty they are.

In the minds of these slaves, Lin Fei's interests were their most important, core, and most concerned interests.

Lin Fei's glory is as important as their own glory! "Okay, let's go first.

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. "

Lin Fei took out a flying boat, took the men and horses, entered the flying boat, and left at great speed.

Lin Fei understood that if he didn't quickly find a place to hide, it wouldn't take long for the coalition of the five superpowers to come.

Moreover, it is very likely that there will be a half-step main **** leading the team.

Even among the five superpowers, some of the most powerful and top masters may also come.

Compare the ontology of the court lord of the Western Holy See! Don't look at Lin Fei's current combat power.

If there is a main god, there is no way to deal with it.

"Leader, what do we do next."

In the flying boat, the high level of the Alliance army came to discuss with Lin Fei.

"Go back to three thousand worlds."

Lin Fei said.

All the members of the alliance army scattered in the boundless sea of ​​chaos have been found, and the mission that came out this time has been completed.

A Zi's becoming a **** is probably not long after.

Lin Fei intends to go back and personally accompany A Zi to cross the robbery together.

After Azi became a god, Lin Fei and Azi would go to the Sky Demon Valley together to find the whereabouts of the nine-tailed demon fox family.

The flying boat flew back in the direction of a world of three thousand sizes.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged in the secret room of Feizhou, closing his eyes to rest.

"Master, the spy reports.

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, a creature has discovered the highest world. "

Suddenly, an upper **** true **** slave spoke to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei once sent dozens of true **** slaves to act as spies to collect all kinds of news everywhere in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Those true **** slaves are all from the five superpowers, walking in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, which is very convenient.


Discovered the highest world! "

Lin Fei's heart moved and became interested.

"Well, lead the way, let's go and see too."

Lin Fei immediately turned around and hurried towards the location where he found the highest world.

On this day, not only Lin Fei, but the entire boundless Chaos Sea, there are countless masters across the chaos void, all gathering in the direction where the discovery of the highest world is heard.

The Supreme World has a huge attraction to every creature in the boundless chaotic sea.

Everyone hopes to enter the highest world and explore.

A corner of the boundless Chaos Sea.

A void filled with endless fragments of time and space.

Here, there is a dark vacuum zone everywhere, there is no time, no space, only eternal, absolute vacuum, and hurricanes of time and space that are roaring crazily.

A series of terrifying chaotic divine thunders, like dragons of different colors, chopped down from time to time, destroying the originally shattered space.

In addition, there are all kinds of incomplete laws that float through the void from time to time, like ribbons that have been cut off.

Every incomplete law exudes monstrous hostility, which makes people palpitating.

Here, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, there is a fierce Jedi called Nine Heavens and Ten Earths! A true Jedi.

In the entire boundless Chaos Sea, most of the creatures talked about the place where the tiger's face changed.

Even if the true **** enters here, there is always the danger of falling.

It is said that several main gods once entered the Nine Heavens and Ten Divine Valleys and explored them, and finally came to the conclusion that there were only a variety of harsh and extremely dangerous environments, without any treasures or opportunities.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, no one wants to enter this evil valley.

However, now, there are a large group of masters who continue to be outside the Nine Heavens and Ten Divine Valleys.

Every master uses his eyesight, displays great supernatural powers, looks and feels inside Shagu.

"Can't be wrong, there is indeed a plane inside.

From the perspective of world quality, it is more advanced than the advanced world, and that is a supreme world. "

One and a half steps the main **** said in a loud voice.

This half-step main **** came from Yaodu.

"Yes, I saw it too."

"From the breath of that plane, it should indeed be a supreme world."

...Other masters also nodded one after another.

"Mr. Mu, what do you think."

Everyone looked at an old man with white beard and hair and asked.

For this old man, every master has shown a kind of respect.

Because this old man is a famous prophet in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, called Mr. Mu.

Able to predict the past and the future, things are like a god! There is a saying that in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, all the deduction techniques that have been spread in various world groups, races, and sects are inherited from Mr. Mu! Some of the main gods in the boundless chaotic sea sometimes find this Mr. Mu and ask him to do calculations and solve various problems.

Therefore, the position of this Mr. Mu in the boundless sea of ​​chaos can be imagined.

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